The farmer has a mall

Chapter 263 Grab the Rice

Chapter 263 Grab the Rice
"Let that foolish gentleman try it, if he dares to touch a single hair of the person I want to protect..." Gu Nanyan squinted his eyes as he stared at the two figures swaying with the lantern outside the door.

"I let him retire early!"


As soon as Gu Nanyan finished speaking, there was an angry shout from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the palace door was kicked open, and Emperor Anyang stepped in angrily, followed by Eunuch Xu with a frightened expression on his face.

"Gu Nanyan, you are so brave that you dare to threaten me!"

Emperor Anyang stared at her with fiery eyes, his nostrils kept expanding, obviously very angry.

"It's just a statement of facts, not a threat."

She looked back at the old god: "Besides, I didn't say this to you. The majestic emperor is hiding outside the door and listening to the corner. Are you reasonable?"

She snorted, not caring about the other party's anger at all.

Liu Zhenzhen and Ning Tianlu's faces were pale, and they quickly got up to salute Emperor Anyang.

Fu Tuo's complexion was also not very good. He glanced outside the door and saw Sanjin kneeling outside, his mouth and nose were tightly covered, his face was flushed red, and he couldn't make a sound.

"I'm here to see my father, I don't know if my father has something important to do when he comes to the East Palace?" Fu Tuo took the first step and quickly stood in front of him.

Emperor Anyang stared at him gloomyly, with a sarcastic tone.

"Why, I can't come here for a while if I have nothing to do. Is it because I am afraid that I will disturb your big event?"

He put his eyes on Liu Zhenzhen and the two, gritted his teeth and said: "The prince's palace is very lively, if I didn't come here suddenly and come to see you, I don't know that you are so bold as to take in the rebels and intend to plot rebellion!"

Emperor Anyang came here because he heard that Gu Nanyan was here, so he wanted to have dinner with them.

Who would have thought that when he entered the courtyard, only Sanjin was guarding the door, and all the other palace servants were sent away.

As soon as his mind moved, he asked someone to cover the mouth of Sanjin who wanted to report the news, wanting to hear what the two brothers and sisters were talking about.

Who would have let him hear such outrageous words!
Liu Zhenzhen's face was pale, knowing that their siblings might cause trouble for the prince, she was so anxious that she was sweating profusely, and she was about to kneel on the ground as soon as her knees were bent.

"Father was joking, there are only Gu and Yanyan, and Gu's two friends here, and there is no traitor as Father said." Fu Tuo lowered his eyes.

He looked calm, and he was not in the slightest embarrassment of being caught. This appearance made Anyang Emperor even more angry.

"You dare to quibble when the facts are in front of you. I clearly heard you mentioning the Wei family and saying that they are descendants of the Wei family."

"Why, is the crown prince whom I personally set up such a person who dares to be or not to be!"

"Do you really think that I dare not abolish you!"

Emperor Anyang pointed at Fu Tuo angrily, almost touching his nose with his index finger.

"Father is naturally daring, and son-in-law doesn't dare to quibble, but these two are indeed just friends of son-in-law..."


Before he could finish speaking, Emperor Anyang raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

This slap was so strong that it turned his head away, and his whole body was crooked.

Liu Zhenzhen exclaimed, seeing that the corner of his mouth was broken, and the dark red blood oozing out, she hurriedly walked over to her knees, kowtowed several times to Emperor Anyang, tears streaming down her eyes.

"The emperor calms down. It has nothing to do with the prince at this time. It is, it is the miner who sneaked into the palace with her younger brother. The prince does not know the identity of the two of us. The miner is willing to be punished."

Emperor Anyang cast her a cold look, and then looked at Ning Tianlu who had been keeping his mouth tightly shut.

"Do you think my palace is a theater, and you can come in if you want?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Gu Nanyan again, seeing her sitting there waving her chopsticks as if nothing had happened, eating deliciously, the anger in his heart grew even stronger.

"Gu Nanyan, do you have anything else to say?" He asked quietly.

Gu Nanyan swallowed the food in his mouth, and spread his hands towards him.

"You've heard it all, what else can I say?"

"Then you admit that you have rebelled?" Emperor Anyang looked even more gloomy, staring at her closely.

