The farmer has a mall

Chapter 229 Deja Vu

Chapter 229 Deja Vu
Gu Nanyan pretended not to hear the resentment in Suhebaru's tone, and walked around the training ground twice.

"Ashilan is training recruits in Mingshan County. I'm afraid I can't do it alone. You pick a few good ones to help him."

She has no plans to expand the Kamikaze Battalion, but the basic quality of the soldiers must be guaranteed.

Although ordinary training is good, it is not as effective as her own plan.

So she left the experienced Ashlan to train the recruits.

"Master, don't worry, this subordinate will send him over today." Speaking of business, Su He responded respectfully.

"Master, do you want to finish your breakfast here before leaving?"

"Yesterday, General Gu ordered people to send a lot of fresh pork over. His subordinates were afraid that the weather would be too hot and it would be spoiled if left for a long time, so they made them into stewed pork." Suhe Baru said happily.

"It just so happened that the soldier in charge of cooking steamed the steamed buns this morning, and his subordinates asked people to chop up the stewed meat and make Roujiamo."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, but she didn't refuse, and followed him to the temporary kitchen.

The kamikaze team is small in number, and there is no camp of guys who specialize in cooking, so they take turns cooking on weekdays.

As soon as Gu Nanyan entered the stove, he smelled a strong smell of meat. Gu Nanyan couldn't help swallowing when he saw two large barrels of stewed meat in front of him and his stomach was empty.

The cooks were not nervous when they saw the master coming in. One of them took a dustpan the size of a washbasin, put the freshly made Roujiamo in it and handed it to her.

He took out another rice bowl not smaller than the dustpan, and scooped a bowl full of vegetable porridge from the still gurgling cauldron.

Looking at the steamed buns piled up like a hill, and the rice bowl that the soldier was struggling to carry.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Although she used to eat and live with the kamikaze team, and many people knew that she ate a lot, but being fed so clearly, like feeding a pig, she didn't know whether to say thank you or... thank you.

The little soldier didn't see Gu Nanyan's heartache, seeing her still standing there, he thought it was because he was missing, and looked back at the steaming steamer.

The master is still young, and it is normal to eat more when he is growing up.

"These princesses eat to fill their stomachs first, and after the steamed buns are steamed, I will make some for you."

After finishing speaking, he looked into Gu Nanyan's eyes very seriously, and added a sentence: "Master, don't worry, it's enough!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Suddenly, I really want to know what kind of image Lao Tzu has in the hearts of the kamikaze team...

An hour later, Gu Nanyan, who was enthusiastically stuffed with steamed buns by the soldier, left the Kamikaze Camp with a full stomach.

On the other side, the peace negotiation team led by Fu Tuo finally arrived at Maokou County on the border with Jianan Kingdom.

Fu Tuo got off the carriage with a pale complexion, and San Jin hurried forward to support him.

"Eunuch Wei is too much. He knows that His Highness is not in good health, but let the convoy drive day and night." San Jin's face showed obvious dissatisfaction.

The road was not peaceful, and he encountered dozens of assassinations during the ten-day journey, and the number of poisonings in the meals alone was no less than thirty times.

This worsened the condition of the prince who had not yet "recovered".

Not to mention there is almost a daily assassination siege!

If it weren't for the protection of the kamikaze team, he might have lost his life just after leaving the capital.

Sanjin was angry and angry, and his face lost all good looks when facing Eunuch Wei who was approaching with his chin raised high.

"Your Highness." Eunuch Wei walked up to him, saluted perfunctorily, and looked at Fu Tuo with eyes full of disdain.

As the chief eunuch in Concubine Ning's palace, he has always been favored.

During this mission to Jianan, he was specially arranged next to Fu Tuo, nominally to take care of his food and daily life, but actually to monitor Fu Tuo's every move.

For Wei Chong, who lives in the palace with one hand covering the sky and lives extravagantly, even has to be served by others to clean his hands, this is undoubtedly a hard job.

Therefore, he naturally disliked Fu Tuo who made him suffer.

Wei Chong squinted at Fu Tuo with a condescending attitude, and asked in a neutral tone, "Is your Highness still in good health?"

Fu Tuo covered his mouth with his sleeve and coughed a few times, his face became even paler.

