The farmer has a mall

Chapter 233 Medical Expenses 1

Chapter 233

Gu Nanyan was very impatient to hear, and interrupted him with an irritated wave.

"People are here, do you like it or not, but the agreement has already been signed, it is absolutely impossible for me to spit things out!"

For her bandit tone, several envoys were all angry.

"What is the difference between the princess's words and Ming Qiang's? General Ning is a good person. After staying in the Zhenbei Army for only two months, he has become like this. Shouldn't he give us an explanation?"

An old man with a gray beard said angrily.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of Ning Zongyuan, but this matter concerns the face of a country, he can only let go of his prejudices and seek justice from the other party.

Wei Chong stared at Gu Nanyan with a gloomy expression, his eyes seemed to be able to spew fire.

He finally understood why the other party gave in so readily. At first he thought it was the prince's beauty scheme that played a role, but now it seems that he is too naive.

With the current appearance of Ning Zongyuan, how to control the Weiyang army, he has never heard of any general who lacks arms and legs!
He looked at Fu Tuo who was still sipping tea calmly, his eyes narrowed.

At this time, Wei Chong really wanted to tell the good things that happened between him and Gu Nanyan last night, so as to ruin Gu Nanyan's reputation.

But he can't!

Once people found out that he urged the crown prince to lure the enemy with sex, not to mention those courtiers who have never changed their minds, even Concubine Ning would have to strip him of his skin.

It's not that she protects the prince so much, but he, Wei Chong, is originally Concubine Ning's man, so it's easy to think that this matter was instigated by his master behind the scenes.

At that time, Concubine Ning Guifei will not get well, and the reputation of the fourth prince will also plummet.

How could he, Wei Chong, still be alive!

With Concubine Ning's character, she would definitely blame him for all the faults and sacrifice him to the flag!
Gu Nanyan felt his gaze of wanting to eat people, and raised her eyebrows in a rather good mood.

"You can't talk nonsense, and you can't eat food indiscriminately." She pinched a piece of pastry with two fingers, stuffed it into her mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it with her eyes squinted.

"The Zhenbei army is full of upright gentlemen, and this kind of thing that takes advantage of others' dangers cannot be done."

The Zhenbei Army is an honest gentleman, and the kamikaze soldiers are also an honest gentleman, but she herself is just a little girl.

The ancients said that only women and villains are difficult to raise.

As a princess, she is an example of women in a country, and she has the responsibility to explain the true meaning of this sentence for everyone.

Seeing that she still didn't admit it, Wei Chong's eyes almost popped out.

"Then what happened to his injuries!" He pointed at Ning Zongyuan who was in a coma and said angrily.

Gu Nanyan blinked at him with an innocent expression.

"General Ning was wounded on the battlefield but insisted on his integrity. He insisted on not allowing us to help him heal. He also said that he would not accept the enemy's charity, otherwise he would die in front of us."

She looked at the person lying on the ground with admiration in her eyes, and said in a tone of exclamation:

"I have always heard that the general is a hero, and I know that he is a man of his word. I dare not make things difficult for him if he really commits suicide. I can only let him die there."

After sighing, she glanced at Gu Yao, as if she wanted to find someone to prove that what she said was the truth.

"Right, grandfather."

Gu Yao: "..."

Being trusted by his granddaughter's big watery eyes, Gu Yao coughed lightly.

"That's true. She doesn't let us treat him, and we are really helpless."

What he meant by this was that Gu Nanyan refused to allow them to treat Ning Zongyuan, but Wei Chong thought he was referring to "him".

Wei Chong looked at the person lying on the ground suspiciously, not knowing the truth for a while.

"What happened to General Ning's arm? Miscellaneous, I've heard people say that the general's limbs were still intact when he was caught by you!" Wei Chong asked unwillingly.

"It can't be our fault." Gu Nanyan shrugged.

"His arm is rotten to the bone. If he doesn't cut it off, he may lose his life."

"At that time, the peace talks were imminent. As a princess, how could I allow such a thing that damaged the relationship between the two countries to happen?"