Gu Nanyan shook his head, and said seriously: "I am not from Anyang, strictly speaking, I can only be regarded as an accomplice!"

Seeing her confession, Emperor Anyang's blood surged instantly, and he was so dizzy that he almost couldn't stand still.

"Okay, you're doing well!" He pointed at a few people tremblingly.

"I heard everything clearly outside the door. Since the prince is so affectionate, righteous and determined to go his own way, I will fulfill you!"

"Come on!" Emperor Anyang's eyes turned hard.

"Take down these traitors for me, and put them in the sky prison for strict interrogation!"

He looked at Gu Nanyan, paused and said, "Tie up the princess, and lock her into the side hall first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen black-clothed men with dark silver patterns embroidered on their clothes fell behind him.

Eunuch Xu, who was supporting his forearm, was startled: "The emperor thinks twice..."

He glanced at Gu Nanyan, and happened to see her put down her chopsticks and stand up.

Eunuch Xu persuaded with cold sweat on his forehead: "The princess is still young, the things you want to say are all unintentional mistakes, you might as well calm down and talk to the princess..."

"Talk about it!" Gu Nanyan stepped forward and curled his lips mockingly.

"I haven't finished my meal yet, so I don't have time to mess around with you guys, so hurry up!"

After a busy day, she only ate a few pieces of snacks to pad her stomach at noon, and her chest was already hungry.

Originally thinking that it would be too time-consuming for someone to prepare meals after leaving the palace, so he simply had a meal at Fu Tuo's place, but he was interrupted before he had even eaten two bites.

This is good, I didn't eat the meal, I ate a stomach fire first!
Gu Nanyan's unkind eyes completely angered Emperor Anyang.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up!"


Ten minutes later, Gu Nanyan and Fu Tuo sat next to each other on one side of the round table, opposite them were Liu Zhenzhen and Ning Tianlu who were stunned.

At this time, Emperor Anyang was sitting on the main seat, with a black eye socket, and behind him stood a row of men in black with drooping heads, noses, noses, bruises and swollen faces.

"Princess, this white jade meatball soup is a specialty dish of the Imperial Dining Room, please try it quickly."

The only intact Eunuch Xu scooped up a bowl of meatball soup obsequiously, and brought it to Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan saw that the meatballs were as crystal clear as jade, and she had an appetite just looking at them, so she scooped one out with a spoon and stuffed it into her mouth.

I don't know what kind of meat this meatball is made of. Although it is all lean meat, it is not dry at all. Instead, it is crispy and raw. When you bite into it, the rich meaty soup overflows your mouth instantly.

Her eyes lit up, and she glanced at Eunuch Xu appreciatively, she simply put down the spoon and picked up the bowl to finish it, and wanted to scoop it up.

Eunuch Xu quickly took it and filled another big bowl for her.

Emperor Anyang's face was as black as his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "Give me a bowl too!"

Wiping the cold sweat off his brow, he saw that Gu Nanyan had no objection and hurried to serve Emperor Anyang.

Seeing his terrified look, Emperor Anyang, who had just been rubbed and his self-esteem was frustrated, finally looked better, and he reached out to take the soup bowl and hummed dissatisfied.

"Finding out whose slave you are, I haven't even eaten yet, so you serve it to that stinky girl first!"

After all, he followed Gu Nanyan's example and directly picked up the bowl to show off.

In order to maintain his health, Emperor Anyang ate very lightly, and he didn't like meat very much after a long time.

But I don't know why eating this meatball is particularly delicious today.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan had finished the third bowl and wanted to scoop it up again, he didn't care about his identity, he got up and grabbed the spoon himself, and quickly filled a large bowl full of meatballs, leaving only the soup base.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Her face darkened quickly, and she stared at the bowl in Emperor Anyang's hand without blinking.

After the thrilling scene just now, Fu Tuo, who saw his younger sister not only beating Yinwei to the teeth all over the floor, but also punching his father, was afraid that the two would have another conflict, so he hurried to appease him.

"Don't worry, Yanyan, there is a lot of venison, if you want to eat it, let someone do it."

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly asked Sanjin to go to the imperial dining room to pick it up, and then he stabilized Gu Nanyan.

(End of this chapter)

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