The farmer has a mall

Chapter 220 Smelting

Chapter 220 Smelting

Anyang State sent people to come to peace talks, and it was Ning Tianlu who came.

When he came, Gu Nanyan just came back from Qingxiang Tower, so Gu Yao called her together.

The main tent was crowded with people, and Gu Nanyan sat down quietly in the eyes of everyone.

Ning Tianlu, who was sitting opposite, looked at her. When he knew that she was the leader of the famous Kamikaze Battalion, he looked at her for a while, and then smiled gently.

"I have admired the name of Kamikaze for a long time, and it is a great blessing to meet Miss Gu in this life."

"If there is a chance, Ning would like to have a long talk with the girl and exchange experiences to learn from each other's strengths."

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes at him, picked up the fruit on the table and took a bite.

"I don't need to make up for the length, don't try to take advantage of me!"

She curled her lips, and glanced at his indescribable parts contemptuously.

Ning Tianlu: "..."

The corner of his mouth trembled twice, and his face turned red visibly.

He was just saying a few polite words, but how did she, a girl, say such tiger and wolf words!
The scene was embarrassing for a while, Gu Yao, who was sitting at the top, coughed lightly, trying to suppress the urge to cover his granddaughter's mouth.

"Hehe, Sister Nan is used to joking, Captain Ning, don't worry about it."

He changed the subject and focused everyone's attention on Ning Tianlu.

"Lieutenant Ning's surname is Ning, but the Ning family in Anyang?"

Ning Tianlu's expression softened, and he nodded stiffly.

"General Yingming, I am the nephew of General Ning. I am entrusted by Concubine Ning to come here this time. I want to ask if your country is willing to release my uncle."

Speaking of business, he said with a serious expression: "We are willing to exchange 500 million taels of silver, what does General Gu think?"

Gu Yao stroked his beard deeply, as if thinking.

500 million taels of silver is not a decimal number, it is basically the income of Anyang State treasury for more than half a year.

In normal times, Gu Yao would definitely agree without saying a word. After all, the situation in Jianan Kingdom has not been very good in recent years, and 500 million can do a lot of things.

But now the person who wants to exchange is Ning Zongyuan, so the price is different.

So he didn't speak, just smiled meaningfully.He bowed his head and took a sip of tea.

How could Ning Tianlu not understand, he never thought that he could exchange only 500 million taels for his uncle who was probably the next emperor.

To offer 500 million taels first is just waiting for the other party to bargain.

"Of course, these silver coins are only our country's compensation for the damage caused by the war on the border. The imperial concubine has other important gifts in exchange."

He winked at the soldier carrying a tray behind him.

The soldier uncovered the red cloth on the tray, and handed the contents to Gu Yao.

Gu Yao took it curiously and flipped through it casually.

Immediately, his eyes widened in shock, and he looked at Ning Tianlu in disbelief.

"This is... the Anyang ironmaking method!"

Gu Yao's voice was a little trembling, although there was only half of the content here, it still made him reluctant to let it go.

The reason why Anyang Kingdom is known as the largest country is that apart from its rich geographical location and the famous Weiyang Army, there is one other thing that other countries do not have.

That is their unique ironmaking technique!
The iron they smelt has few impurities and is hard, and the weapons they make are extremely sharp, much stronger than ordinary methods.

You must know that the confrontation between the two armies depends not only on the strength of the soldiers themselves, but also the weapons in their hands are the key to victory.

The reason why the Zhenbei Army has been trampled by the Weiyang Army for so many years is not unrelated to this iron smelting technique.

All the people present were military generals, so they were naturally very excited, and all their eyes were on the thin booklet in Gu Yao's hand.

Gu Yao was even more excited, and almost agreed.

He simply remembered what his granddaughter had told him, so he gave her the brochure in his hand.

Gu Nanyan turned it back and forth, curled her lips and threw it back into the tray.

"It's just a crucible smelting technique, and it's only half. I thought it was a good thing."

Although this method can indeed smelt refined iron, and even steelmaking is no problem if conditions permit, the bad thing is that its output is too low, and the smelting time is long, so it cannot be widely used.

