The farmer has a mall

Chapter 228 Gu Nanyan's Credit

Chapter 228 Gu Nanyan's Credit
Li Mi stood up from the throne with trembling lips, walked to the equally excited crops, and held a handful of wheat that was obviously plumper and rounder in both hands.

"Your majesty, the wheat grown by the princess is not only firm, but also tastes much better than ordinary ones. The key is the yield..."

Crop, who hadn't shown up in court for many years, couldn't help crying.

"It's four times more!" He couldn't help crying out.

If this output can be spread, then there will be no people starving to death in Jianan, and everyone will have enough to eat. This is the dream of Crop, the chief farmer, all his life.

He thought he would never see that day, but he didn't expect this moment to come so suddenly.

Therefore, after Gu Nanyan's [-] mu of land was harvested, he couldn't calm down. He either cried or laughed all day long, almost frightening his godson Yuan Guanshi.

Li closed his eyes tightly and calmed down his rapid breathing.

It is the wish of every emperor to feed and clothe the common people, and he is no exception.

Looking at several countries, it is Anyang, which has the most abundant production, and many people die of hunger every year.

He originally thought that no more starvation was just a beautiful wish, but he didn't expect that it would come true under his rule!

If that day really comes, the ancestors in the imperial mausoleum will jump out of the coffin happily!
He put down the wheat in his hand, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and walked towards the Minister of the Ministry of War who was standing beside him holding a tray.

Although Su Xun, Minister of the Ministry of War, is Cui Yanping's father-in-law, he has always looked down on Cui Yanping. Instead, he has a good relationship with the Gu family, and even better with Gu Qing.

At this moment, his mood was no less agitated than the crops, and the hand holding the tray was trembling slightly.

There was a steel block and a steel knife with a shiny surface on the tray. Li Mi first picked up the steel block and weighed it, feeling that it was heavier than ordinary iron blocks.

"Your Majesty, this steel knife is made of steel from the Princess Smelter, and I have already tried it..."

Li Mi raised his hand to interrupt him, then picked up the steel knife and looked at it carefully for a moment.

Before everyone could react, he turned around and slashed at the dragon case.

A corner of the dragon case made of gold was cut off in an instant, and the whole court was in an uproar.

You must know that although gold is softer than iron, it is still metal no matter what!
No matter how sharp the knife is, it will leave a small hole at most, but this...

Facing the shocked or excited expressions of the courtiers, Li Mi was silent for a while and then smiled.

His joyful and powerful laughter echoed throughout the hall.

After the laughter fell, everyone shouted long live, and compliments were endless.

Li Mi shook his head, smiled and sat back.

"All of this is due to the princess who protects the country, and I will not compete with my sister for credit."

With bright eyes, he suddenly sighed.

"Now, I really don't know how to reward Miss Nan."

The previous iron plow carts had just been handed out, and he hadn't figured out what to reward her.

In just a few months of hard work, he has given him two more surprises.

Li Mi was in pain and happiness at the moment, but Gu Nanyan didn't know how to exploit him again, and his small coffers might be emptied again.

What made him happy was that in addition to the smelter, Gu Nanyan also built an arsenal specializing in the production of weapons. I am afraid there will be even bigger surprises waiting for him later.

Li Mi's heart was eager to try, and he really wanted to set off for Mingshan County immediately.

It's a pity that Li Yi is still in the northwest, and there is no one to share the government affairs. He is either dealing with the memorials all day long, or he is on the way to deal with the memorials.

Not to mention going to Mingshan County, even Chu Gong didn't have time to pull up his pants!
Li Mi lamented again, his whole body became sluggish, and all the courtiers looked at each other in blank dismay.

Gu Nanyan didn't know what he was struggling with at the moment, she was on the way to Wuyin County with Gu Yao.

Gu Shen wrote yesterday, saying that the peace talks delegation headed by the prince will arrive at the border town today, and asked them to go back quickly.

No matter how reluctant Gu Yao was to part with the unreleased city defense artillery, he had no choice but to take Gu Nanyan back.

