Chapter 250

The late-night posthouse is different from the coldness of the past. A few lanterns are lit in the yard, and the kamikaze team can be seen patrolling at any time.

Li Changgui, who was patrolling in other yards, happened to pass by, and seeing Ashlan still guarding the gate of Gu Nanyan Yard, he brought a group of guards behind him to say hello.

"This brother is so late, why don't you go to rest?"

He came forward and patted Ashlan's shoulder familiarly, with a cheerful face, looking quite honest and honest.

Following his movements, the strong scent of incense from Li Changgui's body instantly spread to the tip of Ashlan's nose, causing him to frown.

"The princess's safety is the most important thing, it doesn't matter if I go to bed later."

A Shilan was a person who was not good at covering up, resisting the urge to sneeze, she took a few steps back and rubbed her nose with her sleeve, looking very displeased with the smell.

Li Changgui scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

"My mother-in-law just bought a few taels of incense from a traveling merchant a few days ago. She said that this year's tribute included this, and she insisted on smoking it for me."

"That wicked woman is very fierce, and I can't hold her back..."

He seemed embarrassed and coughed twice: "I made my brother laugh."

Ashlan nodded in understanding, seeing the lantern beside her flickering, she turned around and twirled the wick.

"My lord is here so late, what's the matter?" He asked casually.

Li Changgui waved his hands quickly when he heard the words, and sighed.

"My lord, if you don't mind calling me Brother Li, that's fine."

After he finished speaking, he paused and waved his hands behind him.

Several guards came forward with a jug of wine in each hand, took out a stack of bowls and filled them up one by one.

"You have been here for a few days, and we haven't gotten to know each other well. The wind is a bit chilly tonight. Li has specially prepared thin wine for everyone to drink to warm up."

After he finished speaking, he asked the guard behind him to distribute the wine bowl to the Kamikaze Army guarding the door, and poured a bowl himself.

"This is brewed with my family's ancestral recipe. Drinking it has a refreshing effect. Don't dislike it."

He didn't give Ashlan a chance to speak, he picked up the bowl and drank it down in one gulp, looking very bold.

Several members of the kamikaze team held the wine bowls and looked at each other, not knowing whether to drink or not, they all looked at Ashlan.

Seeing him drink up a bowl of wine, Ashlan looked at the moonlight that was already in the west, hesitated for a moment and nodded at them.

"Then thank you, Brother Li, for your kindness."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking, he wiped the wine flowing from the corner of his mouth with his cuff.

"Good wine!" Ashlan praised.

Li Changgui's eyes flashed, and then he laughed out loud, wanting to reach out and pat him on the shoulder, remembering that he didn't like the smell on his body, he withdrew his hand again.

"Brother is really bold!"

He asked his subordinates to put away the wine bowls, and asked seemingly unintentionally: "I don't think you look like a Chianan, but Xihu, but do you have relatives from Xihu at home?"

Ashlan shook his head, his expression relaxed a lot.

"I'm from Xihu."

Li Changgui looked at him in surprise for a while, and then admired him: "As a Xihu man, you are actually able to be reused by the princess. It seems that brother is quite capable."

Then he sighed like a sigh.

"It's not like me, who has been a guard for so many years and spends all day wasting time in this post."

After he finished speaking, he glanced around the straight kamikaze team members standing several times.

His eyes lit up when he saw the black boxes in their hands.

"Is this the legendary hidden weapon that can kill people thousands of miles away?"

Li Changgui took a step forward with great interest, and reached out to touch the gun pouch on Ashlan's waist.

"Brother Li praises me a lot, it's just that the princess is open-minded and doesn't care about our status."

Ashlan took a quick step back, avoiding his outstretched hand, and frowned.

Li Changgui didn't care when he saw him dodging, and smiled heartily.

"Brother, what are you afraid of? I'm just curious about what this legendary magic weapon looks like, and I won't snatch it away. You are too careful."

He took another step forward, and kept looking directly into Aslan's eyes while speaking, with a greedy light in his eyes.