The obvious disdain in Gu Nanyan's tone, and the exact word "crucible" that few people know, made Ning Tianlu stunned for a moment.

This kind of technology is only owned by them in Anyang State, and apart from a few core figures, even the prince doesn't know about it.

But how did Gu Nanyan, a native of Jianan, know about the crucible smelting technique? !
"Who is so poor, you have the nerve to take this broken thing out?"

"We don't want it, take it back to your master."

It's really interesting, this is a beggar!
When Gu Yao heard his granddaughter's words, he twitched in distress.

Anyang country's weapons are stronger than theirs, this has always been his heart disease.

Now that the smelting technique is right in front of her eyes, her granddaughter said... no?
Gu Yao felt flustered and short of breath.

"Sister Nan, how about we..."

As he spoke, his hand was about to reach into the tray.

Gu Nanyan: "..."


Seeing that Gu Yao's hand was about to touch the tray, Gu Nanyan grinned and said, "I can come up with a better method than this smelting technique. Are you sure grandfather wants this?"

Gu Yao immediately withdrew his hand when he heard the words, and continued to stroke his beard as if nothing happened.

"Sister Nan is right, your country is too dishonest."

Gu Yao whose attitude suddenly changed, scholar Gu Nanyan pouted and shook his head.

Ning Tianlu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Although the others didn't know what kind of tricks Gu Yao, grandson and grandson were playing together, they still trusted Gu Nanyan who saved them.

Since she said that she could come up with better smelting techniques, and the strange box in the hands of the kamikaze team, several soldiers of the Zhenbei Army nodded in agreement with Gu Yao in tacit agreement.

Qu Xiao looked very impatient with a straight face.

"Nan girl is right, this thing is of no use to us, Captain Ning should take it back."

He returned after receiving Gu Yao's letter on the day Weiyang Army withdrew from Wuyin County.

When he knew that it was Gu Nanyan who single-handedly saved the general and defeated Ning Zongyuan, he instantly became her little fan, following her around all day long.

Now even Gu Nanyan agrees with everything he says.

Ning Tianlu frowned, the reactions of these people were obviously not within his expectation.

He glanced at Gu Nanyan, who was sitting or not, leaning against the back of the chair, and then at Gu Yao, who was originally excited but now apparently lost interest in the crucible smelting technique, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

This is the biggest hole card given by Concubine Ning Gui, and it is also the only thing he can offer in exchange.

If they were brought in front of the Liang Kingdom, they would not hesitate even if they exchanged the city.

But this girl who seemed to be as tall as his chest was able to make the entire Zhenbei Army generals give up this priceless smelting technique with one voice.

Ning Tianlu's heart sank, and he suddenly felt that this negotiation might end empty-handed.

He was silent for a while, and said to Gu Yao: "General Gu should know what this thing means to a country and the army, so it seems a little rushed to refuse like this."

"It's better for the general to think about it for a few more days, and ask the emperor of your country what he thinks."

In his opinion, such an important matter is obviously not something that a general Gu Yao can decide. It should be reported to the emperor first, and the king of a country should make the decision.

And Ning Tianlu's words are undoubtedly reminding other generals that Gu Yao's self-assessment is obviously overstepping.

Sure enough, as his voice fell, everyone who was still echoing fell silent.

Even Gu Yao frowned.

Because if this matter is serious, it should really be handed over to the capital first, and all civil and military officials will make a joint decision.

Seeing that his words had an effect, Ning Tianlu was secretly relieved, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

The king's life will not be accepted, in fact, even if Gu Yao refuses him today, there is nothing he can do.

But before he came, he had inquired about Gu Yao's character, and knew that he was a very loyal courtier, so he said this.

The purpose is to make Gu Yao lose the initiative in this matter, so that he can continue talking.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyelids, and seeing that he looked quite complacent, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Hearing him mention Li Mi, Gu Nanyan tilted her head and thought for a moment, sinking her consciousness into the space.

She rummaged for a long time in the corner where the sundries were stored, and finally found a golden sign in the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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