The farmer has a mall

Chapter 222 Gu Shen blew himself up

Chapter 222 Gu Shen blew himself up
In the private room of Tianzihao, Gu Nanyan sat by the window and looked out, frowning for some unknown reason.

Gu Shen looked at Fu Tuo whose face was obviously turning red with relief, feeling a lot of emotion for a while, and was very glad that he let Sister Nan meet him.

"Now that it's healed, you should take better care of your body in the future, and don't give up on yourself like before."

Gu Shen couldn't help rambling, Fu Tuo just smiled and listened to him, feeling lighter than ever before, wishing he could go for a run outside now.

"Uncle said yes, Gu will remember."

His eyes were bright, and he walked back and forth in the house energetically, as if he wanted to make up for the distance he had missed in the past ten years.

Sanjin cautiously followed behind him, raising his arms to support him.

"Your Highness, take it easy, Miss Gu told you to rest." He sniffed, his eyes moist.

Fu Tuo looked at him helplessly, and felt a little tired after walking for half an hour, so he didn't insist any more.

"My sister said that I need another blood change to clean up the remaining poison in my body, but Gu feels that it is completely healed."

He wiped the fine sweat from his brow, feeling extremely happy.

Since he was sensible, he could only walk from the house to the yard to sit every day, and he never felt the feeling of sweating profusely after exercising.

Even if you can take a walk in the yard when you grow up, the feeling of sweating your clothes due to weakness is completely different from this time.

If there were no outsiders around, he would have jumped twice on the spot.

Gu Nanyan turned her head slowly, her brows still frowning.

"You can walk around appropriately, but not strenuous exercise. Your body needs time to recover, and it will be counterproductive to act too hastily."

She patted the dust on the skirt of her clothes due to being close to the window, and called the bearded man who was patrolling back and forth downstairs to come up.

This bearded man was the one who had promised to be the captain when he was in the Northwest, and now he has fulfilled his wish.

He saluted Gu Nanyan respectfully, and said in a low voice, "I don't know why the master asked his subordinates to come up?"

Gu Nanyan glanced at him, then looked out the window again.

"You take the people downstairs away, and another 200 people come over."

The bearded Xu Hu was a little puzzled: "But what did they do wrong to dissatisfy the master?"

Gu Nanyan shook her head slowly: "No, you did a good job."

It was because they were so good that she wanted them to go back.

Xu Hu didn't ask any more questions after hearing the words, and took the man away with orders.

Although Fu Tuo was puzzled, he didn't say anything, and happily drank a glass of fruit wine that he only dared to taste before.

This fruit wine has an extremely low alcohol content, even if a woman drinks too much, she won't get drunk, so Gu Nanyan didn't stop him, and drank a glass too.

The two drank fruit wine and talked a few words from time to time. They talked about trivial matters, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

At this time, Gu Shen seemed to have been hit by someone's acupuncture points, and he stared blankly at the two of them coming and going, as if they had known each other for a long time.

"Wei Shi, you, what do you call Miss Nan?"

He stammered and asked, suddenly reacting to a very serious matter.

Fu Tuo didn't wear a mask!

Seeing Gu Shen's eyes turn back and forth on the two of them, his face was full of astonishment.

Fu Tuo smiled heartily at him, and said briskly, "Yanyan already knows."

Gu Shen: "..."

With a trembling face, he looked at his daughter, who seemed to be thinking about something with her eyelids lowered.

"You, you... Do you know that I'm not your real father?!" Gu Shen asked with a trembling voice.

Gu Shen's heart skipped a beat when he thought that his daughter might never call him father again.

"Daughter, although I am not your real father, I have always treated you as my own daughter. You can't stop being your father!"

Gu Shen howled, the sound was deafening, and the shopkeeper Jin, who was guarding the door downstairs, shivered in fright.

Fu Tuo's heart skipped a beat, but it was too late to stop him. He watched Gu Nanyan's face gradually darken.