"Eunuch Wei is worried, but I can still hold on."

Wei Chong nodded in satisfaction after hearing the words: "Since His Highness can still hold on, why don't we go to the Jianan Kingdom with the miscellaneous family for peace talks today, so as to welcome General Ning back to the country as soon as possible."

As soon as he said this, Fu Tuo didn't say anything, so San Jin quit.

"His Royal Highness has been on the road for more than ten days in a row, and now he is very weak. Why should Eunuch Wei be so anxious!"

Wei Chong glanced at him lightly, with a mocking arc on his mouth.

"It's well known that His Royal Highness is in poor health, but we can't delay the important affairs of the country because of this. If the empress blames it, the miscellaneous family can't afford it."

He snorted softly and shook the dust off his sleeves.

"What's more, His Highness himself said that he can hold on, so why are you talking like a servant here!"

His voice was sharp, and he looked at Sanjin with a bad expression.

Seeing this, Fu Tuo coughed twice again, and took a step forward, blocking the aggrieved Sanjin behind him.

"What Eunuch Wei said is true." He said with a gentle smile.

"General Ning is the pillar of the country, and now he has been in the enemy camp for more than a month, and there is really no further delay."

"Since the empress sent Eunuch Wei to arrange Gu's daily life, you can decide everything."

"Your Highness..." Sanjin wanted to say something urgently, but was stared back by Fu Tuo.

"Shut up, hurry up and find Gu's court robe and put it on for Gu!"

Sanjin's mouth twitched, and he answered aggrievedly under Fu Tuo's dissatisfied eyes.

Seeing his obedient appearance, Wei Chong was very proud.

Although he is only an eunuch, but as the most trusted person of Concubine Ning Gui who is loved so much, ordinary princes and princesses would respect him when they see him, let alone this prince who has no status!

"It's good that His Highness knows the importance, so the miscellaneous family will pass on the order, how about leaving in half an hour?"

Fu Tuo nodded with a smile: "I have to thank you, father-in-law."

After Wei Chong left, San Jin approached with the prince's court clothes in his hands, his face was calm, and the resignation and anger just now had long since disappeared.

"Why does Your Highness have to be so polite to him, he has already arrived at the border town, even if he kills Concubine Ning, there is nothing he can do."

Fu Tuo chuckled, went back to the car and asked San Jin to change his clothes.

"What do you kill him for? It's still useful to leave him alone."

He deliberately indulged Wei Chong's attitude, and it would be more convenient for him to act when he gradually swelled to a certain level.

Although San Jin didn't understand what His Royal Highness meant, he was always obedient and didn't say anything after hearing the words.

For the arrival of the envoys, Gu Yao didn't expect much, and only held a reception banquet on the day they arrived.

At the banquet, Fu Tuoduan sat on the table, and Sanjin stood quietly behind him with his head lowered.

Gu Nanyan was the last one to arrive, but she was supposed to sit at the top, but she gave up her seat to Gu Yao, and she sat opposite Fu Tuo.

From the moment she entered the door, she just glanced at Fu Tuo and sat there with her head down, talking to Qu Xiao who was bored.

Sitting next to Fu Tuo, Wei Chong looked at her face and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seeing that he kept looking at Gu Nanyan, Qu Xiao snorted displeasedly.

"Why does Eunuch Wei keep staring at the princess of our country? Don't you think it's too rude?"

Although he is just an eunuch, he is still a man after all, so it is really impolite to stare at a girl's house like this.

What's more, Gu Nanyan is still the princess of their country of Jianan!
Gu Nanyan's five senses are stronger than ordinary people's, so he has already felt the gaze of the other party, but he just doesn't bother to pay attention to him.

At this time, Qu Xiao pointed it out, and she also looked towards the other side, but she lowered her eyes again, and there was no emotion in her eyes.

Wei Chong could hear the dissatisfaction in his tone, he just chuckled and didn't care, and still looked straight at Gu Nanyan.

"The miscellaneous family didn't mean to offend the princess, but I don't know why I have a feeling of deja vu to the princess. I don't know where I saw it?"

 From the 16th to the 17th, the bookstore is limited and free, cuties, remember to come for free prostitution? ()
(End of this chapter)

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