The farmer has a mall

Chapter 221 Sister

Chapter 221 Sister
In the main tent, everyone including Gu Yao knelt on the ground.

The old god Gu Nanyan threw the gold token with the words "as if I came in person" on the table.

She looked at the sluggish Ning Tianlu with impatience in her expression.

"They can't be the masters, but I should be the masters."

She stood up, helped Gu Yao who was kneeling at the front, and walked slowly to Ning Tianlu.

"Now I will tell you that if you want to exchange Ning Zongyuan back, you can first settle the debt owed to me last time, otherwise nothing will be discussed!"

A few months ago, Guan Hanfei led people to the capital for peace talks. Whoever thought that he would be recalled to the capital halfway would have nothing to say, and let the Weiyang army attack the city again in an attempt to take advantage of the fire.

Gu Nanyan thinks that she is not a good talker, and this war has caused her a lot of losses, how could she let the instigator go so easily.

Now Anyang country wants to negotiate peace again, yes.

Then settle the new account and the old account together, in short, don't even think about it until the skin is peeled off!
Gu Nanyan left after saying this, leaving only the generals looking at each other in blank dismay.

Qu Xiao poked Gu Yao, who hadn't recovered, with his elbow, and asked in a low voice, "Old Gu, do you still have this treasure in your granddaughter's hand?"

He pouted on the desk, and the gold medal, which was more valuable than the gold medal for avoiding death, was lying in a pile of melon and fruit peels.

Qu Xiao grinned, suddenly wondering if this girl Gu Nanyan was a bit aggressive.

Such an important thing, to leave it alone?

Gu Yao shook his beard, pretended to be calm, picked up the gold medal, and wiped it on his cuff calmly.

"Hehe, the emperor has always loved Sister Nan very much, and it's just a gold medal, no, it's not surprising."

Qu Xiao: "..."

He squinted at his old friend, always feeling that he was more shocked by this than himself, as if he didn't know that his granddaughter had such a brand.

Of course Gu Yao didn't know!
Even Gu Nanyan almost forgot the existence of this thing.

She only remembered that when she entered the palace after being established as a princess, Li Mi mysteriously handed her the sign and told her that if anyone dared to bully her or disrespect her in the future, she would throw the sign out and keep the person kneeling down. beg for mercy.

She just glanced at it at that time, and only saw the words "If I come in person" on it, and threw it into the space.

If Ning Tianlu hadn't said that she would wait for Li Mi to make an order in person today, she wouldn't be able to remember this thing.

Gu Yao wiped his face and watched all his colleagues trying to hold up their smiling faces.

"This child has always had a bad memory, and he left such precious things behind."

It is a serious crime to lose an imperial gift, not to mention that this is a golden token of "as if I were here in person"!

If it is spread by someone with a heart, at least one crime of disrespect must be punished!

Everyone is human, how could they not understand Gu Yao's meaning, and they all kindly helped to lie.

Although they all saw that Gu Nanyan really didn't care about this brand...


With a heavy heart, Ning Tianlu returned to the Weiyang army garrison, and wrote a letter to Concubine Ning himself, waiting for her next instructions.

Gu Nanyan, on the other hand, went to Qingxiang Tower every day to change Gu Shen's medicine and help Wei Shi recuperate his body.

A few days later, it was finally time to give him hemodialysis.

Gu Shen waited outside the room that Gu Nanyan asked people to clear out, rubbing his hands nervously.

Sanjin, the little eunuch who had been following Fu Tuo almost inseparably, was also nervously wandering back and forth in the corridor.

Only the shopkeeper of Qingxianglou was still calm, but the clenched fists behind his back gave away his emotions.

Thinking of what the master had said to him before, Shopkeeper Jin sighed.

"No matter what the result is today, you must not hurt her."

Fu Tuo was sitting by the window, looking at the street scene across the street, with no emotion in his voice, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

"If Gu can't get out of this room today, you will give her the token of Yinlongwei. From then on, she will be your new master, and will protect Gu..."

