The farmer has a mall

Chapter 244 How to Match

Chapter 244 How to Match (Addition [-])

At the same time, Li Yi, who was far away in the northwest, also received a letter about the Queen Mother Shen's birthday.

Since the first emperor passed away, the queen mother has lived in the Jinghe Palace all year round, and has not held a birthday banquet for more than ten consecutive years.

It's just that this year is her [-]th birthday, and it's approaching the end of the year.

Coupled with the fact that the emperor had been "sick in bed" for many days and hadn't improved, some courtiers proposed to hold a birthday banquet for the empress dowager to celebrate the emperor's happiness.

The empress dowager originally disagreed, but the matter involved the emperor, she hesitated and agreed.

The letter Li Yi received was to inform him that he would return to Beijing in three months' time to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday.

King Jing also received the letter like him.

It's just that his letter was written by the Queen Mother herself.

The birthday of the Empress Dowager of a country is very important, and other countries will also send envoys there, so Li Yi and Prince Jing must return to Beijing.

Simply put, Xihu has settled down, and the mutual market between the two countries is also going on in an orderly manner, so it's okay to leave for a while.

As a prince, Prince Jing cannot leave the fief without summons, so he can't leave until half a month before the birthday banquet.

Li Yi was different. On the day he received the letter, he finally finished dealing with the matter at hand. On the second day, he resigned from King Jing and took Long to the north.

He hurried all the way, and finally arrived at Wuyin County where Gu Nanyan was located ten days later.

At this time, she was instructing everyone to install the artillery on the tower, and when she turned her head, she saw Li Yi standing not far behind her, with a pair of fox eyes full of smiles, looking at her from a distance.

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and looked at him, and the two of them didn't speak for a while.

"How did you come?"

Gu Nanyan was the first to break the silence.

"Come and see you."

Li Yi's tone was soft, and he answered calmly, staring straight at her without moving his eyes for a moment.

His image at this time is not very good, his eyes are a little black and blue, his clothes are slightly messy, he looks like he is in a hurry and has not had a good rest.

Gu Nanyan rubbed her nose, but didn't know what to say for a while.

Li Yi didn't care, he walked up to him and patted her head.

Then he looked at the busy soldiers as if nothing had happened.

He walked up to the cannon, brushing the cannon with his slender fingers.

"Is this the city defense artillery you mentioned?"

Gu Nanyan nodded, and also stepped forward to stand side by side with him.

"It looks quite solid." Li Yi smiled and tapped on it with his fingertips.

"It's a pity that I came a little late and didn't see its power."

After Gu Nanyan test-fired the first cannon, he received the news. Unfortunately, he had urgent matters to deal with at that time, so he couldn't rush over.

Seeing his regretful expression, Gu Nanyan also bent her white and tender fingertips and tapped on it.

Then she curled her lips and said, "It's not easy to see."

A quarter of an hour later, all the artillery was installed, and more than a dozen barrels were facing the front.

Following Gu Nanyan's order, the soldiers who had already been trained raised their torches and lit the fuse.

There was a burst of rumbling, accompanied by the shaking of the ground, and a cloud of smoke and dust rose in the distance.

After the dust cleared, Li Yi put down the binoculars in his hand, his handsome face was full of shock.

He only knew that the city defense artillery had a similar effect to Gu Nanyan's sky thunder, but he didn't know that this thing could hit so far!
It is so far away that even if the field of vision is wide and unobstructed, it cannot be seen by the naked eye.

"Yan'er is very powerful." Li Yi praised sincerely, with both admiration and admiration in his eyes.

"Such a powerful Yan'er, how can I match you?" He sighed, with a look of melancholy on his face.

Upon hearing this, Gu Nanyan tilted her head and thought about this question very seriously.

"You can buy Lao Tzu with money." She said seriously.

Li Yi was taken aback, and he couldn't believe that Gu Nanyan would answer his question directly.

"This king has already handed over all his wealth to you." He stared at her closely, with a smile on his lips.

