The farmer has a mall

Chapter 249 Grandson Becomes Grandpa

Chapter 249 Grandson Becomes Grandpa

Regarding Ning Guifei's whimsical ideas, Emperor Anyang sneered back.

"Why do you dare to come here alone?"

"A few days ago, Gu Yao took out a new weapon called "cannon". This thing can hit the enemy ten miles away, and its power is unheard of!"

Emperor Anyang looked very serious, looking at Concubine Ning with a warning in his eyes.

"As long as Gu Nanyan hurts a hair here, believe it or not, with Gu Yao's impulsive temperament, he will bring this thing to attack Anyang!"

The appearance of the city defense artillery shocked Emperor Anyang.

When he first heard that Gu Nanyan had defeated 1000 Weiyang Army with 30 men, he felt incredible and thought that there was something wrong with his ears.

Throughout history, there are countless battles in which fewer people won more battles, but the number of people in those battles differed by several times at most. One thousand vs. 30 is really incredible.

What's more, the kamikaze team won without any damage!

At that time, Emperor Anyang sat in the imperial study for a whole day after reading the battle report, his mind was confused, and he felt that the whole world had changed when he woke up this time.

It was as if when he woke up, everyone told him that the grandson who followed him all day was actually his grandfather!
Emperor Anyang was startled, and ordered people to carefully investigate the origin of the city's anti-aircraft guns.

When Gu Nanyan set up the smelter and the arsenal, he didn't hide it, so he easily knew that it was made by Gu Nanyan.

This incident shocked him even more than before.

He stared at the information in his hand, and read it back and forth a dozen times, word by word.

Although he knew long ago that there is something called Tianlei in Gu Nanyan's hand, which is similar to the city defense gun.

But he didn't know that the thunder came from Gu Nanyan that day!
"It's understandable that the Ning family wants to redeem Ning Zongqing, but I hope that no matter what you do, you will first think about your own identity!"

"If my country is put in danger, don't blame me for not remembering old love."

Emperor Anyang left after saying this, leaving only Concubine Ning standing there with a look of astonishment.

"Imperial concubine, do you still want the servants to pass the message over there, so that they can do it tonight?"

Wei Chongli stood by her side and asked cautiously.

They were discussing this before the emperor came.

Concubine Ning looked at the back of the emperor leaving, her eyes flickered.

"No need for now."

If the emperor hadn't said these words to her today, she would definitely get someone to do it.

But the emperor had already warned her that if she still insisted on getting rid of Gu Nanyan, it would be a taboo.

Not to mention how Jianan Kingdom will react at that time, even the emperor, who has always been steadfast, will not spare her lightly.

She frowned and pondered for a moment, then asked Wei Chong who was waiting for her instructions with his head down: "What is the fourth prince doing?"

She knew about her son's order to take Gu Nanyan into the palace early on.

It stands to reason that he should come to her directly after returning to the palace, but she waited all morning but still didn't find him.

Wei Chong paused for a moment, then hesitated and said: "Just now His Highness sent someone a letter saying that he is not feeling well today, so he won't come to greet you."

Concubine Ning frowned when she heard the words, with worry on her face.

"But what's wrong with it?"

As far as she knew her son was fine this morning, why did he get sick after only a while?
"The man said that His Highness accidentally fell, and there was nothing serious, just some bruises."

Concubine Ning frowned even tighter: "How can such a grown-up person be so careless?"

She got up and straightened her clothes and said: "Forget it, follow me to the emperor's mansion to have a look, and take the bottle of jade cream that the emperor rewarded me with you."

Wei Chong answered yes, took a porcelain bottle from the small cabinet that collapsed, and followed Ning Guifei out of the palace gate.

The fourth prince was lying on the bed with his teeth gritted, his upper body exposed.

"Bitch, this prince must tear her into pieces!"

There was a large bruise on Fu Lang's back, and the imperial doctor behind him was rubbing medicine on him.

In anger, he clenched his fists and slammed down the bed board, but accidentally pulled the wound on his back, and grinned in pain.

"Your Highness, don't get excited, you need to rest well," the imperial doctor advised.

