The farmer has a mall

Chapter 242 Anyang Emperor

Chapter 242 Emperor Anyang (Additional VII)
In Anyang Palace, Concubine Ning Gui was reclining on the bed, rubbing her forehead with a headache.

"What does brother want me to do?" She sighed helplessly.

"In order to exchange you back, I used two iron mines with good production. The emperor has not seen this palace for half a month after knowing this, and now he wants to save Zongqing..."

Concubine Ning Gui felt that this year was particularly unfavorable, bad things happened one after another, and she was so overwhelmed that she couldn't breathe.

"What's the meaning of the concubine's concubine?" Ning Zongyuan squinted his eyes and asked with a downcast face.

"Don't forget, Zong Qing is your younger brother!"

Seeing Ning Guifei's hesitation, Ning Zongyuan was furious.

The parents of the three of them died young, and Concubine Ning Gui and Ning Zongqing were all pulled together by him. In his heart, these two people are like his children.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be paying much attention to saving Ning Zongqing at this time, the anger that had been pent up for a long time erupted instantly.

"I am afraid that the imperial concubine has forgotten that this general is too incomplete to serve as the general of the Weiyang army. If Zong Qing is not rescued, the Weiyang army will fall into the hands of others. When the time comes, the empress will be in the harem. Not so relaxing!"

Facing the half-threatening words of her brother who always loved her, Concubine Ning shrank her eyes.

The hall fell silent for an instant.

After a while, Ning Guifei sighed faintly, and took the lead to break the silence.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Just like what you said, Zong Qing is also Bengong's younger brother, so how could I ignore him?"

Concubine Ning's eyes turned red as she finished speaking, as if she was very wronged.

"I just have no choice but to discuss it with my elder brother. We grew up together since we were young. How can I ever shirk Zong Qing's matter!"

Seeing tears in her eyes, turning her head away in anger, the anger in Ning Zongyuan's heart was instantly extinguished, and he also felt that he was too impulsive just now.

He sighed, rubbing the space between his brows in apology.

"It's Big Brother's fault, I shouldn't have misunderstood you."

"It's just that Zong Qing's matter is urgent, you and I have to find a way to rescue him."

Speaking of this, his eyes sank again.

"Gu Nanyan, the leader of the kamikaze team, is insidious and cunning. Zong Qing was probably arrested before I returned to China, but she never said..."

Ning Zongyuan clenched his fist, feeling a dull pain in the broken arm.

"I think she knew early in the morning that my status as the general of the Weiyang Army could not be kept, and Zong Qing was the only one who could replace me, so she specially waited for me to recover before negotiating terms."

Concubine Ning felt a little unbelievable after hearing his words.

"Then no matter how powerful Gu Nanyan is, she's just a little girl. How could she be dismissed as a big brother early in the morning?"

As far as she knew, Gu Nanyan was born in a family of generals and was very powerful.

But anyone who has come into contact with her can describe her impression in a few words.

Impulsive and unscheming.

Therefore Concubine Ning Guifei did not believe her elder brother's speculation.

Ning Zongyuan sneered, and reached out to touch the broken arm.

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate her. This woman is not as simple as she appears on the surface. As far as I know, no one who has opposed her has been able to please her so far!"

He Ning Zongyuan is one of them!
Whether it was the time of the war, the peace talks between the two countries, or even the matter of Ning Zongqing, he suffered every time!

Concubine Ning was thoughtful when she heard the words: "According to what you said, is that bitch trying to hit us hard?"

She frowned, her expression was no longer as relaxed as before.

"To tell you the truth, brother, what I said just now is not an excuse. The emperor really annoyed me because of the two iron mines he gave away when he rescued you, and even Lang'er didn't want to see him."

Fu Lang is the prince who looks the most like Emperor Anyang, so he is also the emperor's favorite.

But since the last incident, the emperor found an excuse and ordered him to be grounded in the mansion, and it has been more than half a month and he still hasn't let go.

This terrified Concubine Ning Gui, who had always loved her mobile phone, always felt that the emperor had discovered something.