Although the granddaughter didn't have any extreme feelings of resentment since she found out about her background, Gu Yao was still very worried about her overthinking.

Therefore, during this period of time, his attitude towards Gu Nanyan can be said to be comprehensive, and even his words have been lightened a few degrees.

This made Gu Nanyan, who hadn't taken this matter to heart, feel baffled.

At this moment, Gu Yao rode a horse alongside Gu Nanyan, laughing all over his face.

"Sister Nan, are you tired or thirsty? Would you like to go to the carriage to rest for a while?"

The corner of Gu Nan's mouth twitched, and he replied for countless times: "I'm not tired, I'm not thirsty, I don't need to rest!"

Her voice was not loud, but there was a smell of gnashing of teeth.

Gu Yao didn't care, and continued to smile and said: "Then my grandson is hungry, why don't you stop and eat something before you go on the road, grandpa will catch you a hare and roast it for you."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She looked up at the deserted wilderness without even a tree, and wondered where Gu Yao was going to catch hares.

Gu Yao seemed to see what she was thinking, and smiled lovingly: "There is a forest twenty miles away from here, and grandfather can come back in half an hour as fast as he can."

Gu Nanyan was completely speechless.

Running twenty miles for a hare, did this old man get bored in the arsenal for too long?
"No need, grandfather." Gu Nanyan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.


"I'm not bored at all, and I don't want to hear you talk about picture books!"

Gu Nanyan squinted and interrupted him angrily.

Gu Yao: "..."

"You misunderstood. Grandfather didn't want to tell you about picture books."

Gu Yao sighed, feeling that the recent child is becoming more and more difficult to take care of.

Gu Nanyan was startled when he heard the words, thinking that he had misunderstood Gu Yao, so he cleared his throat embarrassingly.

"What did grandfather want to say just now?"

Gu Yao patted her head: "Grandpa wants to ask you, there is a small village in front, do you want to go down and relieve yourself, don't let my good grandson hold you back."

Gu Nanyan: Pfft!
When the two arrived, Gu Nanyan was very depressed. She greeted Gu Shen and Gu Yunge without even raising her eyelids, and returned to the tent like a ghost.

Gu Shen only thought that his daughter was tired, and although he wanted to express his deep fatherly love, he didn't bother her, at least to let her escape.

Gu Nanyan, who was exhausted physically and mentally, returned to the tent and fell asleep. She didn't wake up until the morning of the next day when the kamikaze team assembled.

She stretched herself and got up to wash, and walked slowly to the training place of Kamikaze Battalion.

Ashlan was left by her in Mingshan County to continue training recruits, most recently led by Suhe Baru.

When he saw Gu Nanyan's eyes lit up, he trotted over like a happy rabbit.

"Master!" Suhebalu shouted loudly.

Since he was injured in the Northwest last time, he has been resting for a long time, and he has not seen Gu Nanyan for some time.

Gu Nanyan smiled, and wanted to reach out to pat him on the shoulder, but found that Su He, who seemed to be a few months younger than herself, had grown a lot taller, and now she had to stand on tiptoe to reach him.

Gu Nanyan, who has never grown very tall: "..."

She was just about to take back her hand, but Suhebalu suddenly lowered her body and stretched out her furry curly head.

"Does the master want to pat his subordinate's head?"

His amber eyes flickered, looking at Gu Nanyan expectantly.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I don't want to!

Gu Nanyan refused, slapped him away, rolled his eyes, and stood aside to watch the kamikaze team training.

Suhebalu was slapped on the back of the head, rubbing his head and stood behind Gu Nanyan aggrievedly.

"Master, is there something to do here today?"

No, he said that since the squad was handed over to them, the master rarely showed up on the training ground.

Brother Hou Gu's explanation is that the master is too busy, but he knows that one of the reasons is that the master is busy, the main reason is laziness!
Suhebaru snorted twice, expressing his aggrievedness for Gu Nanyan's neglect.

(End of this chapter)

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