The farmer has a mall

Chapter 225 Building a Factory

Chapter 225 Building a Factory
From Gu Nanyan's point of view, the world's industrial development is not developed, even the most basic woodworking is still lacking.

Originally, she planned to build the fief into a fruit town, but after a long journey from the capital to the northwest, and then from the northwest to Mingshan, she was bumped to the point of falling apart, and suddenly she had the idea of ​​developing industry.

Everyone here naturally does not understand what industry is, Gu Nanyan thought for a moment.

"The development of industry is actually the development of manufacturing. We focus on building inventions, gather creative people from all over the country, and make more efficient and convenient tools or daily necessities for the people."

"just like……"

Gu Nanyan picked up the tableware at hand.

"In ancient times, people ate with their hands. Later, with chopsticks and spoons, people can eat more conveniently and cleanly."

"Another example is the iron plow truck issued by the imperial court, which can grow wheat more efficiently and save manpower and material resources."

"And these need to be invented by someone, and someone needs to mass-produce them before they can benefit ordinary people."

Gu Nanyan tried to choose simple examples to explain, and everyone was a little moved after hearing it.

If it is really like what the princess said, Mingshan will definitely become a place where merchants from all over the country gather. Not only will the local people have something to do and make money, but it will also make the entire Mingshan city more and more prosperous. Even if it surpasses the capital, it is not impossible. .


"Although the idea is good, the person who might have invented the iron plow cart must be so ingenious. How could such a person come to such a remote place like Mingshan?"

The middle-aged man opposite Su Wenfeng frowned.

Gu Nanyan smiled and didn't answer, picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip.

"Your task is to recruit workers for the construction site according to my plan. You don't need to worry about the rest. This palace has its own methods, of course..."

She looked at the middle-aged man with a hesitant expression and said: "I am just discussing with you, if anyone disagrees, you can bring it up, I will definitely not make things difficult."

Originally, she didn't want to do such a troublesome thing, it would be nice to simply grow a fruit.

She can imagine that she will live here for decades in the future, if she keeps talking and yelling at traffic and walking, she might not even want to leave the door.

Everyone whispered, but Gu Nanyan didn't urge him, and just ate the soup dumplings on the table.

Seeing her confident appearance, Su Wenfeng's eyes flashed, and he remembered that in his little aunt's letter, he mentioned that Cui Yao used an iron plow cart to raise conditions with the emperor.

The little aunt's tone was very helpless, he only acted like a cousin for fun, and made her angry again, so he didn't take this matter to heart.

Now that I think about it, that brat Cui Yao has been hanging around with Gu Nanyan all along!
Thinking of the iron plow cart that caused a great commotion when he first arrived in the county, Su Wenfeng felt his hands tremble.


He stood up and asked hesitantly:

"That iron plow cart, was it made by a princess?"

Cui Yao was able to hold it to negotiate terms with the emperor, which shows that this thing is likely to come from his hands.

However, he asked himself clearly what kind of virtue his cousin was, and the iron plow cart was absolutely impossible to be his masterpiece.

Then Gu Nanyan, who was on the same boat as him now, became the most suspicious person!

The others were startled when they heard Su Wenfeng's question, and then laughed and said, "Brother Wenfeng, did you drink too much right after the banquet started? How can the princess do such rough work as a golden branch and jade leaf?"

The person who spoke was Xie Jinlin, the magistrate of Jianzhou County sitting in the middle.

With a funny expression on his face, he shook his head and heheed twice.

"It's true that I didn't do it myself." Gu Nanyan agreed.

She really didn't have such a pair of dexterous hands. When she was a child, she couldn't even fold a paper crane, let alone such a complicated craft as an iron plow cart.

Su Wenfeng looked disappointed, and felt that he was thinking too much.

He was about to sigh when he heard Gu Nanyan's voice sound again.

"I just drew the structure of the iron plow cart, and it was the blacksmith in the capital who made it."


When Gu Nanyan returned to the Princess Mansion, it was already dark, Manager Deng asked someone to bring dinner, she ate a few bites in a hurry and went back to the house.

Developing an industrial city is a slow process that cannot be accomplished overnight.

