The farmer has a mall

Chapter 259 Has nothing to do with identity

Chapter 259 Has nothing to do with identity

Fu Tuo's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to the place where Gu Nanyan's elbow had been pounded, and rubbed it lightly.

"Ning Guifei means that you are very similar to the lonely one, like a twin brother and sister!"

What does it mean to be as old as him? He hasn't passed his 20th birthday yet!

When Gu Nanyan heard the words, he suddenly realized and nodded.

"So she's calling me old!"

Fu Tuo: "..."


Concubine Ning was startled when she heard her address, but after trying to understand the meaning of "Old lady", her face turned red.


She glared at Gu Nanyan angrily and said, "How dare you insult me!"

Gu Nanyan looked at her inexplicably, and asked, "When did I insult you, don't wrong a good person!"

Everyone in the room is watching, she hasn't said a word to this bitch since she entered the door!

"I still don't admit it, just now you clearly called me to the prince..."

Concubine Ning Guifei, who thought she knew the book and respected the three words "old lady", held back for a long time without saying it, her face turned red and blue.

Gu Nanyan saw that she couldn't utter a complete sentence of faltering, so she couldn't hold back.


Concubine Ning: "..."

Gu Nanyan ignored her blue and white face, shook her head, and sighed helplessly, "The imperial concubine is too caring, how can this be an insult to you, you are indeed older than me, and you are indeed a bitch ..."

When she said this, she paused, and looked hesitantly at Emperor Anyang who was watching the play: "... right?"

Emperor Anyang: "..."

What do you mean, why does he feel that the way this dead girl looks at him is a bit wrong?

Concubine Ning fell on her back in anger. Since entering the palace, no one dared to talk to her like this for more than ten years.

Moreover, Emperor Anyang was not considered a long-term lover. There were new people joining in the harem every year, all young and beautiful.

Coupled with the fact that Emperor Anyang was well maintained, Concubine Ning Guifei looked much older than him.

Now that Gu Nanyan has an "old lady" on the left and an "old lady" on the right, every word is poking at her heart, how can Concubine Ning Gui, who has always said one thing in the harem, bear it.

"Gu Nanyan!" Ning Guifei stood up again, looking at her with cold eyes.

"You keep uttering insulting words and being so arrogant, don't you dare to do anything to you if you think you are Princess Jianan!"

In her opinion, even if the other party is a princess from a foreign country, she is the noble concubine of Anyang Kingdom, the head of the three major kingdoms. This damn girl dared to insult her even if she didn't say salute and salute her. She was slapping her in the face on purpose!
Gu Nanyan heard the unkindness in her words, tilted her head and squinted at her.

"I'm afraid you have misunderstood." Her tone was flat, as if explaining what she just said.

Ning Guifei sneered, thinking that she knew she was afraid, she raised her chin and looked down at her.

"I still want to quibble, but you are talking about what I misunderstood!"

Gu Nanyan took a few steps forward, put his hands behind his back and squinted his eyes.

"The reason why I dare to be so arrogant is not because of my status, but because I have this strength. The imperial concubine doesn't seem to understand me."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to pick up the paperweight in front of Emperor Anyang, and shook it firmly.

After a few tooth-piercing clicks, countless jade powders slipped from her hands, and the room was silent.

Emperor Anyang gasped.

He had known for a long time that Gu Nanyan's strength was beyond ordinary people's, but he didn't expect it to be so strong!
That paperweight was used by his imperial grandfather. He threw it at Fu Tuo last time and it didn't break. This girl actually ground it into powder with one hand!

He clutched his chest and panted a few times, he didn't know whether to feel sorry for his family heirloom, or shocked Gu Nanyan to hide it so deeply.

Concubine Ning Gui was obviously also quite frightened, Huarong took a few steps back palely, but tripped over the chair behind her, and sat down on it.

A cold light flashed in Ning Zongyuan's eyes. When he was fighting against Gu Nanyan, he knew that this damn girl was strong, but he still underestimated her.

The most calm person present was Fu Tuo. He had heard about his sister's deeds from Gu Shen before, and he was not surprised.