"If you are willing to marry this king, the entire Prince Sheng's mansion will be yours, and so will this king."

Gu Nanyan looked at him inexplicably. "When did you hand over your worth to me?"

Why didn't I know?
"When you and I met for the first time, that piece of black ink jade." Li Yi gently reminded.

Gu Nanyan blinked and took out the jade pendant from the space.


Li Yi nodded: "This is my personal jade pendant, as long as you hold it, any property in Prince Sheng's Mansion will obey you."

Gu Nanyan recalled, it seems that he did say something similar back then.

"If you say that..."

She paused, and grinned maliciously.

"Even if I don't marry you, with this jade pendant, can I take out all your money?"

Li Yi: "..."

His face turned black, and he didn't know whether to say yes or no.

"That's true, but..."

Li Yi looked at Gu Nanyan's smug smile on her round face, and couldn't help but reach out and rub her head.

"Before the emperor passed away, he left a lot of good things for this king, and they are all stored in a secret private treasury in the palace."

He deliberately elongated his tone, secretly paying attention to Gu Nanyan's expression, and sure enough, he saw her eyes brighten up.

Li Yi hooked the corners of his mouth, and his words were seductive: "Brother Huang said that if this king gets married someday, he will give these things as betrothal gifts."

"Is Yan'er interested in these things?" He asked tentatively.

With a serious expression, Gu Nanyan nodded solemnly.

"interested in!"

Li Yi showed a triumphant smile, and just about to say something else, he heard Gu Nanyan say in a firm tone:

"Thank you for your reminder, I will definitely find out that private treasury when I return to Beijing!"

The dog emperor dared to pretend to be poor with her!

He obviously hid the money secretly, and tricked her out to earn military expenses for himself!
Gu Nanyan gritted her teeth and cracked her fingers.

Li Yi: "..."

Brother take care!

This time, Gu Nanyan fired more than a dozen cannons at once, causing a sound that stretched for dozens of miles.

All the spies stationed in the city from all sides were terrified, and quickly passed the news to the master.

The one who reacted the most was Cui Yanping.

He stood up abruptly, and brought the chair behind him down, ignoring him.

"Is the news accurate?" Cui Yanping's trembling lips were agitated after hearing his subordinate's description.

"Return to the master, this is what the subordinates saw with their own eyes, it cannot be faked!"

The person who reported the letter was also very excited, and the shocking scene appeared in front of him from time to time.

"My subordinates also went out of the city to check. There is a scorched earth ten miles outside the city, and countless iron pieces are deeply embedded in any surrounding objects. If there were enemy troops there at that time, there may be more than a thousand casualties!"

Cui Yanping was shocked when he heard this.

Although the two sides often dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops when they were fighting, 1000 people didn't sound like a lot, but it was ten miles away!

And as far as he knew, the reloading time of the city defense artillery was only a few breaths.

If there is a real war, it will take at least two or three quarters of an hour to get from ten miles away to the city. How many people will lose their combat capabilities in this period of time alone!

Don't mention how long it takes from siege to break the city, just talk about the blow to the morale of the enemy...

Cui Yanping suppressed his agitated mood and paced back and forth in the room.

After a while, he stopped and looked at the scenery outside the door and sighed.

"The Gu family... no one can match."

He bent down and slowly lifted the overturned chair, picked up the brush and wrote a letter.

Gu Yao was not surprised when he received Cui Yanping's letter, but the letter used every word to please him, which was never before.

Of course he knew why.

That cannon is a temptation that no one can resist, and Cui Yanping, as a general, is naturally the same.

He clearly stated in his heart that he wanted to form an alliance with the Gu family, which was undoubtedly the idea of ​​playing artillery.

It's just that this thing was built by his granddaughter, and he didn't want to make decisions on his own.

He put Cui Yanping's letter back in the envelope, sealed it with wax, and returned it to the soldier who delivered the letter.

"Go and find out where the princess is now, and if you can make it in time, hand this letter to her."

(End of this chapter)

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