Chapter 224
The two sides launched a tug-of-war. Gu Nanyan was not satisfied with the conditions they gave, and the other side was also adding chips to test a little bit.

In the end, she was really impatient, so she left the matter to Gu Yao and hid away by herself.

Gu Shen's injuries are almost healed, and he has already returned to the Zhenbei military camp.

On the first day he went back, he pulled out the spy who stabbed him in the back.

Fortunately, that person was just a small corporal leader and did not cause too much loss. He was the one who contacted Ning Zongqing at the beginning.

Gu Nanyan had nothing to do, so he wanted to take Ashilan back to Mingshan County for a walk, and visit the Liu family by the way.

There are more than a dozen counties in Mingshan City, and Mingshan County is the head among them.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan's Princess Mansion was built here.

As the magistrate of Mingshan County, Su Wenfeng naturally shouldered the responsibility of supervising the work.

The Princess Mansion occupies quite a large area, almost occupying half of the street, and only half of it has just been built after several months.

But it was already able to live, Gu Nanyan stood at the gate of the magnificent Princess Mansion, very satisfied.

Su Wenfeng had received the news that she was coming to Mingshan, and was waiting at the door early in the morning.

"Princess, you need to rest for a while. The lower officials held a reception banquet for you at the Yamen, and invited the county magistrates from other counties to welcome you together."

Gu Nanyan frowned. Although she didn't like this kind of occasion very much, it was the first time for her to come back as the master of the fiefdom. She really should meet with the officials below to discuss the future development of Mingshan.

So she simply complied, and led Ashlan into the gate of the princess mansion.

When Bai Zhi was in the northwest, she returned to the capital with the Heda tribe, and there was no one around her to serve her.

Fortunately, Gu Nanyan has always been a hands-on person, so she didn't find it inconvenient.

The head of the princess mansion welcomed her into the door, and the servants in the courtyard stood on both sides of the road to welcome her.

"Princess, these people were arranged by County Magistrate Su. If you have any dissatisfaction, just tell me, and I will order someone to arrange it."

The steward's voice was a little shrill, and he bowed his waist respectfully.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him: "You were also arranged by County Magistrate Su?"

The general manager is in his 50s with a pale face and a slightly fat body.

"The slave's surname is Deng, and he came out of the palace."

Director Deng saw her raising his eyebrows and explained: "This servant once served His Royal Highness King Sheng. He had no relatives or reasons outside the palace. He wanted to find a remote place to spend his old age after leaving the palace. The servant is here to help you take care of the princess mansion."

He raised his head and glanced at Gu Nanyan, and said carefully: "King Cheng said, if the princess is not satisfied with the servant, there is no need to make things difficult, and she will naturally arrange the servant to another place..."

"Have someone prepare meals, I'm hungry." Gu Nanyan interrupted him and walked straight to the front hall.

Manager Deng was taken aback, knowing that she agreed with him to stay, so he hurriedly responded and asked the servants to prepare food.

After lunch, Gu Nanyan was guided by Manager Deng to visit the Princess Mansion.

It is a major event for the princess to build a mansion, so some people were directly transferred from the Ministry of Industry, and the rest were masons from Mingshan County.

One of them was the foreman Huang who built her a house when Gu Nanyan was still in Shangshan Village.

"Grassmen see the princess." Huang Ping saw Gu Nanyan hastily saluted, with a rather nervous expression.

He never expected that the little girl who hired him to build the house at the beginning turned out to be the princess of Jianan Kingdom.

Thinking of the previous disagreements between him and her on the issue of the house, a thin layer of sweat oozed from Huang Ping's forehead.

Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Industry is the main person in charge of this construction. He had met Gu Nanyan as early as in Beijing. Although he was a little surprised by her sudden visit, his expression was quite calm.

"I don't know what the princess likes, but I heard that foreman Huang once built a house for the princess, so I asked someone to find him." Chen Zengyin explained.

The emperor is very concerned about the construction of the princess mansion. In order to better complete the task, he even went to Shangshan Village to visit the old princess's house.

After being amazed by the floor heating inside, he tried his best to find Huang Ping, who was working in the field, and asked him to be responsible for drawing the floor heating passage.

