The farmer has a mall

Chapter 241 None of them will be spared

Chapter 241 Not Letting One Go Away (Gageng VI)
In line with the principle of doing nothing for one thing, Gu Nanyan handed over the cement recipe to Gu Qing and then patted his ass and left.Get into the kamikaze team station and you won't come out.

Gu Qing, who was already busy kicking the back of his head, blew his beard and stared angrily, but he couldn't do anything about her.


Anyang Kingdom has two good news recently.

Emperor Anyang, who had been in a coma for a long time, finally woke up. Under the meticulous care of Concubine Ning, his body gradually recovered, and he would appear in the court hall within half a month.

On the day when Emperor Anyang came back to power, the whole world celebrated together.

It was rumored among the people that the prince was pure filial piety, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life in exchange for the emperor's well-being, which moved the heavens.

So the common people spontaneously wrote ten thousand letters, imploring the emperor to lift the crown prince's ban.

Even the courtiers pleaded for the prince one after another.

No one knew what Emperor Anyang thought, but he summoned the prince in the imperial study that day, and an hour later, the prince Fu Tuo limped out, holding a volume of unsealed edict in his hand.

The tea set in Concubine Ning's palace was changed again. She was sitting opposite Ning Zongyuan who was missing an arm, her original charming face twisted.

"Why did the emperor wake up at this time? Didn't you say that the medicine will make people fall into a deep sleep all the time!"

Ning Zongyuan's complexion was uglier than hers.

Since he came back from Jianan Kingdom, the wounds on his body have been treated and no longer rotted. Although he left behind terrible scars, he did not lose his life.

But his arm never came back!

Ning Zongyuan's healed face was criss-crossed with sarcoma, like a ghost from hell, coupled with his almost devouring eyes, even Concubine Ning Gui was taken aback by him.

"It takes three consecutive months of taking the medicine to make people fall into a deep sleep forever, not even one day!"

He looked at Concubine Ning seriously: "Can you ask someone to do it?"

Concubine Ning met his distorted face, feeling a chill in her heart, she hurriedly picked up a cup of tea to cover up the disgust in her eyes.

"Why didn't he do it? I have been feeding him the medicine myself, and it hasn't been missed for a day."

Speaking of this, she raised her head in doubt again: "Is there something wrong with your medicine?"

Ning Zongyuan didn't say a word, the medicine was obtained from someone who owed him a favor, so there could be no problem, but it's useless to argue about it now.

Urgency is another matter.

Originally the fourth prince was in power, even though he lost an arm, he was still in charge of the Weiyang army.

But the emperor woke up, and on the first day he went to court, someone proposed to change his general.

This made Ning Zongyuan, who was already deeply affected, extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, he has been in the court for a long time, and many people are on his side. Although he can't keep his position, he can let his younger brother Ning Zongqing take the top spot.

"Is there any news about Zong Qing?" He asked.

Concubine Ning said angrily: "What's the news, I don't know which woman I'm fooling around with again!"

Concubine Ning's face darkened when she mentioned her only younger brother.

The three of them were compatriots with one mother, and the eldest brother took over the position of patriarch, in charge of all affairs of the family, and later became the chief general of the Weiyang Army.

And she entered the palace, gave birth to an heir for the royal family, and became a solid backing for the Ning family.

Only Ning Zongqing, who is the youngest and most favored, likes to wander around Huajie and Liuxiang, not doing business.

If it wasn't for the elder brother who forced him to practice martial arts since he was a child, and even found him a position in the Weiyang Army, he would have become the number one playboy in Beijing long ago.

"Didn't he go to the border town with you? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Ning Zongyuan frowned, the third younger brother did go out with him, and sneaked into Wuyin County pretending to be an ordinary merchant along the way.

It's just that the two have lost contact since he was captured, and there is no news of him until now.

This has never happened before, even if Ning Zongqing acts recklessly, he respects him, the elder brother who brought him up, and will not disappear with him for no reason.