Ning Zongyuan was not worried about this.

No matter what Gu Nanyan wanted, he had it all together for her. I was afraid that Ning Zongqing would encounter the same experience as himself!
Even if he was rescued at that time, how could the emperor agree to a person as disabled as him to take over the Weiyang army? !

Unlike Concubine Ning's dignified palace, the East Palace is peaceful.

Fu Tuo sat behind the table in the study, playing with a black pill the size of a grain of rice in his hand.

San Jin brought up a plate of fruit, and asked with some confusion when he saw the situation: "Why didn't Your Highness directly inform the emperor of this matter, so that not only can the Ning family be brought down, but the emperor will also remember you well."

This pill was obtained two months ago.

At that time, the crown prince knew that Concubine Ning would retreat from her servants every day, and personally fed the medicine to the emperor, so the Yinlong Guard hidden in the palace secretly replaced it.

Later, His Royal Highness found out that the medicine was a drug that could make people fall into a coma.

And after taking it continuously for three months, you will never wake up again.

At that time, His Highness did not say anything, nor did he ask anyone to change all the medicines. He just waited quietly in the East Palace, as if he didn't care if the Emperor would not wake up.

Now that the emperor is awake, Sanjin feels that the clay ball that His Royal Highness exchanged may be used as a drug for the emperor!

In this way, it can be regarded as saving the emperor's life, but his highness never told the emperor about this time.

Fu Tuo pouted mockingly: "Do you think he will believe Gu's words?"

When Sanjin heard this, his heart was sour.

Thinking about how much his Highness respected and loved the Emperor at the beginning, now he is afraid that he is only full of disappointment.

"Your Highness, you don't need to be sad, you still have Your Highness the Princess." Sanjin comforted.

Thinking of Gu Nanyan, Fu Tuo threw the pills in his hand into the teacup in front of him, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Is there any news from Yanyan?"

Before leaving, he left an address for Gu Nanyan, so that she could send the letter there if she had something to do.

But it has been a while since he returned to the palace, but he still hasn't received any letter from his sister.

Sanjin didn't say anything, Fu Tuo understood it, and couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

He still wanted to say something, but he heard the report from the little eunuch outside the door, and the emperor called him to have an audience.

In the imperial study room, Anyang Emperor Fu Jingqi sat in front of the imperial case, looking down at Fu Tuo who was kneeling on the ground.

He didn't speak, just watched him silently for a quarter of an hour before making a sound to calm him down.

After Fu Tuo got up, he stood quietly below, with his head down, without saying a word.

"I heard that there is a magic soldier in Jianan, and the leader is a woman. Have you seen it during your mission to Jianan?" Emperor Anyang asked abruptly.

Fu Tuo's body froze, and a stern look flashed across his lowered eyes.

"Father, you should be talking about Gu Nanyan, the Princess Protector of the Jianan Kingdom. She is also present at the peace talks. I have the honor to meet you a few times."


Emperor Anyang seemed to be very curious about Gu Nanyan, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is she as powerful as the rumors say?"

Since he woke up, almost all the information about Jianan Kingdom was related to this princess.

Even the people of their own country have heard of her deeds, and they passed on her as miraculous as a god descending to earth.

Therefore, Emperor Anyang was very curious about what kind of person she was.

Fu Tuo shook his fist in his sleeve, but couldn't understand what he meant for a while.

After deliberating for a while, he said: "The princess is indeed different from ordinary women. She was born in the Zhenbei General's residence, and her style of conduct is quite true to General Gu's. It's just that the rumors are exaggerated. After all, she is just a little girl."

Fu Tuo said this lightly, trying to dispel Emperor Anyang's curiosity.

But Emperor Anyang didn't do what he wished, and he continued to ask questions relentlessly.

"You mean, there is nothing special about her, and the news that she can manipulate Tianlei is also false?"

Emperor Anyang squinted his eyes, staring closely at Fu Tuo's eyes, as if he was examining something.

(End of this chapter)

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