The farmer has a mall

Chapter 243 She Looks Down on Fourth Brother

Chapter 243 She Looks Down on Fourth Brother (Gageng [-])

Fu Tuo felt uneasy, and a thin layer of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

"My son and the princess only met each other a few times, and they were all under the watchful eyes of everyone. I didn't have the opportunity to talk to her alone, so I don't know her very well, but..."

He looked at Emperor Anyang hesitantly, as if he didn't know what to say next.

Emperor Anyang lowered his eyelids. Although he was nearly forty years old, he didn't even have any fine lines on his face. If he didn't have a beard, he would look like a young man in his 20s.

"Speak up if you have something to say, what does it look like for a crown prince to falter and falter!"

Facing Emperor Anyang's reprimand, Fu Tuo sneered in his heart, but didn't show it on his face.

"Yes, Father."

He lowered his head and tried his best to hide the emotion in his eyes, as if his voice was weak after standing for a long time.

"According to Erchen, the theory of ghosts and gods has always been nonsensical, and the princess is just an ordinary person with flesh and blood. Being able to manipulate the sky thunder is probably just an excuse for some people to lose the battle."

What he said was like putting on little shoes for Ning Zongyuan.

Emperor Anyang did not reprimand him as usual, but instead laughed.

"I hope she is as powerful as the rumors say, so that she is worthy of being my royal family!"

His words sounded like thunder, and Fu Tuo raised his head and feet involuntarily in shock.

"What's the meaning of this, father?" Fu Tuo asked with a pale face, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more obvious.

Emperor Anyang did not answer his question, and the old god took a sip of tea from his teacup.

He put his eyes on Fu Tuo again, his slender eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

"The emperor's eyes are exactly the same as your mother's. If I could have a daughter..."

He looked into Fu Tuo's eyes, as if recalling something.

Fu Tuo's heart was beating wildly, and his whole body was trembling almost uncontrollably.

"Father was joking, the mother and queen have already passed away, so how can there be a daughter, besides..."

He settled down, and suddenly looked at Emperor Anyang.

"Even if the queen mother is still alive, she will never see the emperor father again!"

Fu Tuo felt uneasy in his heart, and stared at Emperor Anyang angrily.


Emperor Anyang was furious, grabbed the paperweight at hand and threw it at Fu Tuo's head.

Fu Tuo didn't dodge or dodge, letting the jade stone as thick as the baby's forearm hit him on the head.

Severe pain hit, followed by a burst of dizziness, and the warm liquid instantly stained his right eye red.

Emperor Anyang was puzzled and wanted to hit him with something, but he froze on the spot when he saw the overwhelming hatred in his eyes.

Fu Tuo shook off the chief eunuch who came to help him, and wiped his face with his sleeve.

The bright yellow sleeves were instantly dyed red.

"Father, if you have nothing else to do, I'll go back and apply the medicine first." He said in a calm voice, as if the eyes full of hatred just now were not his.

Without waiting for the emperor to agree, he turned around and walked towards the door, his back straightened, but his feet staggered a little.

"I thought that you were not young, it was time to marry the princess, and I wanted to marry Jianan Kingdom and marry that princess to you." Emperor Anyang said in a deep voice.

"Who would have thought that you would be so ignorant of what's good and what's wrong, it's a waste of all my efforts, since that's the case..."

He snorted mockingly: "Your fourth brother will be the candidate for this marriage."

Marriage between two countries, especially two countries with equal strength, if one party is a princess, the other party must be a prince or emperor.

When Emperor Anyang said this, he obviously wanted Jianan Kingdom to be the backing of the Fourth Prince.

Hearing this, Fu Tuo stopped in his tracks, and only then did he understand what he meant by "this is what makes me a royal".

He was relieved and at the same time amused.

"Father, don't worry, she doesn't look down on fourth younger brother." Fu Tuo raised his legs and wanted to walk again, the heavy burden in his heart was gone, and he couldn't help but feel lighter on his feet.

"Whether you like it or not, you have to wait for her to see it."

As soon as he said this, Fu Tuo successfully made Fu Tuo take back his step.

"What's your father's intention? Is it possible that you still want the princess to travel thousands of miles to see her?"

He felt ridiculous when he said that.

