The farmer has a mall

Chapter 248 Returning Him in Batches

Chapter 248 Returning Him in Batches (Add Thirteen)

Facing Gu Nanyan who opened his mouth wide open, Emperor Anyang sneered back.

"Think beautifully!"

The reason why Ning Zongyuan was redeemed at such a high price was because he was not around.

Now let alone iron ore, he doesn't want to give even silver.

"The promised 300 million taels, I won't give you a penny more, if you want it, if you don't want it, then go away with that scourge!"

Don't think he doesn't know, with this dead girl's cruel and merciless virtue, how can Ning Zongqing be cured by her?
Don't change back to someone with short arms and short legs, and Concubine Ning will make trouble with him again.

That being the case, it's better to have a blind eye!

"When did I promise you 300 million taels?"

Gu Nanyan narrowed his eyes when he heard that Emperor Anyang seemed to be suspected of reneging on his debts.

"The content of the letter is your unilateral proposal, and I came here to bargain with you!"

Even the scrapped Ning Zongyuan can be sold for 1000 million taels. She tried her best to raise Ning Zong to be white and fat.
"I don't care, 1000 million taels is the same price, if you don't give it..."

Gu Nanyan snorted twice: "I will give you a catty of meat a day, and return him in batches!"

Anyway, Ning Zongqing has a lot of meat, one catty a day, it is estimated to be able to give away for two years.

When Emperor Anyang heard her open and close, she looked like a bandit, just like every girl, the veins on her forehead twitched and twitched, and finally couldn't hold back and slapped on the imperial case.

"Speak well to me!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Fu Tuo: "..."

Emperor Anyang: "..."

Fu Tuo, who had been silent just now, cleared his throat.

"Father, what Yanyan means is that she doesn't care how much you pay, as long as the money is collected."

Emperor Anyang was embarrassed, and looked at him because he didn't understand what he heard.

"What does that mean?"

Did he not sleep well last night? Why are the words of these two brats more difficult to understand than the other?
"My son heard that the Ning family has a lot of property, with an annual income of one million taels. It is not difficult to come up with 700 million taels of silver."

"Can the Ning family come up with so much money?" He looked at Fu Tuo suspiciously.

"How did you know?"

Fu Tuo's eyes darkened.

Of course he knows!
Speaking of which, many properties under Ning Zongyuan's name now belonged to the former Wei family. Back then when the entire Wei family was beheaded, Ning Zongyuan took the opportunity to take it into his arms.

"I've heard people say that, even if they can't afford so much money for a while, they can still use their property to pay for it."

With a smile on his face, he calmly let Emperor Anyang look at him.

Emperor Anyang looked at his son carefully, and felt that he was completely different from the usual honest but impulsive prince today, as if he was a different person.

He looked at Fu Tuo with cold eyes, how could he not understand that he was always pretending!

"You..." Emperor Anyang's face was livid, pointing at him and about to scold him.

But he was startled by Gu Nanyan's cracking sound, which seemed to be breaking.

Gu Nanyan slapped the armrest, her eyes were shining brightly.

"Just do it!"

The things in the national treasury were originally in her pocket, and it didn't matter if Emperor Anyang took more or less.

She didn't gnaw her mouth just now, but it was just because she didn't like this stupid king and deliberately made trouble for him.

However, Fu Tuo's proposal seemed to open the door to a new world.

"Otherwise, the 1000 taels will all be sent out by Ning Zongyuan. His younger brother was arrested in the first place to blackmail him."

At this time, Gu Nanyan, who was dazzled by money, had completely thrown her integrity to the ground, and easily stated her purpose without concealing it.

Seeing that the two were speechless, she thought it would be difficult to handle.

"Are you afraid that he won't give it?"

Gu Nanyan stroked Chen Si's chin for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"I have a problem!" She moved the stool forward and moved forward.

"Fun Lord, come and make an order to seal Lao Tzu's... according to the order to search the house!"

"I'll get it myself!"

Emperor Anyang: "..."

Fu Tuo: "..."