"you say……"

"Aren't you my dear father?"

Gu Nanyan's complexion was gloomy, and he asked every word.

Gu Shen stopped crying and stared at her in a daze.

"You, don't you know all about it?"

Fu Tuo rubbed his forehead and looked at him rather speechlessly.

"Yanyan only knew that she was Gu's biological sister, but didn't know that you were not her biological father."

He sighed, his mind running fast, thinking about how to comfort Gu Nanyan.

Most people should be shocked and sad when they hear this news.

He looked in Gu Nanyan's direction with some distress, but saw that she was looking at him quietly.

Fu Tuo: "..."

For some reason, Gu felt as if he had said the wrong thing.

" are my brother?" Gu Nanyan squeezed out these words between her teeth, her eyes seemed to be eating people.

Gu Shen stared blankly at Fu Tuo.

"Didn't you say that Sister Nan already knows?"

Gu Shen was a little out of breath.

Why did he feel that he had exposed his old background?

Fu Tuo: "..."

Gu, Gu doesn't know, so what did my sister know before?
"Yanyan, when you changed Gu's blood just now, didn't you admit that you knew your own life experience?" Fu Tuo asked uncertainly.

He and Gu Shen originally planned to hide it from her until he settled everything.

It was because of her extremely calm expression at that time that he revealed his identity and recognized his sister!

"I just thought you were my cousin!"

It really beeped the dog.

Seeing the similar appearance of the two, she only thought her mother and Fu Tuo's mother were two sisters, but she never expected that she would become someone else's child.

"Then why did you take off my mask?" Fu Tuo asked unwillingly.

"Didn't I say that I should observe your complexion at any time, and wear a mask and you will treat me as if I have clairvoyant eyes!"

"But... when you saw Gu's face, your expression was very calm..."

Fu Tuo was also a little out of breath at this time, he and Gu Shen held their chests on the left and right, and his face turned pale with a bang.

Gu Nanyan sneered again and again, looking at them with very unfriendly eyes.

Gu Nanyan: Is it my fault for the facial paralysis?
Gu Shen only felt that the sky was about to fall, and he didn't care about his majesty as an elder, so he hugged Gu Nanyan's arm with a wow.

"Girl, dad is wrong, it's because dad is talking too fast, dad shouldn't have let you come here, please forgive dad, let's leave this place of right and wrong, and pretend nothing happened, okay? Woo."

Gu Shen felt that pain in his heart.

My daughter's attitude towards him has just become better recently, and he still wants to hear her call him daddy, but he can't make her angry again!
Gu Nanyan: "..."

Fu Tuo: "..."

San Jin: "..."

Shopkeeper Jin downstairs: Well, the sound insulation of the package seems to be not very good, it seems that it needs to be redecorated.

The veins on Gu Nanyan's forehead twitched, and he tried his best to suppress the urge to throw the two of them out.

"So... whose seed is Lao Tzu!"

She stretched out her tender little hand to pull Gu Shenpa away, and pushed him back to his original position.

Seeing that Gu Shen still wanted to get closer to her, Gu Nanyan made a sharp look and threatened him fiercely.

"Sit down for me, I'll howl and throw you out, believe it or not!"

Gu Shen: "..."

I believe!
He twisted his body uncomfortably, and murmured: "Actually, you don't have to know about this..."

When he said this, he quietly raised his eyes to look at Gu Nanyan, and seeing her gnashing her teeth, he immediately fell silent.

Fu Tuo let out a sigh of relief, knowing that if he didn't tell her clearly about today's matter, he might not give up.

He waved his hand at Sanjin behind him, signaling him to back down.

Only when he, Gu Shen and Gu Nanyan were left in the room did they speak slowly.

"This matter has to start from 16 years ago..."

He had just started talking, and he was still thinking about how to tell her about his grandfather's family.

Suddenly a figure flashed in from the window opposite him, holding a sharp sword and stabbing straight at Gu Nanyan whose back was facing him.

(End of this chapter)

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