With Yanyan's temperament, how could she come here because of this kind of thing, unless she was given money!
Thinking of Gu Nanyan's appearance as a money fan during the peace talks, Fu Tuo couldn't help laughing.

He suddenly felt that if he wanted to be a qualified elder brother, he would have to work hard to make money!
He was thinking about what property he had, how much income he had, and whether it was enough for his sister to squander, and he didn't notice the deep eyes of Emperor Anyang.

"Gu Nanyan captured Ning Zongqing and wanted to use him in exchange for benefits. I have already promised Concubine Ning to give her 300 taels of silver and a few shops, but the premise is that she will come to pick it up in person."

Fu Tuo didn't take it seriously when he heard the words.

He believed that with Gu Nanyan's intelligence and trouble-free temper, he would never let his face, which resembled his mother's empress by [-] to [-]%, be exposed in front of his father.

So he didn't say anything else, and went straight back to the East Palace, leaving only Emperor Anyang watching him leave with an unclear expression.

However, Fu Tuo understood Gu Nanyan's temperament, but underestimated how greedy she was for money!
A few days later, when Gu Nanyan received a letter from Ning Zongyuan, apart from being dissatisfied with the amount stated in the letter, he did not object to going to Anyang Kingdom in person.

Gu Yao looked at the letter thoughtfully, and always felt that there was something strange in it.

"If Sister Nan doesn't want to go, don't bother." Gu Yao mused.

"Grandfather heard that Ning Zongyuan is no longer the general of the Weiyang Army. If he wants to redeem Ning Zongqing to take his place, he will definitely think of another way."

Gu Nanyan took a bite of the freshly baked meat buns, and said in satisfaction, "Why don't you go?"

She swallowed what was in her mouth, looking very yearning.

"I have long heard that Anyang is so rich that the treasury has piles of gold, silver and jewels, several times as much as Li Mina's treasury."

Mentioning Li Mi, Gu Nanyan pouted in disgust.

That poor guy didn't give her any military expenses for half a year, and he couldn't get anything from him. Why don't you want her to go to other countries to search?

Gu Yao heard Gu Nanyan's disgust, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Even if Anyang's national treasury is abundant, it's their property. Do you still want to grab it?"

He said this to tease his granddaughter for being greedy for money, but when he looked up, he saw her staring at him with big watery eyes and blinked innocently.

Gu Yao: "..."

I have a bad feeling...

His mouth trembled, and he laughed dryly twice.

"Grandfather is just talking casually, my dear grandson, don't take it seriously!"

That's the treasury!
And it's still the treasury of Anyang Kingdom...

Isn't his granddaughter really so courageous?

Gu Nanyan took the handkerchief Liu Zhenzhen handed over, wiped the oil off his hands, and then patted Gu Yao on the shoulder.

"Grandpa, don't worry, when I come back, I will definitely give you... a few taels of silver!" She said with pain.

Gu Yao: "..."

I can thank you!

Seeing his granddaughter's serious face, Gu Yao panicked a little.

"Sister Nan, if you are short of money, tell your grandfather. Grandpa will find a solution for you. Don't be impulsive. If something goes wrong, the two countries will go to war again. When the time comes, the people in the border towns will suffer!"

Gu Yao is not worried at all that his granddaughter will suffer a loss. Even the 30 troops of the Weiyang Army can't help her. How can a small treasury be hard to beat her?

Gu Yao had tears in his eyes, so he has a powerful granddaughter who can cause trouble, and he probably will never have a free time in his life.

Seeing that he was about to collapse that day, Gu Nanyan was speechless.

"With Lao Tzu's city defense artillery, I'm afraid of fighting with a ball!"

It wasn't her bragging, if Wei Yangjun could step into the city gate, she, Gu Nanyan, would offer her head with her own hands!
Gu Yao was startled, and also thought of the ten artillery pieces that had been built.

He hesitated for a while, and asked uncertainly: "Can you really rob Anyang Kingdom's treasury?"

Gu Nanyan raised her chin and hummed proudly.

Gu Yao sighed, knowing that he couldn't persuade his granddaughter no matter what.

"In this case, grandfather will not stop you."

He patted Gu Nanyan on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Then you take your grandfather with you. I want to buy a set of ruby ​​face masks for your grandmother recently, but the money is not enough..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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