Gu Nanyan had an expression that I was too distressed, and everyone on both sides was speechless.

"Does the miscellaneous family have to thank you for the general?" Wei Chong gritted his teeth.

Gu Nanyan waved his hands pretending to be generous, as if he didn't care.

"It's not necessary to thank him. If it's convenient, just settle his medical expenses."

Wei Chong: "..."

Wei Chong almost vomited blood with anger, and almost broke his voice with a howl.

"Didn't you just say that the general doesn't want your medical treatment, so where are the medical expenses?"

Gu Nanyan looked at him in astonishment, as if she didn't understand why he was so excited.

"That's what I said, but we can't just watch him rot and die, so we asked the doctor to prescribe a prescription to keep him alive, knock him unconscious every day at noon, and then give him medicine."

Wei Chong staggered and almost couldn't stand up.

"Then why don't you let someone directly apply medicine to his wound?"

Gu Nanyan looked at him with eyes like looking at a fool.

"I told you that your general won't let me go. Eunuch Wei, do you have hearing problems and can't hear what I say?"

Wei Chong: "..."

Miscellaneous's head hurts a bit, and his blood vessels may burst!

Ignoring Wei Chong's appearance of fainting, several people couldn't help laughing out loud, including the old man with the white beard who just questioned him.

Fu Tuo gave a low cough, and held up his teacup to hide the smile on his lips.

Seeing that Wei Chong was looking at him with an unkind expression, the old man hastily corrected his expression.

"That being said, General Ning was seriously injured, and you didn't say anything in advance..."

"Have you said that you don't want it?"

Gu Nanyan frowned in embarrassment, choked the old man with a single sentence, and after thinking for a while, he reluctantly said:

"How about this, you can return the goods if you want, but you can only return half of the goods."

She put on a distressed look and pointed at Ning Zongyuan.

"We can help take care of her. When Concubine Ning Gui wants to come to me again, the price should be the same as this time."

All the envoys: "..."

I can go to yours!

Who on earth does this unlucky child look like? How can he look like a rascal with his unscrupulous and slippery virtues!
Several people felt very tired, looked at each other and no one spoke.

Wei Chong also didn't want to entangle him any longer, otherwise he might fall here before the matter is clarified.

What's more, the peace agreement has already been signed, and the silver and silver mine deeds have also been given, so it is useless to regret it.

The most important thing now is to find a way, how to get rid of this pot.

He squinted his eyes at Fu Tuo, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

The envoys of the Anyang Kingdom fled, and had to pay Gu Nanyan another 5000 taels of medical expenses before leaving.

They didn't want to give it to them at first, but Gu Nanyan's obsession with money had reached a heinous level, so he blocked them outside the tent to prevent them from going out.

Facing Wei Chong's accusation, Gu Yao could only laugh and laugh silly.

I talked a lot in circles, but I can sum it up in one sentence:

He can't control this girl...

Who of you can beat her is your skill!
Wei Chong's face turned black, blue, then red, red and then black again.

In the end, there was really no way to take out the money.

Seeing that they were knowledgeable, Gu Nanyan was in a good mood and presented two sets of medicine to save Ning Zongyuan's life.

Before Fu Tuo returned to Beijing, he went to Gu Nanyan for another hemodialysis, and by now all the poison in his body had been eliminated.

It's just that the body that has been eroded all the year round is still very weak, and it won't be able to recover to the level of an ordinary person in a while.

After Gu Nanyan filled him with a large pack of regular medicines and health care products, Fu Tuo walked away with a look of reluctance.

Since then, the peace talks came to an end, and Gu Shen had been ordered to return to Beijing before the peace talks started, and Gu Yunge, who had recovered from serious injuries, accompanied him.

Seeing that there was nothing to do with her here, Gu Nanyan returned to Mingshan County again, and hid in the cool and comfortable princess mansion.

Except for being able to see her every time Su Wenfeng reported the progress to her, she didn't even step out of the door on weekdays.

It wasn't until the day when the city defense artillery was built that Gu Nanyan reluctantly went out and went straight to the arsenal.

(End of this chapter)

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