He has no way to contact himself!
Ning Zongyuan faintly felt that something was wrong, and felt uneasy...


When the kamikaze team was stationed, Gu Nanyan looked at Ning Zongqing, who was in the shape of five or six adult men, and couldn't help grinning.

She looked at Suhebaru with an innocent face behind her, her voice was a little difficult.

"Do you still have the potion I gave you?"

Suhebaru scratched his head, hesitantly said: "It died five days ago, but should we continue to feed him the medicine?"

He glanced at Ning Zongyuan, who was half lying there, the flesh on his stomach hanging down to the ground, struggling to move, and could only grab the food with his hands.

"The subordinate thinks that this is enough for him, so he didn't ask you to take the medicine."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand in front of Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan: "..."


Sukhbaru was surprised: "The master gave the medicine to the subordinate, and it happened to be mixed in for him while he was eating."

After finishing speaking, he scratched his head embarrassingly: "It's my subordinate's dereliction of duty. If you didn't mention it, I wouldn't have noticed that he has lost a lot of weight in the past few days."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan looked at the fat pile of flesh lying on the ground, and the thighs thicker than her, and swallowed hard.

"I asked you to pour a small bottle of medicine into his meals every day, how much did you pour?"

"Just one bottle." Suhebaru said innocently.

"My subordinates will pour one bottle for each of the three meals a day according to your instructions. Not to mention the effect is quite obvious."

Gu Nanyan was speechless, she didn't argue with Suhebalu about the difference between one bottle a day and one bottle for each of the three meals a day.

After all, it's not bad that he, a Xihu native, can understand her words to this extent, and she should also be glad that what she gave him was only hormones and not poisonous things.

Gu Nanyan looked at Ning Zongqing who was still desperately stuffing food into his mouth with great sympathy.

However, Suhebaru didn't understand her complicated emotions at the moment. Seeing that she didn't give him the medicine, he couldn't help asking: "Master didn't bring the medicine with him?"

He didn't wait for Gu Nanyan to answer, and said comfortingly: "It's okay, the subordinates will take it with you later, and it's the same after eating!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Should I say it or not, this kid is really a wolf!

Her original intention was to make Ning Zongqing so fat that he could no longer practice martial arts on horseback, so that Ning Zongyuan, who was deposed by her, would treat him as his successor and come to her territory again.

It's a good thing now, let alone riding a horse, I'm afraid that if one leg is put on it, the horse will be crushed to the ground!
Facing the "pure and innocent" Sukhbaru, Gu Nanyan smiled.

"No need, that's all."

So be good, get away from this person!

Otherwise, she would have to worry about how the people of Anyang Kingdom would pull him away!

In the afternoon of that day, news came out from the city that the younger brother of Ning Zongqing, the commander of the Weiyang Army, was captured after his elder brother was arrested, but failed to assassinate Gu Nanyan.

At this time, he was being imprisoned in the Kamikaze Camp.

The news was quickly captured by the spies who stayed in Wuyin County looking for Ning Zongqing's whereabouts, and he quickly sent the news back to Ningfu in the capital overnight.

After receiving the news, Ning Zongyuan smashed all the antique vases in the study, almost tearing down the house.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the words "Kamikaze Camp" in the letter.

"Gu Nanyan, I will be at odds with you!"

He panted a few times, trying to calm down the anger in his heart.

Then he took the letter and went to Concubine Ning.

The change of generals in the court became more and more intense, especially when the crown prince was released. At that time, all the members of the Wei family stood up and vowed to bring down the Ning family.

He has no heirs under his knees, if the Ning family has no one who can succeed him, the position of the general will be handed over!

Therefore, the most urgent task is to find a way to bring his second brother back. As for other matters...

Violence flashed in Ning Zongyuan's eyes.

After the situation in the Ning family stabilizes, he will naturally settle all the accounts that need to be settled!

Whether it's Gu Nanyan or Fu Tuo, or those who opposed him in court.

He won't let one go!

(End of this chapter)

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