Chapter 260
Her words were not just threats, but the phrase "Master Ning" pointed out Ning Zongyuan's current embarrassing position, making both his and Concubine Ning's faces pale at the same time.

Fu Tuo hooked his rosy thin lips, and echoed in a low voice: "Gu believes in the princess' ability."

Ning Zongyuan had a gloomy face, remembering how he lost his arm, his whole body began to tremble.

Back then, Gu Nanyan asked him to write a letter to Concubine Ning himself, asking her to double the price.

Ning Zongyuan naturally refused to do it, and said very forcefully that Gu Nanyan would have blocked his hands if he had the ability.

He said this to express his unyielding will, but he didn't expect that Gu Nanyan took it seriously, snatched Gu Yao's saber and chopped it off without saying a word.

He was completely dumbfounded at that time, he didn't even care about the pain at the broken arm, he just stared blankly at the arm that fell to the ground, feeling like he was dreaming.

Thinking of this, Ning Zongyuan's face turned from blue to white, and he looked at Gu Nanyan with fear that he didn't realize.

He has already lost the right to be in charge of the Weiyang Army, and now the only hope for the Ning family is Ning Zongqing, even if he loses his entire family, he can't let his younger brother lose a hair!
With a serious expression, he gave instructions to the subordinate behind him, and that person retreated under the command. A moment later, he carried a one-foot-long box over and placed it on top of the pile of deeds that had not yet been counted.

Gu Nanyan squinted at Ning Zongyuan, and curled her lips mockingly.

Ning Zongyuan was covered in hairs by her look, cleared his throat and said: "The servant was careless and forgot that a box of things was outside. Fortunately, he found it in time."

None of the people present believed what he said, but they all tacitly said nothing.

However, his actions made Emperor Anyang's mind a little more balanced. He lamented that Gu Nanyan, a crazy girl, could make a general of a country afraid of her. She was unprecedented, and there would be no one coming later!
Treasurer Jin checked carefully, and also had to send someone out of the palace to verify some things, so he didn't finish the inspection until lunch time.

Concubine Ning Gui was dizzy from Gu Nan's smoke, and returned to her bedroom an hour ago on the grounds of feeling unwell.

At this time, only Emperor Anyang sat on the head, his hungry stomach growling.

However, Gu Nanyan took out a small cloth bag from nowhere and hung it in front of him, took out some food from it from time to time, and occasionally handed Fu Tuo a few pastries.

The cloth bag is not too big, but she ate it for more than half an hour without stopping, making people want to drag the bag over to see what's inside.

Seeing that the two of them were eating deliciously, Emperor Anyang hummed angrily.

Eunuch Xu saw that his master had been glancing at the small table between Gu Nanyan and the two of them, he hesitated and said, "The emperor is hungry, why don't you pass the meal on to the servant?"

Emperor Anyang glared at him dissatisfied: "What kind of food is passed on, don't you see that I am busy!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Gu Nanyan again, and snorted again.

Eunuch Xu: "..."

You are just watching the fun, what are you busy with!

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his mind turned sharply. When he saw Gu Nanyan handing another piece of black pastry to the prince, Eunuch Xu understood it instantly.

He hurriedly ran to Gu Nanyan with small steps, and smiled flatteringly.

Seeing his "bad intentions" eyes, Gu Nanyan looked at him suspiciously, and took a bite of the chocolate pie in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Didn't you see that she was admiring the money that belonged to her, and ran over to block the light!

Eunuch Xu pretended not to see her disgusted look, nodded and said, "It's already past noon, and the emperor hasn't eaten yet. Can you spread out the food..."


Gu Nanyan categorically refused, with one hand tightly covering the cloth bag in front of him, squinting at him like a thief.

The corner of Eunuch Xu's mouth twitched, and he turned his head to look at Emperor Anyang, who pretended to be indifferent, but actually glanced over from time to time, feeling bitter in his heart.