Gu Nanyan nodded and told Huang Ping to stand up, seeing his nervousness, she said casually: "I just took a casual look, you guys continue."

Huang Ping quickly responded, and went back to work again.

Accompanied by Chen Zengyin, Gu Nanyan walked around the construction site. Seeing that everyone was nervous and at a loss, they couldn't do the work at hand, so they didn't stay any longer.

Su Wenfeng prepared a reception banquet for her at noon on the second day.

Gu Nanyan slept beautifully in the brand new bedroom, and didn't get up until the sun was high.

She went straight to the yamen after being served by the maidservant to freshen up.

The reception banquet was placed in the back hall of the yamen, Gu Nanyan was at the top, and the rest of the people sat in two rows on the left and right.

As the host, Su Wenfeng sat down first, and after a brief exchange of greetings, he asked the servants to serve the dishes.

Sitting opposite Su Wenfeng, a man about his age was stroking his goatee with a smile and sighed in his words.

"I am very honored to be under the rule of the princess. After knowing that you came to Mingshan, I wanted to visit Wuyin County, but I was really afraid of disturbing the princess."

Gu Nanyan looked at him, seeing this man's fawning face, he could only chuckle lightly and said, "The war in Wuyin County is stalemate, I really don't have time to see guests."

As soon as she said this, echoes echoed everywhere.

"Speaking of which, Old Dong is also unlucky. In half a year, the enemy broke through the city twice. This time, he injured his leg even more. He still can't get out of bed." The person sitting in the middle sighed.

He is Xie Jinlin, magistrate of Jianzhou County, which is adjacent to Wuyin County.

The old Dong he was talking about was Dong Zhiqian, the county magistrate of Wuyin County. This time, when he was helping the people evacuate, he was slashed on the leg by the enemy and almost cut off his hamstring.

It was also fortunate that Qu Xiao was nearby at that time, otherwise his life would have been lost.

Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing this, and put down the chopsticks with the vegetables.

"Is his injury serious?"

The county magistrate hurriedly said: "Princess Lao is worried, it's okay, it's just that the blood was a little bit more at that time, and it's not a serious problem after these days."

Gu Nanyan nodded when she heard this, and asked Ashlan to fetch a few bottles of wound medicine, and asked that person to take some time to deliver it to Dong Zhiqian.

Xie Jinlin's Jianzhou County borders Wuyin County, and the two often communicate with each other about matters in the county, so among all of you present, the relationship between the two is the best.

He thanked Gu Nanyan for Dong Zhiqian, and promised to send these medicines.

Su Wenfeng let out a sigh of relief, feeling very helpless about the situation in Wuyin County.

It is hard work to take office in a place bordering a neighboring country, and only those with little background or who have offended the powerful are sent there.

And Dong Zhiqian is obviously the former.

However, Mingshan City is a whole. Although the war has the greatest impact on Wuyin County, other counties will inevitably be affected.

"I don't know what the princess's plan is next." Su Wenfeng asked.

Hearing from his little aunt, Gu Nanyan was very favored by the emperor. It stands to reason that the fiefdom should be a beautiful and prosperous land, but it happened to be assigned to Mingshan City, which has not been very peaceful for more than ten years.

Although this is a good thing for them, at least there is a royal princess in charge, and the court will pay more attention to this side.

Gu Nanyan calmly picked up a soup dumpling and took a light bite.

The soup inside overflowed her mouth in an instant, and she narrowed her eyes slightly because of the aroma.

"Regarding this matter, I just want to ask your opinion."

Gu Nan put down his chopsticks in a still unsatisfied mood, and wiped his mouth with the handkerchief handed over by the maidservant behind him.

"Anyang Kingdom is negotiating peace with our country recently, and there will be no more chaos for the time being. I intend to use this time to lay the foundation for the future development of Mingshan."

She glanced around, saw everyone looking at her, and said slowly: "This matter still needs your cooperation."

Su Wenfeng looked at each other, and asked first, "I don't know how the princess needs us to cooperate. If I can do it, I will do my best."

Others also nodded in agreement.

"I intend to build Mingshan City into an industrial city, what do you guys think?"

(End of this chapter)

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