The farmer has a mall

Chapter 237 Xu Yingying

Chapter 237 Xu Yingying (Addition [-])
The villagers looked at each other when they heard Gu Nanyan's words.

They thought that Gu Nanyan was a princess now, so she must be more difficult to talk to than before, but who knew that she was willing to lower her status and get along with them like ordinary neighbors.

This moved the originally cautious villagers, and they all stepped forward to reminisce with her.

Village head Song stroked his silver beard, thinking to himself that he was right.

When Gu Nanyan bought the land for Mrs. Liu, he knew that this kid was a good boy. Although he talked less and rarely laughed, he was a kind person who would repay his kindness.

He looked at Gu Nanyan, who was always smiling, and felt that something was different about her.

"Okay, since Miss Gu has said so, don't waste her time, big guy, do what you should do with all the things, let them go back and rest quickly."

After the village chief spoke, the villagers were also afraid that she would be tired along the way, so they reluctantly took things from Liu Zhenzhen and walked away.

The village chief Hetian also bid farewell to Liu, and Gu Nanyan entered the house.

She asked Ashlan to arrange her subordinates in a few rooms in the front yard, and she followed Liu into the main room.

A 50- to [-]-year-old woman came out to greet her. It was Nanny Qu who was beside Liu.

She saluted Gu Nanyan first, and then brought a bowl of chicken soup from the kitchen.

"The old lady knew that you were coming, so she boiled chicken soup since last night. She said she was afraid that you would not be able to eat well outside alone, so she wanted to make up for you."

Nanny Qu smiled and handed the chicken soup to Gu Nanyan, her round face was full of red.

She lost her husband when she was young, and she had no children under her knees. She has been doing some laundry for rich and noble families to make ends meet.

However, this kind of work with a hammer and a broom does not happen every day, and I often have to travel back and forth in several nearby towns to avoid starvation.

It wasn't until Gu Nanyan hired her to serve Mrs. Liu that her life was stable.

After getting along with each other during this period, although she and Liu Shi are master and servant in name, they are actually more like sisters who accompany each other.

Therefore, for Gu Nanyan who gave her this job, Nanny Qu is grateful and also cherishes it.

Gu Nanyan gulped down the chicken soup with a smile, and handed the bowl back to her.

"I'm sorry to trouble you to take care of grandma during this time, is there any inconvenience here?"

Nanny Qu waved her hands quickly, dimpled from her smile.

"Where is the princess, the slaves also came from the village before, so they are familiar with the life in the countryside."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Mrs. Liu and said with a smile: "It's the old lady who has been talking about you every day since I came here, so it can be regarded as talking about you."

She said this with some ridicule, Liu looked at her reproachfully.

"I don't talk about it all day, but I haven't seen Sister Nan for several months, and I miss her a little."

That being said, she didn't let go of Gu Nanyan's hand, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

"In this case, Grandma might as well stay with me for a few more days and go back to the Princess Mansion with me. It's okay if you stay here." Gu Nanyan said softly.

Mrs. Liu was naturally happy and responded repeatedly.

Nanny Qu quickly echoed, "Then I'll go and salute the old lady, so I won't panic when I leave."

She sighed: "It's better to leave here earlier, so as to save those ignorant people from disturbing the old lady's cleanliness all day long."

Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing that, looked at Mrs. Liu and asked, "Is the Gu Mancang family making trouble with you again?"

Although Mrs. Liu said that she had a bad temper in the past, it was all for the sake of not being bullied, but her popularity is still good.

Coupled with her current status, if she wanted to come to the village, no one would be unsightly to harass her.

The only person Gu Nanyan could think of was the family in the old house of the Gu family.

Liu Shi sighed and shook his head at her.

"It's not a fuss."

"Didn't Gu Chengguang of the old family just got married a few days ago? That girl is the daughter of his private school master. She has read a few books and is quite polite."