Looking at the closed door in front of him.Shopkeeper Jin closed his eyes, and could only hope that the master did not trust the wrong person.

Gu Nanyan stuck the needle into Fu Tuo's arm, and the bright red blood slowly flowed into the dialyzer along the needle.

"The whole process will take about two to three hours. If you are bored, you can take a nap first." She lowered her eyes and said.

Fu Tuo's eyes were full of smiles, and he shook his head slowly.

"I'm alone... I'm not sleepy."

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything after hearing the words, and continued to work on the matter in hand.

"I heard that Miss Gu's mother passed away a long time ago, do you miss her?" Fu Tuo asked softly.

Gu Nanyan was startled, then replied flatly, "I don't want to."


Fu Tuo seemed very surprised and looked at her curiously.

"Why don't you want to?"

He sat up close to her side.

"Don't you want to have a mother who loves you and loves you like other children? Don't you want someone to hug and coax you when you are wronged? Don't you want to..."

"In no mood!"

Gu Nanyan didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and said categorically.

"First, I am no longer a child, and I don't need to be coaxed. Second..."

She looked into Fu Tuo's shocked eyes with an extremely serious expression.

"Secondly, no one can make me feel wronged, not even the emperor!"

Fu Tuo stared blankly at Gu Nanyan, who looked almost exactly like his mother, with a dazed expression.

"Don't you think it's unfair?" he murmured.

"Obviously they are all children. Some people have been pampered and wanted whatever they wanted since they were young. Some people can't even eat enough and have been bullied and insulted. It seems that... they were born wrong."

Fu Tuo's throat rolled, as if he remembered something unpleasant, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and looked at him for a while, then took out a mint candy from her snack bag.

"Then beat down all those who bully you until no one dares to bully you again!"

She stretched out her white and tender hand, lifted off Fu Tuo's mask, and before he could react, stuffed the piece of candy into his mouth that opened in surprise.

"During the treatment, I will always observe your face, this mask..." She casually threw the gold mask on the table.

"It's in the way."

Fu Tuo felt a coolness hit his mouth, and the coolness rushed straight to the top of his head, dispelling his depressed mood.

He looked at Gu Nanyan with a complicated expression, and saw that she only glanced at his face, then sat on the recliner opposite him, picked up a picture album at hand and read it as if nothing had happened.

"You... have known it for a long time?" Fu Tuo asked nonchalantly.

Although he and Gu Nanyan are of different genders, their appearances are similar to their mother's, and they are [-]% similar.

With Gu Nanyan's eyesight, it is impossible not to see it.

But she just glanced lightly, didn't ask anything, and didn't say anything.

Gu Nanyan didn't make a sound, took out a handful of peanuts from her pouch and ate them with relish, turning the pages of the picture album in her hand from time to time.

The room became quiet again. As time passed, Fu Tuo gradually felt lighter and lighter, and his short and thick breathing gradually became longer and more powerful.

He looked at the obviously blood-colored arm, and his heartbeat accelerated unconsciously.

He would accept Gu Nanyan's treatment, originally with the mentality of trying, thinking that the best result would be to remove a little bit of the toxin.

Unexpectedly, the effect turned out to be so good!

Fu Tuo's gradually rosy lips trembled, and he suddenly had the hope of living.

"How long will this state of loneliness last?"

He still couldn't believe that the poison that had been in his body since birth was gone like this?

Gu Nanyan threw a peanut into her mouth, and pointed to the other side of the dialyzer.

"There are too many toxins in your body, one treatment cannot completely remove the remaining toxins in your body, and it can only be in this state until the next treatment."

Gu Nanyan thought that he was dissatisfied with the treatment, so it was rare for him to explain.

Her tone was calm and calm, but it made Fu Tuo's heart fluctuate.

He looked at the calm and leisurely Gu Nanyan, the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

"Thank you... my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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