The farmer has a mall

Chapter 235 Liu Zhenzhen

Chapter 235 Liu Zhenzhen

With a dark face, Lu Qing walked out of the princess mansion top-heavy.

Xu was suffocated by Gu Nan's smoke, he did not go back in the carriage, but strolled on the street for a while, the depression in his heart finally dissipated.

Although the heat in September has dropped a lot, the sun was shining brightly just after noon, and there were hardly any people on the street.

Gu Qing was a little tired from walking, and seeing a teahouse in front of him, he wanted to go in and have a rest before going back to the factory.

This teahouse is just around the corner, with an alley on one side.

As soon as he approached, he saw a person lying in the alley. He was wearing a patched coarse cloth skirt and his hair was wrapped in a cloth scarf. It was a young woman!

He took two quick steps and squatted down, carefully passing her breath with his fingers.

Although very weak, but still alive.

"Girl, girl, wake up."

Gu Qing didn't touch her because of the defense of men and women, he yelled a few times but she didn't wake up, happened to remember that there was a medical clinic nearby, and hurried to ask for help.

In the medical hall, he waited outside for nearly an hour before the girl slowly woke up.

Knowing that it was Gu Qing who saved her, she got out of bed and blessed herself.

"Thank you, Liu Zhenzhen, for saving my life."

Seeing her eyes, Lu Qing couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and asked suspiciously: "How do you know that I am an official?"

He stayed in the factory all day, wearing casual clothes all the time, and never mentioned his identity to the doctors in the medical center.

Liu Zhenzhen lowered her head, her voice was as soft as a mosquito.

"Minnv was fortunate enough to meet Sir Su together outside the yamen, so I only guessed about your identity."

Gu Qing nodded clearly, he did often go to see Su Wenfeng, and it was not unusual for someone to see him.

"You're smart," he said appreciatively.

"It's just you, a girl, how could you fall down in that alley alone?"

The doctor said that she fainted due to the heat, and fortunately she was discovered in time, if she stayed in the sun for a while longer, she might be in danger.

"Minnv was originally from Wuyin County. I escaped with General Qu of the Zhenbei Army during the war there a while ago."

Her expression was a little gloomy, and her voice was lower.

"I originally wanted to go to relatives here, but I didn't expect that their family had moved to the capital long ago. The women had no choice but to temporarily live in a ruined temple outside the city. Who knows..."

Liu Zhenzhen's eyes were red, and she clenched her fists in fear.

"Unexpectedly, today I met a few ruffians who wanted to take me away after seeing Minnv, but Minnv struggled to no avail, and they sold me into Yihonglou."

When Lu Qing heard this, he frowned, and his expression became serious.

"So, you met a kidnapper?"

"Then why didn't you go to the police?" he asked.

Liu Zhenzhen wiped the tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes with her cuff, and said with a choked voice, "I want to go."

"I sneaked out while the guards were eating at noon. I wanted to go to the yamen to report to Mr. Su, but I passed out as soon as I got to the alley."

She saluted Gu Qing again, and said gratefully: "Thanks to my lord passing by and saving me, otherwise if I was caught up by those people..."

Before Liu Zhenzhen finished speaking, her beautiful eyes were full of fear.

Gu Qing shook his head and sighed.

This kind of thing is very common. Every year, countless girls are forcibly sold into the land of fireworks.

He was glad that he didn't go back in a carriage today, otherwise the girl would have been murdered by others.

"So you have no relatives here?"

"What about your parents?"

"My father passed away when I was very young, and my mother also died of illness last year after raising me and my twin brothers."

As if remembering her life experience, Liu Zhenzhen burst into tears, instantly wet the front of her clothes, and a suppressed sob came out of her throat.

Lu Qing expressed deep sympathy for what happened to her, and couldn't help but think of the incident when Sister Nan got lost.

At that time, she was a girl who was wandering outside, and she had to avoid Ge Shi's pursuit all the time. One can imagine the hardships of life.