"After knowing that there is still an elder like me, I come to pay my respects every day. I sit for two or three hours at a time, saying that I am afraid that I will be bored by myself."

Thinking of that girl, Mrs. Liu felt a headache, and rubbed her forehead involuntarily.

Seeing this, Nanny Qu put down the bowl in her hand, wiped her hands clean and pressed her temples.

"I'm afraid you'll get bored, you're the only one who believes what she says!"

Gu Nanyan looked at her questioningly.

Nanny Qu was a straight-talking person, and regardless of Liu's obstruction, she spoke out all the things in one go.

"That girl always brings the topic to you, either asking about your whereabouts or asking where the seeds in your planting base come from. I can't wait to ask all eight generations of your ancestors!"

Nanny Qu paused when she said this, and realized that she was about to say something wrong, so she hurriedly apologized.

Gu Nanyan didn't mind, but rather liked her straightforward personality, and motioned her to continue talking.

"The old lady talked to her a few words at first, but then she found that her words were always circling around you, and she became suspicious, so she never told her about you again."

When Nanny Qu said this, an angry expression appeared on her face.

"Who knows that she couldn't pry the old lady's mouth open, and after a few times, her words changed. She was either sarcasm or hot sarcasm, and said..."

Nanny Qu glanced at her, as if she didn't know whether to say the next thing or not.

Mrs. Liu sighed when she heard this, and said helplessly: "She also said that grandma is getting old, and you may dislike my old lady after you haven't seen her for so long. What she said is to tell me that I will have to rely on them in the future."

She patted Gu Nanyan's hand, and comforted her: "Don't be angry, that family has always been this kind of virtue, but now that they marry a daughter-in-law, they are not a family, and they don't enter the family anymore."

She knows how her granddaughter treats her, so she naturally doesn't take those words to heart, she just thinks the old Gu's people are really ridiculous.

But she was worried that her granddaughter would get angry when she heard this, so she didn't want Nanny Qu to tell her about it.

Gu Nanyan snorted coldly, but was not angry.

"What's the last name of Gu Chengguang's wife?"

She vaguely remembered that Grandma had mentioned to her that the girl and her aunt gave some servant in the capital as a concubine.

"It seems that the surname is Xu, and the full name is Xu Yingying." Liu said uncertainly.

The Gu family all called her Yingying, and Liu Shi only called her Xu Shi when others mentioned her.

"Surname Xu?"

Gu Nanyan frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly remembered that she met a girl named Gong once when she entered the palace.

She remembered that there was a conflict between the two, and she broke his mouth?

That girl is a concubine, but his mother, Aunt Xu, is very much loved by his father, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Mr. Gong.

Gu Nanyan understood, no wonder Xu Yingying dared to act presumptuously in front of Mrs. Liu, it was because of her aunt who was a concubine.

She sneered, that Mr. Gong had been at odds with her before, and often helped Fang Junhe to make things difficult for her.

It wasn't until Fang was maimed by her and Li Yi secretly imprisoned him that Gong Shilang calmed down.

She was busy with so many things all day long, and this kind of villain didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Anyway, based on Li Mi's attitude towards him, it's easy for this person to retire early and return home, but it's difficult to go any further.

It's just that with the degree to which Aunt Xu is favored, it is not difficult to find a good family for Xu Yingying in the capital, at least much better than the old Gu's family.

But she is married to Gu Chengguang who is poor and white, and she always asks Mrs. Liu for information about herself, which is a bit abnormal.

Gu Nanyan squinted her eyes, and for a moment couldn't figure out whether Xu Yingying's actions were intended to have a relationship with her, or if someone ordered her.

After all, although Fang Junhe fell, there were still a lot of people who disliked her and the general's mansion, and there were not a few people who wanted to find out the secrets of the kamikaze team.

She picked up the teacup on the table, lifted the lid and skimmed off the foam on it.

"Please trouble Nanny Qu to go to Gu's house tomorrow and tell me that I want to meet the newlyweds!"

(End of this chapter)

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