Chapter 232

In the middle of the night of the second day, a sneaky figure landed lightly in Gu Nanyan's tent.

The visitor glanced at the unconscious figure lying on the bed, took out a piece of spice from his pocket and lit it, threw it in a tea bowl and jumped into the night.

Half an hour later, the curtain was lifted again, a black shadow flashed in, and the guards outside had disappeared without a trace.

He walked slowly to Gu Nanyan's bed, stretched out his hand and pushed her.

Gu Nanyan opened her eyes impatiently, looked at the person coming and said angrily, "Why are you making such trouble, wouldn't it be clean to just chop it off with a knife?"

Fu Tuo looked at her sleepy look amusedly, and couldn't help but reached out and rubbed the top of her somewhat messy hair.

"Wouldn't it be boring to just cut it off?" With doting eyes in his eyes, he knelt down and put on Gu Nanyan's shoes.

"Is it interesting to keep them?"

She really doesn't understand the brain circuits of these smart people, and the things that can be solved with a single knife are as smelly and long as the old lady's foot wraps!

Seeing the disgust in his sister's eyes, Fu Tuo chuckled twice, his deep voice echoing in the air.

"I know I have wronged you this time, how about big brother compensate you when the current matter is over?"

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes and muttered, "I'm rare for that little thing of yours."

While saying this, she took out a box from the pillow, which was the one Fu Tuo gave her.

"It's back to you."

Although she is a little greedy for money, she doesn't even bother to ask for other people's beloved things.

Everything here is as smooth as if covered with a layer of pulp, obviously often whirling in the hands of their owners.

When Fu Tuo heard the words, he touched the box with a smile, and said dotingly: "This is the relic of the queen mother. It was originally left for you. Gu just took the opportunity to give it to you."

After finishing speaking, he opened the lid of the box, took out the phoenix hairpin from inside, and twisted it a few times at the phoenix head.

With a crisp click, the crested head was separated from the hairpin, and he took out a seal the size of a baby's little finger.

Gu Nanyan was very surprised, and took it over curiously.

Unlike ordinary seals, there is no writing on it, only a small phoenix's head is printed on it.

"Everyone knows that when the Wei family and the founding emperor divided the world equally, they got a tiger talisman that could command the Weiyang army, but they didn't know that the daughter of the Wei family also had a phoenix seal that was comparable to a jade seal!"

"This seal was also given to the Wei family by the founding ancestors. It is to prevent the descendants of the Wei family from treachery. For the sake of power, the descendants of the Wei family will be killed. Once the phoenix seal is printed, even the jade seal will be retreated. It is a pity..."

Fu Tuo sighed and shook his head, with imperceptible pain in his eyes.

"It's a pity that the queen mother trusted the emperor quite a lot. When the Wei family had an accident, she believed in the emperor's coaxing, and failed to take it out in time, resulting in the tragic death of the grandfather's family."

He seemed to remember something unpleasant, and his voice trembled a little.

Gu Nanyan frowned, "Your stupid father doesn't know the existence of this thing?"

Gu Nanyan expressed doubts, if he knew there was such a thing, how could he let it stay in Fu Tuo's hands.

"Of course he knows." Fu Tuo calmed down.

"It's just that this thing has always been in the hands of the Wei family, and he doesn't know what the crested seal looks like, so he didn't find it when he searched through the relics of the queen mother."

He didn't feel anything about Gu Nanyan's address to that person, instead he smiled and raised his hand to rub her hair.

"Now there are only you and me left in the Wei family's bloodline, and you are the only woman, so you should keep this thing."

Afraid of Gu Nanyan's refusal, he hurriedly added: "If the mother is still there, she will definitely agree to hand it over to you."

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips, not knowing what to say for a moment.

If she accepts this seal, it means she has accepted the identity of the descendant of the Wei family.

She is just a ghost from another world, and she has no intention of avenging the Wei family, and it has been so long since this incident, she has no intention of wading into this muddy water.

But for some reason, the words of refusal came to his lips, but he couldn't open his mouth no matter what.

Fu Tuo gave a clear smile, and comforted him in a warm voice: "Yanyan doesn't need to be burdened. Although this phoenix seal is precious, time has passed. Not many people know it anymore. It is just a thought to give it to you."

Gu Nanyan was silent for a while, seeing that Fu Tuo insisted, he could only sigh and put the seal together with the phoenix hairpin into the space.

"I'll keep this thing for now, if you need it one day, just take it back, of course..."

Gu Nanyan paused, and then said: "If you need help, you can also send someone to send me a message."

"But... there is only one chance!"

This can be regarded as an explanation for the blood of the Wei family in her body, after all, she is now using his body.

It's just that even so, she didn't want to get too involved in this matter, and helping him once was repaying the favor of the Wei family for giving birth.

Fu Tuo smiled and nodded when he heard the words: "Yanyan just needs to do her own thing, and the brother Qiu of the grandfather's family will repay it."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Letting you say this, I suddenly felt a little guilty.

But guilt is guilt, she still wants to avoid these things that seem troublesome and have a long hand.

Seeing that Fu Tuo hadn't come out for a long time, the people hiding in the dark outside the door thought that the matter was over, so they hurried back to report.

After Wei Chong got the news, he showed a meaningful smile, and didn't continue to pay attention, letting the people around him take a rest.

In the early morning of the second day, Fu Tuo got out of his tent with the help of San Jin, looking quite tired.

Seeing that his eyes were blue, as if he hadn't slept all night, Wei Chong rarely showed a good face to him, and said with something in his words: "Your Highness has worked hard, I don't know last night..."

Fu Tuo coughed violently and interrupted his next words.

"The princess has promised Gu that she will not bring up the matter of changing generals again, but it must be guaranteed that our country will not do anything that violates the diplomatic relations between the two countries."

Wei Chongwenyan's eyes flashed: "That's natural."

No matter what plans Ning Zongyuan has, the most important thing now is to get him back first.

If there is another accident in the future, it is none of his business.

The peace talks went smoothly. The Anyang Kingdom offered a total of 1000 million taels of silver and two iron mines near Jianan in exchange for Ning Zongyuan.

Although everyone was puzzled by Gu Yao's sudden concession on the general change, but no one raised any objection.

Fu Tuo was deeply moved by the fact that the Zhenbei Army was united as one.

Three days later, the two parties drew up a peace agreement, and Gu Nanyan and Fu Tuo signed and stamped it respectively.

Wei Chong was very proud of his successful completion of Concubine Ning's mission, his face was full of joy, but when he saw Ning Zongyuan, his face changed instantly, and he almost jumped up.

"how so!"

Looking at Ning Zongyuan who was rotten all over and missing an arm, Wei Chong couldn't believe his eyes.

He cautiously walked in front of Ning Zongyuan who was emitting a stench, and the oncoming smell almost made him faint.

After confirming that the person lying on the ground was really the majestic General Ning, Wei Chong looked at Gu Yao angrily.

"How dare you torture the general!"

His chest heaved violently in anger, thinking of the kind of anger he would face when he brought General Ning back like this, his face paled instantly.

"It's unreasonable. You Jianan Kingdom is really deceiving people too much. You have hurt our general Weiyang to this place, but you want the two countries to meet again!"

Gu Yao took a sip of tea unhurriedly, and glanced at him lightly.

"Where did Eunuch Wei say this, and when did we ever punish General Ning?"

Seeing that Gu Yao refused to admit it, Wei Chong became even more angry.

"The facts are right in front of us. If it hadn't been for the severe punishment, how could the general be like this..."

He couldn't find a word to describe Ning Zongyuan who was like a puddle of mud for a while, and he didn't say a complete sentence after going like this for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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