The farmer has a mall

Chapter 223 Capture Ning Zongqing

Chapter 223 Capture Ning Zongqing

"Sister Nan!"


Gu Shen and the two were terrified, they hurriedly got up to stop them.

But seeing Gu Nanyan's body sideways, easily dodged the long sword, turned around and got behind the man.

"It's you who's waiting!" Gu Nanyan hooked the corner of his mouth and kicked his knee.

The man in black was caught off guard, and knelt down on the ground with a plop. He subconsciously moved towards the table in front of him, but only caught the tablecloth, and spilled the wine on the table.

The sound of broken porcelain caused Sanjin at the door to break in instantly, followed by the treasurer Jin who had been staying downstairs.

Seeing this, the man in black wanted to get up and run away, but Gu Nanyan stepped on his back, making him unable to move.

"Yanyan, are you okay!"

Fu Tuo turned pale with fright.

The scene where the man directly took Gu Nanyan's heart just now flashed before his eyes like a nightmare.

Gu Shen was also quite frightened. Although he knew Gu Nanyan's strength better than Fu Tuo, it was one thing to know, but another to worry about it.

When he saw that the man in black was about to stab his daughter with his sword, he subconsciously got up to block it, but was pushed out by Gu Nanyan.

The people on the ground struggled, their eyes exposed under the black cloth were fierce and vicious.

Gu Nanyan stepped on him and squatted down, and lifted the black cloth on his face.

"I've been waiting for you for a few days, and I almost gave you my neck, which can be regarded as showing my face!"

She patted the man's face and grinned triumphantly.

Since five days ago, she has noticed that someone is secretly observing them, but because the kamikaze team is strictly guarded, they have never had a chance to attack.

She couldn't figure out who this person was after, and today Fu Tuo would rush back to Anyang after finishing his treatment.

She knew that Fu Tuo had been hiding a few masters who were not weak in martial arts.

If the person came at him, it would not be dangerous to be followed by him, but she would not be able to catch him!

So just now she asked Xu Hu to take the kamikaze team away, giving him a chance to make a move.

Ning Zongqing stared at Gu Nanyan with tearing eyes.

Ever since he knew that his brother had been arrested, he was so anxious that he did everything possible to inquire about a lot of news about that battle.

But at that time, all the Zhenbei Army were present, and it was with great difficulty that he got in touch with the spies his brother had placed in the army, and learned something about that day.

The spy was far away, and only knew that Gu Nanyan led the kamikaze team to the rescue that day. Not only did they successfully save the lives of Gu Yao's ancestors and grandchildren, but they also seriously injured Ning Zongyuan.

As for how he was seriously injured, the man didn't know.

So he asked the spy to inquire about Gu Nanyan's whereabouts.

It's just that his status in the army is not high, and he knows very little. He only knows that Gu Nanyan goes to Qingxiang Tower every day, and no one except Gu Yao knows what she does.

Although there is not much news, it is enough for Ning Zongqing who is eager to save people.

As Ning Zongyuan's younger brother, he naturally knew that Gu Nanyan was extremely favored by the emperor, and he was even named a princess.

Not to mention she is Gu Yao's granddaughter.

So he disguised himself and hid in the opposite shop, planning to wait for the opportunity to catch Gu Nanyan in exchange for his brother.

But the kamikaze team is really too conscientious, guarding outside during the day and night, it is even stricter than the guards in the palace!
He has been unable to find a chance to strike, and was about to grit his teeth and attack her on the way back, but he didn't expect this stupid woman to withdraw all the guards around her!

This was a godsend opportunity for him, and after confirming that there was no other ambush, he rushed in impatiently.

Who would have thought that he was caught by Gu Nanyan!

Ning Zongqing gritted his teeth fiercely, as if wishing he could rush up and bite her off.

"You sinister villain!"

Gu Nanyan grinned, taking advantage of his praise.

On the other side, the moment the mask was removed, Fu Tuo's eyes turned cold.

"Ning Zongqing!" He gritted his teeth.

Fu Tuo lived in the East Palace all year round and rarely showed up, so Ning Zongqing didn't recognize him at all, but he did recognize Ning Zongqing.

"Ning Zongqing?" Gu Shen frowned.

"But Ning Zongyuan's younger brother?"