He felt that the master might have been bewitched recently, and he loved to provoke this little ancestor whenever he had nothing to do, and he never tired of peeling off his skin every time!
I think so, but if I can't complete the explanation of Emperor Anyang, he will be the one who peeled off the skin today.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking at the box of bank notes from time to time, the excitement in his eyes was obvious, Eunuch Xu gritted his teeth.

"Isn't it okay for miscellaneous people to buy it with money?" He stomped and took off a purse from his waist, and took out a silver coin from it.

Although the current Gu Nanyan is not short of this little money, it can be seen that having an eye for money is her essence!
So she snatched it almost without hesitation, and took out a piece of unwrapped chocolate pie from the cloth bag.

"You can only buy one piece of silver." She handed the things to Eunuch Xu, who quickly took out a clean handkerchief to catch it.

After that, he trotted back to the emperor with gratitude.

Emperor Anyang picked it up with satisfaction, and stuffed it all into his mouth before Eunuch Xu got the silver needle to test the poison.

Eunuch Xu: "..."

Eunuch Xu was powerless to complain, and took the silver needle back in his hand tiredly, thinking that the master should calm down next.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Anyang, who was eating chocolate pie for the first time, swallowed the food in his mouth with his eyes wide open in surprise, and even licked the chocolate sticking to the corner of his mouth.

"Cough..." He took a sip of tea from his teacup, cleared his throat pretendingly, and looked at Gu Nanyan again.

Eunuch Xu: "..."

"Your Majesty, that piece of pastry cost the miscellaneous family 20 taels of silver!" Eunuch Xu said aggrievedly.

Although he was the chief eunuch, he would never take bribes indiscriminately, unless the emperor acquiesced.

Although 20 taels of silver is not too much for him, but seeing his master's bright eyes, he wants to eat up his savings!

Emperor Anyang looked down on his virtuous behavior, lowered his voice and said angrily: "I'll give you double back later, look at your stinginess, you're still in charge!"

Eunuch Xu: "..."

What's the matter, chief executive?
The big manager also has to save money for retirement!
Otherwise, pointing at your unreliable appearance, the miscellaneous family will have to eat dirt in the future!
He touched the silver in his purse, and ran to buy some snacks from Gu Nanyan again with a heartbroken heart.

Facts have proved that Eunuch Xu is worthy of being an old man who has been around the emperor for decades, and he has a very thorough understanding of his master.

He ran five or six times in a row, finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and asked someone to take 1000 taels of silver bills from his small cabinet.

Gu Nanyan also pretended to have someone come out of the palace to fetch a box, and pulled all the clothes and other sundries that were originally contained in it into the space, and filled a box full of chocolate pies, which made Emperor Anyang calm down .

Eunuch Xu bursting into tears: What evil did the miscellaneous family do in their previous life!
Satisfied, Gu Nanyan stuffed the 1000 taels into her arms, and it was rare for her to smile at Emperor Anyang.

Fu Tuo's eyes were soft, and he watched her grinning smugly, reaching out to rub her head, but because of Ning Zongyuan's presence, he had to take it back.

Ning Zongyuan has been paying attention to them. Although there is no intimate move, and there is almost no conversation during the whole process, it gives people a very harmonious feeling.

There is an atmosphere that outsiders can't get into.

Coupled with their similar looks, a thought came to mind.

Empress Wei died suddenly and suddenly, without any warning.

Although it was rumored in the palace that she hanged herself to death, only Emperor Anyang himself and a few palace people including Eunuch Xu had actually seen the body.

Later, these people put Empress Wei in the coffin, but Ning Guifei, who had already entered the palace at that time and often followed the emperor, did not see her remains.

Empress Wei's coffin was buried in a hurry, even the process of stopping the coffin was avoided, and it was carried into the imperial mausoleum the next day.

At that time, Ning Zongyuan also felt that something was wrong, but he had just taken over the Weiyang Army, and he was in high spirits, so he didn't think much about it.

It wasn't until seeing Gu Nanyan again today that these doubts came to mind again.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Gu Nanyan with a half-smile.

"If Wei Chen remembers correctly, the princess should have just reached her birthday this year."

(End of this chapter)

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