"The princess really doesn't need to rely on those things outside of her body. If the imperial concubine still has doubts, why don't you wait until you get back and ask General Ning about how you lost in the first place."

He took out the handkerchief from his arms, and handed it to Gu Nanyan worriedly, and he was relieved when he saw that her hand was not pricked by the broken jade.

Ning Zongyuan's face was blue and white, and he gritted his teeth tightly to stabilize his emotions.

"The princess has extraordinary martial arts skills, but the minister's skills are indeed inferior to others!"

He took a deep breath, bent over to Emperor Anyang, and at the same time cast a calm look at Concubine Ning.

"It's just that the purpose of inviting the princess here today is not to say these things. I have already prepared the silver and put it outside the hall. I also asked the princess to bring Weichen's younger brother here to complete the agreement earlier."

Emperor Anyang nodded, feeling that what he said was right, and then looked at Gu Nanyan.

"How about Nan Yan?" He called "Nan Yan" so intimately that everyone present were stunned.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes, and looked at Ning Zongyuan with an expression of looking at a fool.

"I would be so stupid to bring someone into your territory? Wouldn't it be worth the loss if you cheated and snatched him away?"

"Besides, who knows if you have enough money, don't fool me with some messy things."

Ning Zongyuan's heart skipped a beat, thinking she had discovered something, he laughed dryly and said, "Princess was joking, how dare I do such a thing with the emperor as a witness."

Gu Nanyan was noncommittal: "Then lift the things up first and count them."

What Ning Zongyuan prepared was 450 million taels of silver bills, plus numerous house deeds and land deeds, so although it sounds like a lot, it only packed a box.

The silver ticket was stamped with the seal of the largest bank in Anyang Country. Gu Nanyan couldn't tell whether it was true or not, so he asked the treasurer Jin who came over to help check it.

Seeing this, Ning Zongyuan's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Ning Guifei.

Concubine Ning Gui received his hint, she straightened her expression and pulled out a stiff smile.

"His Royal Highness, it's better for the princess to check these things in person, so you don't want to get involved, so as not to cause any problems in the future, the princess said that we will join forces to lie to her."

Ning Zongyuan also echoed: "That's true, His Royal Highness, it's better to avoid suspicion."

Fu Tuo sat next to Gu Nanyan, lowered his eyes and did not answer them.

On the contrary, Gu Nanyan waved his hand indifferently: "I can trust the prince, he is different from you, he won't do that kind of sneaky thing."

As soon as she said this, once again Ning Guifei's angry one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

"Princess, what do you mean by this? Are you saying that everyone present except His Royal Highness is a gangster?"

She looked at Emperor Anyang with grievance in her voice.

"Look, Your Majesty, this time the princess scolded you!"

She lowered her head, hiding the sneer at the corner of her mouth.

Emperor Anyang looked at her expressionlessly, and there was a warning in that look.

"I haven't spoken from the beginning to the end, so what does it have to do with me?"

Don't think he can't see it, this imperial concubine wants to drag him in so that he can punish Gu Nanyan.

How could the emperor, who played tricks all the year round, be fooled by her, and after answering a sentence indifferently, the old god sat there and pretended to be dumb.

Concubine Ning was so bored, she twisted her face for a moment and said with a dry smile: "This concubine misunderstood, but this concubine believes that General Ning is in front of you, and dare not do that kind of deceitful thing."

Emperor Anyang raised his eyebrows, and really wanted to ask if he dared to do it behind his back.

"He really didn't dare." Gu Nanyan said with Erlang's legs up, neither salty nor weak.

"Otherwise, even if Ning Zongqing returns to the Ning family, I will have a way to catch him again, and then..."

She grinned, with a gloomy expression, and those who watched were panicked.

"I'll cut off a piece of flesh from his body if it's less than one tael of silver, and remove one of his arms if it's less than 100 taels of silver."

She looked at Ning Zongyuan's broken arm, and said meaningfully: "Master Ning should know best, I always do what I say!"

(End of this chapter)

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