He had long heard that Ning Zongyuan had a brother, and the relationship between the two had always been good. Even Ning Zongqing's martial arts were taught by his brother little by little.


"Why is he here?"

Not to mention that there is no news of Ning Zongqing joining the army in the intelligence, it is that Wuyin County has never opened the city gate since the Weiyang Army retreated, so it is absolutely impossible for anyone to sneak in.


Unless he was already in the city!
Gu Shen couldn't help remembering that his father had told him about the loss of the token before, and at this moment he was absolutely sure that the person behind it was this guy!
Gu Nanyan couldn't help being happy when he heard that this person was Ning Zongyuan's younger brother, and looked at him carefully for a while, and there were indeed some similarities.

She originally thought that Ning Zongyuan alone would not be able to squeeze out much benefit, but now she has another bargaining chip in her hands.

She rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of an idea.

Just at this time Xu Hu came back, so she asked someone to cover Ning Zongqing's head, and personally escorted him back to the station.

Gu Yao looked at Ning Zongqing who was lying on the ground speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

Seeing Gu Nanyan's triumphant look, Gu Yao secretly sighed.

At this time, he still didn't know that Gu Nanyan had already learned about his life experience. He only felt that the two brothers fell into the hands of Sister Nan one after another, and he didn't know if it was retribution.

"How is your father injured?" Gu Yao asked.

"Very good, I can eat and sleep, and I can get out of bed and walk around today."

Gu Yao nodded, and took out an envelope from his pocket.

"This is your grandma's letter. It was sent to the northwest at first, and it was only forwarded today."

The grandmother he mentioned naturally refers to Mrs. Liu, and Gu Nanyan has always called Mrs. Gu her grandmother.

Only then did Gu Nanyan realize that she hadn't written to Mrs. Liu for a long time, so she quickly opened it to read.

The letter said that Gu Chengguang, the eldest son of the Gu family, got married at the end of the month, and sent a letter to Beijing to invite Mrs. Liu to attend.

Mrs. Liu didn't want to go back at first, but she thought that her youngest son had also arrived in the capital. The house in the village that had just been built a few days ago was left unattended, and it would be ruined after a long time.

She had nothing to do in Beijing, and Gu Nanyan was not at home, so after careful consideration, she decided to go back.

Gu Nanyan looked at the date at the end of the letter, it has been sent out for less than a month, no matter how slow Liu's speed is, it should have arrived.

She stuffed the letter back into the envelope and told Gu Yao to hide Ning Zongqing well and not to reveal the news of his arrest, so Shi Shiran went back to her tent.

A few days later, Ning Tianlu came to Wuyin County again and expressed Ning Guifei's meaning to Gu Yao.

"The imperial concubine agreed to make up for the items in the last peace negotiation, but how to make up for it needs to be discussed with the courtiers before making a decision."

Gu Yao nodded in understanding.

Although what Anyang State did this time was a bit dishonest, but their request to settle old accounts was also a bit reckless.

So he didn't object, and only said that he would give a few more days, and if there was no result after the matter here was dealt with, he could only bring Ning Zongyuan back to the capital.

In fact, Gu Yao still hopes that Concubine Ning Gui can replace him, because...

He thought of Ning Zongyuan's current appearance, even though he was used to seeing bloody scenes, he couldn't help but feel nauseous.

After he was scraped off a layer of flesh by Sister Nan, no one treated his wounds. Now that the weather is hot, his wounds have festered, and maggots have grown in some places.

But he didn't know what medicine his granddaughter gave him, and he was still in good spirits after being injured like that, and he was there every day, scolding Sister Nan from head to toe.

Once, it was overheard by Gu Nanyan who went for a stroll.

She wasn't angry either, she just took out a small porcelain bottle from her bosom, and ordered the soldiers guarding him to mix it into his food.

The little soldier worshiped Gu Nanyan and regarded her words as a god, so there was no reason why he would not listen.

So from that day on, he strictly followed the requirements of taking care of Nanyan, adding a drop of what was in the medicine bottle to his meal every day.

But in a few days, Ning Zongyuan no longer had the strength to curse.

Every day he screamed in pain or wept itchyly, rolling all over the ground, and the injuries on his body became even more shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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