Ashlan was alert in her heart, just about to draw the gun, suddenly staggered a few steps as if standing unsteadily, shaking her head unconsciously.

"You, you... drugged in the wine?" He leaned on the arch, and his body kept sliding.

The expressions of the other members of the guarding kamikaze team changed drastically.

Before they could raise the guns in their hands, they also began to fall unsteadily to the ground.

Li Changgui smiled, completely different from the simple and honest appearance just now, squatting complacently beside the immobile Ashlan.

"Li has been rare for your weapons for a long time, but he knows that if he asks you for them, he will return empty-handed. He has no choice but to make such a bad move. I hope brothers will understand!"

He reached out and patted Ashlan's ugly face, stretched his hand to the gun pouch on his waist, and at the same time commanded his subordinates behind him.

"The post house was attacked by thieves, and Her Royal Highness the princess has already been killed. You guys go in and take out the dead body of the princess, and immediately follow me into the palace to plead guilty!"

Li Changgui's eyes were fierce, and he looked at Ashlan as if he was looking at a dead person.

The subordinates behind him looked at each other, smiled, and were about to walk into the yard.

Before they stepped in, Li Changgui's hand on the gun bag was tightly grasped.

He raised his head in surprise, and saw Ashlan, whose eyes had been blurred, was staring at him fiercely, as if he had been drugged?
Li Changgui secretly thought that it was not good, and just as he was about to withdraw his hand and draw the knife, the black muzzle of the gun pointed at his head.

Seeing this, his dozen or so subordinates pulled out their long knives with vicious expressions and were about to slash at Ashlan.

But he heard a rustling sound, and when he looked up, he saw a group of kamikaze soldiers getting up from the ground and pointing their guns at them.

"How come you are all right!" Li Changgui couldn't believe it.

The drug he used was given to him by his master himself. It is said that a small amount can charm a brown bear, and the amount he poured into the wine is a full one or two!
Even he, who had taken the antidote in advance, felt dizzy at this moment.

But these people obviously drank those drinks like him, why are they all right? !

Ashlan sneered, pointed the gun barrel at his head and slowly got up.

He wasn't sure if the drink had been drugged.

It's just that Li Changgui's behavior of visiting in the middle of the night is really weird, and the incense on his body is pungent.

Just in case, when he was fiddling with the wick, he sprinkled some refreshing medicine powder given to him by his master.

This medicinal powder is an antidote developed by Gu Nanyan based on various drugs in this world, and the effect is obvious whether it is taken orally or inhaled.

The medicinal powder was sprinkled on the fire and evaporated under high temperature, and only a handful of it solved the drug addiction of a whole yard.

Except for Li Changgui who has been standing outside the courtyard.

Li Changgui was very unwilling, but he didn't dare to act rashly because of the legendary magic soldier.

"After all, who sent you here?" Ashlan asked with a serious expression.

Li Changgui had a sullen face and kept silent.

The master said that if things fail, as long as they keep their mouths shut, even if they are imprisoned by the emperor, the master will find a way to rescue them.

But if they divulged even a single bit of information about the master, he would silence them without anyone else doing it.

Li Changgui turned his head and winked at the people behind him, and everyone shut their mouths tightly when they saw this.

Ashlan frowned and said nothing.

He told the people behind him to take good care of Li Changgui, turned around and knocked on Gu Nanyan's door.

Liu Zhenzhen, who used to sleep very lightly, breathed evenly, without any sign of waking up.

"Master, everyone has been caught, but they are unwilling to reveal who is behind the scenes. How do you think we will deal with them?"

Li Changgui frowned when he heard the question.

In his opinion, the princess is in a foreign country, so she should pay attention to the influence no matter what, and will not do anything to them. The end result is either sending them to the official or sending them to the palace.

With the power of their master, it is very easy to save them as long as they are in prison.

Thinking of this, Li Changgui couldn't help laughing triumphantly, just as he was about to say "If you want to kill, you have to listen to the king", he heard a lazy but chilling voice from inside the room.

"Kill them all."

(End of this chapter)

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