The farmer has a mall

Chapter 227 Gu Qing Comes

Chapter 227 Gu Qing Comes
Before Fu Tuo returned to the palace, Gu Nanyan not only gave him a lot of antidotes, but also gave him a hundred kamikaze troops, all of which he had placed in the East Palace.

Although he had never seen the abilities of the Kamikaze Squad, the people he had placed in the Weiyang Army told him the details of that battle.

Therefore, Fu Tuo was not worried about his own safety at this time.

Instead, he secretly hoped that the enemy would come to his door, so that he could see the power of the Kamikaze Army with his own eyes.

For the master's mind of not being afraid of big things, San Jin just pretended not to know.

Because he also wanted to see what was so special about the Kamikaze Squad, which had been mythologized by the Weiyang Army.

But these two people didn't know that their little thoughts were about to come true.

As usual, Fu Tuo fell asleep under Sanjin's care, but just as he felt sleepy, he was startled by a loud bang.

He quickly put on his coat, and it was pitch black inside, but the fire was shining outside.

"Your Highness, it's finally here!"

Sanjin hurried in from the outside, his eyes sparkling, and he looked a little excited.

Fu Tuo glanced at him speechlessly, then hurriedly put on his shoes and walked to the window to open a gap.

I saw dozens of men in black standing in the yard looking around, and there were many companions lying under their feet, and they could feel their panic even through the face scarves.

The kamikaze army who had been ambushing for a long time hit the man in black one after another, and the sound of the gunshots was very clear in the dark night.

In less than a quarter of an hour, nearly a hundred assassins were all wiped out. Battelle stood among a pile of corpses with a gun, and grinned triumphantly at Fu Tuo who was already sluggishly standing at the door.

Fu Tuo: "..."

Gu is a little out of breath, come and give me a hand.

San Jin: "..."

Slaves and slaves are also panicked.

The gunshots quickly attracted the Imperial Forest Army, and the kamikaze team quickly hid, as if they had never appeared, leaving only the corpses of the men in black all over the place.

On the second day, it was rumored among the people that the prince was attacked late at night, but because of his pure filial piety, he attracted the protection of the gods, and sent down thunder to kill all the assassins!

In an instant, the court was boiling, and the calls for releasing the prince were unprecedentedly loud, and the fourth prince was about to be unable to resist.

Ning Guifei heard the words and turned the table in the palace again.

Those 100 people were not ordinary assassins, but masters carefully cultivated by the Ning family, and there were only more than 200 people in total.

This time, in order to completely get rid of Fu Tuo's thorn in his heart, she did not know how many favors she had promised to the elders of the Ning family before they agreed to lend it to her.

But all 100 people died without a single person left!
Concubine Ning held her chest and breathed unevenly.

She calmed down and sat there for a long time without making a sound.

I don't know how long it took before she told the trembling little maid behind her: "Go and invite the fourth prince here."

Her voice was gloomy and her tone was determined.

Since the dark is not enough, then come to the bright!

It just so happens that there is no suitable candidate for the peace talks, so since that bastard has figured it out, he should go further away.

She didn't believe that a helpless and sick child could make such a fuss when he got out of the palace!
Gu Nanyan only received the news that Fu Tuo was coming for peace talks more than ten days later.

She wasn't too surprised, even if Fu Tuo was not the envoy chosen by Anyang, she would guide them to send him over as a candidate.

After all, she had to give him another hemodialysis. If Fu Tuo stayed in Anyang Palace all the time, wouldn't it be possible for her to run all the way there?
She put down the letter Gu Yao wrote to her, got up and went to the smelter.

After deciding to build the factory, Gu Nanyan wrote a letter to Li Mi asking him for someone.

After all, in this era, smelting has always been a state secret.

Ordinary workers are easy to talk about, but there must always be a few core figures who can get in touch with smelting.

And she didn't want to waste too much time recruiting talents because of these things she couldn't see.

After all, the steel in the system mall is much better than these.

Li Mi was surprised and delighted when he received Gu Nanyan's letter.

Before opening the envelope, he carried the letter and walked around in front of the Queen and Concubine Cui proudly.