When Gu Nanyan left the palace, she left with a look of disappointment on her face. She sighed all the way, and the corners of the mouth of Eunuch Xu who sent her back to the post house twitched.

Emperor Anyang was still sitting in the hall, and he watched Gu Nanyan leave with a complex and difficult expression on his face.

"When did you know?"

Fu Tuo was taken aback by his sudden question, and immediately understood what he was asking.

Fu Tuo's eyes flickered, and he bowed and replied, "It's because she looks so similar to the queen mother when I was sent to Jianan this time, that made my minister suspicious."

In fact, he knew it many years ago, but there are some things that cannot be revealed, so he can only choose to hide them.

"Really?" Emperor Anyang asked indifferently.

She didn't seem to want him to answer, so she got up and walked out.

When passing by him, Emperor Anyang paused.

"Your body was also healed by her?"

Fu Tuo nodded honestly, not trying to hide it.

Emperor Anyang left the hall, leaving Fu Tuo standing alone for a long time before leaving.

In Concubine Ning's palace, Emperor Anyang, who had just finished his meal, was being served by her to clean his hands.

"How did the emperor remember that my concubine had dinner here today?" She seemed very happy, and Shuangxia was flushed.

Emperor Anyang half-closed his eyes, and leaned on the pillow behind him as if he was a little sleepy.

"I met the princess of Jianan before I came here."

Thinking of Gu Nanyan, the wound on Emperor Anyang's forehead throbbed.

Fortunately, the bleeding had stopped long ago, and before he came, he asked Mr. Xu to make some gouache and put it on, so it wouldn't be obvious if you didn't look carefully.

"The emperor has reached an agreement with her, when will she let Zong Qing go?" Ning Guifei asked eagerly.

Since the day Gu Nanyan entered Beijing, she had arranged someone in the posthouse, trying to rescue him when no one was looking.

It's a pity that the kamikaze team is tightly defended, and there is no chance to attack!

Let alone start, they haven't seen Ning Zongqing show up until today, and he even solved it in the room when he went to the bathroom.

This made Concubine Ning very worried, and even suspected that her younger brother had been murdered just like her elder brother, so she couldn't go out because she was inconvenient to move.

Seeing that she was looking at him earnestly, with trust in her almond eyes, Emperor Anyang couldn't help softening his tone.

"She disagreed with our previous proposal and insisted on asking for 1000 million taels of silver to release her."

"What!" Concubine Ning Gui, who was originally docile as a cat, jumped up in an instant, and asked sharply.

"Is that damn girl crazy? How did she want to get out!"

Most of the merchants can't even earn 100 million taels in their lifetime, and even their Ning family, if they want to spend this amount, they will have to sell their properties and hurt their bones!
Emperor Anyang's eardrums hurt from the shock, and the sleepy bug was instantly driven away, and he frowned displeased.

"She wants it, and she wants it with confidence!"

Throwing the handkerchief still in his hand, Emperor Anyang snorted coldly.

"I have tried my best on this matter. The 300 million taels of silver are already in my private treasury. The Ning family can figure out the rest on your own."

Concubine Ning opened her eyes wide in shock, looking at the emperor in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, how could my eldest brother give so much money!"

As far as she knew, the cash left by his elder brother on the bright side was only over one million taels, plus the gold and silver he kept in the darkroom, the total was only over three hundred taels.

Even if they were all taken out, only half of them had been collected!
"I can't help it. I've said everything I need to say, but that girl just won't let go." Emperor Anyang sighed, very melancholy.

"She also said that if we don't give the money, we will cut off your brother's flesh and send it here. Cut a catty a day until the bones are left..."

"Ah! Your Majesty, stop talking!" Concubine Ning Gui was so pale with fright, she couldn't help but want to retch when she thought of that scene.

"Difficult, is there no other way?"

Gu Nanyan is now in their territory, if she can be restrained or...

Not only can Ning Zongqing be rescued, but she can also vent her anger for her elder brother!

The most important thing is to earn some face for the Ning family and herself!
(End of this chapter)

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