The farmer has a mall

Chapter 236 Chapter Village

Chapter 236 Returning to the Village (Addition [-])

Liu Zhenzhen knelt on the ground trembling all over, at a loss for what to do in the face of the quarrel between her uncle and her nephew.

When she heard that Gu Qing wanted to find her a place to go, she was naturally very happy, but she didn't expect that Master Gu would find her the Princess Mansion!
She raised her head nervously, and looked at the heroine who was rumored to have led troops to defeat Wei Yang's army.

This was also the first time she saw someone talking to an elder like this, so she couldn't help but look up at Gu Qing with a worried expression.

"Princess, you have misunderstood."

Liu Zhenzhen was afraid that the two of them would really fight, so she bravely spoke out.

"Master Gu is Minnv's savior, Minnv is only grateful and has no delusions, please calm the princess down!"

She prostrated herself on the ground, looking humble and pitiful, and finally diverted the eyes of the two who were staring at each other.

Thinking of the presence of outsiders, Gu Qing snorted angrily, threw the feather duster in his hand on the table and sat back.

Gu Nanyan was very proud of being subdued without fighting, she was in a good mood and looked at Liu Zhenzhen a few times.

The woman was plainly dressed, not to mention patches on her body, and she didn't even have a wooden hairpin on her head.

Although her appearance is not considered to be overwhelming, her skin is very fair, her eyes are clear and energetic, and she can be considered a pretty little beauty.

"What's your name?" Gu Nanyan asked patiently.

"The civilian girl's surname is Liu, and her humble name is Zhenzhen." She hurriedly replied.

"Liu Zhenzhen?"

Gu Nanyan squinted at Gu Qing, and confirmed, "You really want to keep her in the princess mansion?"

"After entering Lao Tzu's gate, there is no possibility of going back."

Her words were clearly implying something, and Lu Qing was out of breath again.

"Are you a princess mansion or a bandit den? I just let her settle here temporarily. I will send her back when I find her family!"

Gu Qing deeply felt that he might lose his life if he stayed here any longer, so he hurriedly got up and rushed to the door without waiting for Gu Nanyan's consent.

"People let you go first, you can arrange a job for her."

He had already walked a long way after his words, as if a dog chased him behind him.

Gu Nanyan curled her lips, contemptuous of his behavior of running away.

"what will you do?"

She looked at the man kneeling on the ground and frowned.

"Get up and talk."

Liu Zhenzhen answered in a low voice, stood up lightly, and stood upright with her hands in front of her body.

"Minnv's family is poor, she can cook, wash, and clean. She also worked as a servant in a rich family's house."

She calmed down a lot at this time, and said in a calm voice.

"It's just that after the war broke out, the master's family moved out of the county, and the civilian daughter stayed at home to take care of her mother."

Gu Nanyan nodded and looked at the sky, it was time for dinner.

She didn't ask any other questions, and asked someone to take her to Mr. Deng.

Gu Nanyan still didn't go out for the next two days. On the day when the iron pill was ready, Gu Yao who received the letter brought Qu Xiao to Mingshan County.

The weight of the iron shot is more than [-] catties, so the lethality is naturally not comparable to that of the lead bullet.

It's just that the solid shell made of iron has a disadvantage, that is, due to its density and hardness, it will not burst after falling to the ground.

Gu Nanyan improved it and solved this problem.

When the first iron pellet was fired, Gu Yao was very excited when faced with the lethality of Tianlei that was no less than Gu Nanyan's and the strike distance that was beyond the range of human throwing.

Coupled with the modified projectile that was deeply inserted into the ground and the fragments of any surrounding objects, Qu Xiao was in tears.

Gu Nanyan was used to it. The men whose lacrimal glands were more developed than hers shed tears, and waited for their excitement to subside before continuing to test the second projectile.

After testing, the lead bullets and iron pellets had similar ranges, so Gu Nanyan decisively ordered to replace the lead bullets with iron pellets.

Although the cost of iron products will be higher, its effect is unmatched by lead bullets.

The workers in the arsenal had the experience of making a cannon barrel once, and it was much faster to get started again, but they made another one within seven days.