However, as one of the three major countries, Jianan has nothing to offer as a big country. This is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing.

Coupled with the decline in national strength caused by years of fighting, the strength of the other two countries quickly surpassed that of Jianan.

This is why Emperor Anyang dared to break his promise during the peace talks and once again gathered troops to attack the city.

Because in their eyes, Jianan Kingdom is like a belated general, brave but dying.

As long as they wish, they can cut off the old man's head at any time!

From Gu Nanyan's point of view, this is a very normal thing.

Weak countries have no diplomacy. This sentence is cruel and realistic.

Just like what Anyang country did before, and what she did to Anyang country now.

In order for Jianan Kingdom to remain invincible between the other two countries, it must develop its economy, and economic development requires a stable environment.

As far as the current situation of being besieged on all sides is concerned, it is obviously impossible to do so.

Gu Nanyan thought of the crucible smelting technique that Ning Tianlu took out, thought for a moment, took out a charcoal pencil and A4 paper, and began to write and draw on it.

On the second day, she handed over a plan for the smelter and arsenal to Su Wenfeng.

The smelter only needs to smelt steel, while the arsenal is responsible for processing the smelted steel into weapons for the army.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing needs to be approved by the court before it can be carried out, but Gu Nanyan does not plan to stay in Mingshan County for too long, so he can only let Su Wenfeng build the factory first, and she will greet Li Mi later.

Of course, Gu Nanyan didn't think that Li Mi would refuse such a good deed, after all, the weapons she made would only be provided to the imperial court.

After Su Wenfeng heard about Gu Nanyan's plan, he fell silent. After a while, he got up and gave Gu Nanyan a deep bow.

"Thank you, Princess Su, on behalf of the people of Mingshan."

As the magistrate of a border city, no one knows better than him the losses and injuries caused by war and aggression.

If it is true that Gu Nanyan can refine iron that is harder than Anyang, and create an astonishingly powerful defense weapon, then the people of Mingshan will be able to live a stable life in the future!

In the days that followed, Su Wenfeng was so busy that he didn't touch the ground. In addition to choosing a site for the factory, he also had to find someone to build the factory and recruit workers.

The sun is the strongest in August, and he has been running outside all day, visible to the naked eye from a white-faced scholar who looks like a little black man who just got out of a mine.

As for Gu Nanyan...

After remembering that I still have a shop here, it was only the first day I went to Guose Tianxiang to take a look. The clerks and shopkeepers inside were all new faces, and I didn't know any of them.

Gu Nanyan didn't bother them either. She bought some fruit and then hid back in the Princess Mansion, drinking her iced juice and fanning the purely mechanical wind-up fan she had just had someone make.

Su Wenfeng had a dark face. As soon as he stepped into the main hall of the princess mansion, he felt a gust of wind blowing in his face, blowing away the heat from his body, and his brain, which was drowsy from the sun, instantly woke up a lot.

The whirring sound of fan blades could be heard next to his ears, Su Wenfeng looked up, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

In the spacious hall, several huge fans with a diameter of about one meter were working, and there was also a young man who was dedicated to winding the fans, who would wind them up every half an hour.

Gu Nanyan, on the other hand, was sitting at the top, humming a little song leisurely.

Su Wenfeng: "..."

It's a little worrying.

Since Gu Nanyan came here for half a month, Su Wenfeng has become a frequent visitor to the Princess Mansion.

Seeing him coming, the serving maid poured him a cup of cold tea without Gu Nanyan's instructions.

After Su Wenfeng thanked him, he drank a few cups vigorously, and his mouth, which was dry to the point of bursting, finally healed.

"The factory will be completed in a few days, and the workers are almost recruited, but the smelting furnace drawn by the princess still needs some work."

Su Wenfeng exhaled comfortably, feeling like he was finally alive.

It has to be said that although this princess protecting the country is a bit too troublesome, she is indeed a master with ingenious ideas.

If this so-called fan can be installed in ordinary people's homes one day, then the number of people who die due to the heat every summer will drop sharply!

Thinking of her plan for Mingshan, Su Wenfeng's heart was agitated.

(End of this chapter)

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