Although his injury didn't hurt his bones, the place where Gu Nanyan threw him happened to be scattered with some stones, so the injury looked a little scary.

"Your Majesty has already prescribed some medicine for dispelling silt. Your Highness will recover after taking it on time for a month."

After he finished speaking, he saw that Fu Lang's expression was heavy and he didn't speak, so he had to write down the prescription and hand it to the little eunuch who was waiting at the side, and then he withdrew.

The little eunuch went to the pharmacy to get the medicine himself, fried it and brought it to him.

Fu Lang wiped his mouth after gulping it down, and said with gloomy eyes: "Have you gone to say hello to the concubine?"

The little eunuch answered yes, took the medicine bowl and replied: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the servant has already said hello, saying that you accidentally fell and need to rest in the mansion for a day."

Fu Lang nodded in satisfaction, his expression slightly relaxed, but his face became even uglier after thinking of being thrown out by Gu Nanyan in public today.

"Is the person I asked you to arrange ready?" He asked in a deep voice.

The little eunuch hurriedly responded: "The servant has already ordered to replace those people with ours. As long as you give an order, they will do it."

He paused, then hesitantly said: "Should we discuss this matter with the empress, so as not to cause trouble if both sides do it at the same time..."

Fu Lang gave him a gloomy look, and the little eunuch fell silent in fright.

"This prince must avenge this revenge himself. If you dare to talk nonsense with the concubine mother, be careful that I will abolish you!"

The little eunuch turned pale, and hurriedly kowtowed to admit his mistake and dared not say more.

Besides, Gu Nanyan was escorted all the way by Eunuch Xu, and instead of taking a carriage, he strolled back to the post house.

She bought a lot of delicious food along the way, but she didn't let the palace servants help her carry them. She hugged them in her arms and ate them as she walked, and bought them after she finished eating.

When he arrived at the post house, he almost ate up everything in his arms, except for a small bag of Anyang country's unique bamboo leaf cake.

When Eunuch Xu saw that she ate the amount of seven or eight people by herself, his eyes almost popped out.

He has been with the emperor for decades, and used to often accompany the emperor to the empress's palace for meals.

He remembered that even when the queen was pregnant with the prince, a meal was only a small bowl and enough to fill her up.

Even the emperor, as a man, only eats two bowls of rice!

Eunuch Xu wiped the cold sweat off his brow, thinking to himself that it's no wonder that she, a girl, can easily throw out the Fourth Prince, a grown man.

At the same time, I am glad that she was living in the general's mansion instead of an ordinary family, otherwise the food alone would not be enough for ordinary people to support!
After Xu Gonggong returned to the palace, he carefully told Emperor Anyang what he had seen along the way.

Emperor Anyang lowered his eyes, flipped through a memorial in his hand, and didn't know if he listened to it or not.

It wasn't until two hours later that he finished processing the memorial that he said to Mr. Xu expressionlessly: "I remember that there is a cook in the imperial dining room who is good at making snacks from all over the world. Arrange him to the post house."

Eunuch Xu agreed with a smile, and went to make arrangements after turning around.

After dinner, Gu Nanyan threw the bag of bamboo leaf cake to Liu Zhenzhen.

"Reward you."

She didn't look at her after all, and went back to the house in a rather good mood.

Liu Zhenzhen stood there holding the pastry, unable to react for a while.

She opened the oil-paper bag suspiciously, and was stunned for a moment when she saw what was inside.

She pinched a piece of rice cake wrapped in green bamboo leaves, her fingers trembling.

This kind of bamboo leaf cake is a specialty of Anyang country, and she hasn't eaten it for a long time, last time Gu Nanyan bought some for her to eat together on the way here, she couldn't help but eat a few more pieces.

At that time, she also blamed herself for being greedy, for fear that Gu Nanyan would find out.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan didn't notice her, she was relieved only to eat the various snacks on the table with her head down.

Unexpectedly, she was still discovered.

With red eyes, Liu Zhenzhen tore off the bamboo leaf, carefully stuffed it into her mouth and took a bite.

The fragrance of bamboo leaves mixed with sticky yellow rice, the sweet smell made her tears flow down instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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