He sighed and felt a little more pity for this girl who was about the same age as Sister Nan.

"Where is your younger brother, can I send someone to send you to him?"

Now Yihonglou is probably looking for her everywhere. Although he can protect this girl for a while, he cannot protect her forever.

The best way is to send her to her relatives.

Liu Zhenzhen was startled, and then the tears became more violent.

"My younger brother got lost when Anyang Kingdom called last year. Minnv waited at home in Wuyin County for more than half a year and never saw him go back."

"I only heard from acquaintances that I met him in Mingshan County. I thought he came here to join relatives, so I came here."

When Liu Zhenzhen said this, she knelt down with a plop and knocked her forehead on the ground a few times.

"My lord, please help Minnv find her lost brother. Minnv will repay you even if she is a cow and a horse!"

Lu Qing was taken aback by her sudden movement, and after realizing it, he wanted to help her up, but because of the difference between men and women, he didn't know where to start.

Seeing that the girl's forehead was bruised without stopping, he couldn't help but sighed.

"I will tell Mr. Su about your situation and ask him to post a missing person notice. Get up first!"

Liu Zhenzhen wept with joy when she heard the words, kowtowed her head twice to express her gratitude, and then slowly stood up.

Gu Qing took out a handkerchief and dipped some tea on the table and handed it to her, asking her to wipe the dust off her head.

Then he said softly: "Although I will let Master Su help you look for it, you should not have too much hope."

He looked sympathetically at the ill-fated little girl.

"After all, many people were lost after that war, and they have not been found so far."

Of course Liu Zhenzhen understood this truth, she gratefully took the veil, and gently wiped it on her bruised forehead.

"Minnv understands that if she really can't find her younger brother, Minnv will also be grateful to you and Mr. Su for their great kindness, and she will never complain."

Lu Qing nodded, and then remembered that the girl didn't even have a place to live, and couldn't help but get a headache again.

It just so happened that Liu Zhenzhen looked up at him at this time, and when he looked into those eyes, he suddenly thought of someone.

In the princess mansion, Gu Nanyan looked at Gu Qing who had gone and returned with a serious face, and glanced at Liu Zhenzhen who was kneeling in front of the hall.

"Uncle, did you find me a...little aunt?" Gu Nanyan asked him sideways.

Gu Qing didn't react for a while when he heard the words, and just wanted to ask his little aunt.

Then Gu Nanyan turned her head and said to the maidservant behind her: "Go get me a pen and paper, I want to write a letter to my aunt to complain!"


Lu Qing patted the coffee table with a snap, his face flushed with anger.

"I rescued this girl on the road, what little auntie!"

"Sister Nan, can you be more serious as a girl?!"

Lu Qing was so angry by her that he felt like his life was shortened by ten years!
Gu Nanyan pouted at him and snorted.

"Why is I not serious, it's better than you looking for a little daughter-in-law!"

Let you run away after losing your temper with this old boy, and see how I will add fuel to you in the letter!

When Lu Qing heard the word "little daughter-in-law", he almost fell backward in anger, and the veins on his forehead twitched.

Liu Zhenzhen's age is more than enough to be his daughter, but this stinky girl is ruining her reputation with her outrageous words. The always rigid Gu Qing can't bear it.

He stood up abruptly, grabbed the feather duster from the handmaid who was cleaning, pointed at Gu Nanyan with a trembling voice.

"Gu Nanyan! Believe me if you say such nonsense again..."

His original intention was to frighten this incomprehensible niece so that she would not dare to speak nonsense again.

Unexpectedly, Gu Nanyan just cast him a cool look, and shouted at the maid who went to the side to get the paper: "Bring one more paper, I have to write a letter to my grandfather!"

After she finished speaking, she blinked and looked at her uncle with a smug face who seemed to be about to burst his blood vessel.

Small sample, if you dare to touch me, I will let your father take a layer of your skin!

Gu Qing: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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