Gu Nanyan saw that she had nothing to do here, and thought of Mrs. Liu who was still in the village, so she planned to bring her back.

Knowing that Gu Nanyan was going to pick up Liu Shi, Gu Yao, who had no time to clone himself, insisted on asking her to bring more people there.

Gu Nanyan, who couldn't bear his nagging, had no choice but to call Ashlan back from the barracks where he was stationed, and asked him to take a dozen people with him on the road.

Shangshan Village has changed a lot. Since the planting base of Gu Nanyan is here, and it has expanded a lot, the people employed are basically villagers here.

Therefore, most families have a stable and not low income.

A few families even rebuilt their houses. Although they are not brick houses, they are much better than the adobe houses that fell off when touched.

Knowing that Gu Nanyan was coming back, the people in the village were very happy, and they all gathered at the entrance of the village to welcome her without the village chief calling.

Surrounded in the middle, Mrs. Liu saw her granddaughter getting out of the carriage and hurried up to grab her hand, looking her up and down with red eyes.

"My daughter has lost weight." Liu touched her face distressedly.

After she came to Mingshan, her first thought was to visit her granddaughter, but she was afraid of disturbing Gu Nanyan's business, so she resisted not going to her.

In the past few days, I heard that the envoys of the Anyang Kingdom had returned to the country, and the Weiyang Army had also retreated, so she wanted to find out where the military camp was so that she could meet her.

Who would have thought that before she left, her granddaughter would arrive first.

"How is Grandma doing these days?"

Gu Nanyan smiled softly, greeted the village chief and the villagers, and then let her take her hand and walk home.

Ashlan led people to follow behind.

"Okay, grandma is fine."

Facing her granddaughter's concern, Liu's face turned into a flower with a smile, and she just stared at her granddaughter along the way, tripping over her feet several times, but fortunately she was supported by Gu Nanyan.

She didn't say anything, she just let Mrs. Liu look at her with a smile.

Before she came, she asked someone to buy some cakes, cloth and other gifts in the town, and when she reached the door, she asked Liu Zhenzhen who came with her to share the things.

The villagers were a little embarrassed and waved their hands to express their disapproval.

Now every household in their village can eat enough and wear warm clothes, which is much better than other nearby villages.

This is all thanks to the blessing of Gu Yatou, and it is too late for them to be grateful, so how can they accept other people's things!
"Girl Gu, I know about your kindness. It's just that the village has become more and more prosperous thanks to your care for the past six months. It's too late for us to give you gifts, so how can we take things from you instead?" said the village chief's wife Tian .

The head of her family has been praised many times by the county magistrate because of this planting base, and now she is also highly respected in these ten miles and eight villages.

Even the head of Xiashan Village, who had always been at odds with them, didn't dare to say no to her man.

This made Tian, ​​who had always had a good face, straighten her back, and never complained that her man, the village head, was thankless. She was naturally even more grateful to Gu Nanyan.

When the other villagers heard her words, they also echoed her words, expressing that they didn't want those things.

Village head Song gave his wife a hand, and said dissatisfiedly: "How many times have I told you, Gu girl is now a princess, please don't call her the same name as before, you just can't remember!"

He smiled at Gu Nanyan with some embarrassment, and looked at Ashlan and his party with a somewhat apprehensive expression.

Although the person is still the same person, his appearance has not changed.

But now that their status is different, it might be against the rules to get along like before.

Tian rolled her eyes at him: "You have a lot of things to do, and the princess hasn't said anything yet, but you, a muddy leg, talked about the rules!"

Having said that, Tian still looked at Gu Nanyan with some anxiety.

Gu Nanyan smiled, and said to Tian: "Auntie is right, this is not the capital city, and I am not a princess, so you can still call me Gu girl as before."

She held Liu Shi's hand with a relaxed expression.

 The explosive update that I promised you is here. In addition to the two chapters that are normally updated, there will be another thirteen chapters, for a total of fifteen chapters~

  In addition, take a day off tonight and take a day off...just one day

(End of this chapter)

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