His action provoked the two of them to overturn their jealousy immediately, and in annoyance, they joined forces with all the concubines to pretend to be sick and closed the palace gate, making Li Mi widowed for a whole month!

Li Mi blew his beard and stared angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

The content of Gu Nanyan's letter simply surprised him, and instantly smoothed out the unhappiness in his heart.

Li Mi was naturally moved by her trust in him, and immediately found someone from the court to take charge of the matter, and this person was Gu Nanyan's uncle Gu Qing.

Li Mi handed this matter over to Gu Qing, and even let him choose the rest of the staff.

Although many people in the DPRK objected and wanted to gain some benefits from this matter, they were suppressed by Li Mi.

Ever since Gu Nanyan's kamikaze team became famous, Li Mi, who thought he had a good friendship with Gu Nanyan, became tougher, and he was no longer the soft-hearted old man he used to be.

Gu Qing came to Mingshan County excitedly, and first went to the Yamen to ask Su Wenfeng about the details of building the factory.

When he learned that Gu Nanyan was going to use the first batch of steel to make a few city defense guns, he almost jumped up for joy.

After he came out of the yamen, he went to the Princess Mansion, first handed her the things that Mrs. Guo had prepared for Gu Nanyan before leaving, and then impatiently dragged his niece to the smelter.

After getting acquainted with all the equipment in the smelter, Gu Qing impatiently assigned the tasks to the people who brought him, so the smelter officially started working three days after he arrived.

What Gu Nanyan taught them was the method of pouring steel.

This method is much more advanced than the crucible smelting technique. Not only is the yield good, but the process only needs to smelt pig iron and wrought iron together.

It is easier to obtain without the need for tedious and tedious procedures.

Gu Qing plunged into the smelter and did not come out. He ate, drank, and messed up in the factory. Gu Yunge, who was almost injured in the middle, didn't see him when he came here.

Gu Nanyan also happily let go, gnawing on melons and fruits and blowing on the fan leisurely all day long, never going out if there is nothing to do.

Until the first batch of steel was smelted, Gu Qing joyfully brought it to the Princess Mansion holding it as if offering a treasure.

Gu Nanyan bared her teeth and looked at her uncle who was blackened by the fire, crying and tearing in front of her. She didn't know whether to drive him out or continue to watch his face covered with snot and tears.

"Sister Nan, uncle, thank you on behalf of the people of Jianan. With this thing, we will have confidence in the future, and we will no longer be afraid of being bullied by others!"

Lu Qing cried and howled, the usually serious and rigid person cried like a child.

This furnace was just a test product, and not much was produced, so Gu Qing transported it to Gu Yao and Li Mi respectively.

The capital is far away, and it takes a long time to go back and forth.

But Wuyin County is very close. Gu Yao rushed to Mingshan County the next day after receiving the things sent by his son, accompanied by Qu Xiao.

So the three hugged each other and cried in front of her.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She waited quietly for them to finish crying with a blank face, and then went to the arsenal with the steel that had just been baked and the three red-eyed men.

The person in charge of the arsenal is Gu Qing's subordinate. After getting the news, he had already asked the workers to wait at their respective positions, ready to start work at all times.

The manufacture of the cannon barrel is very cumbersome, plus lead is used to make projectiles, and everyone is a novice, and it takes ten and a half months to make one.

Gu Nanyan handed him the design drawing of the city defense artillery and explained it in detail, then Shi Shiran went back to the princess mansion to lie down.

The three of Gu Yao naturally stayed in the arsenal, always paying attention to this magical weapon that was said to be able to be installed on the city wall, and its power was comparable to Gu Nanyan's sky thunder, but it had a range of seven or eight miles.

Everyone's excitement was beyond words.

They can already imagine that if the city wall is filled with such things, what a fatal blow it will cause to the opponent when an enemy army invades!
And far above the court hall in the capital, Li Mi hadn't recovered from the shock of Gu Nanyanhuangzhuang's wheat yield of [-] catties per mu, when he was smashed by the urgently transported steel eight hundred miles away and almost fainted .

(End of this chapter)

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