Chapter 264

Liu Zhenzhen, who was in a nervous mood, was also afraid that she would attack the emperor on impulse. If she really annoyed him, it would not end well, so she hurriedly gave her a lion's head.

"This lion's head is also made of meat, and it tastes equally delicious. Please try it, princess."

With a sullen face, Gu Nanyan glanced at the meatballs wrapped in sauce-red soup on the plate, and reluctantly picked them up and took a bite.

Although the taste is good, her eyes are still staring at Emperor Anyang's bowl.

As if he had won the battle, Emperor Anyang triumphantly picked up the spoon again and tasted it bit by bit, smacking his lips in satisfaction from time to time.

Eunuch Xu stood behind him with a blank expression on his face.

He could see it, good words can't persuade the damn ghost!
It took him a lot of effort to coax the little ancestor well, and it only took him a quarter of an hour to provoke him again.

Eunuch Xu simply ignored it and let Emperor Anyang die.

The action of the imperial dining room was very fast, and Fu Tuo, who knew Gu Nan's appetite well, had the whole deer made into meatballs on purpose, thinking that since his younger sister liked to eat it, he would take it all away for her when she left the palace.

However, he didn't expect that the two of them seemed to be fighting each other, and the table was full of delicacies and delicacies without moving, just staring at the venison balls.

Gu Nanyan moved quickly, it took her two or three bowls to eat before Emperor Anyang only ate one bowl.

But he was not discouraged, seeing Gu Nanyan speeding up, he also tried his best to stuff it into his mouth.

"Your Majesty, this venison is a great tonic, so don't eat too much."

Seeing that the meatballs started to go up pot by pot, Eunuch Xu jumped up anxiously.

He really doesn't understand, it's not like he hasn't eaten this white jade ball soup before, and the master once disliked its strong fishy smell and refused to let people serve it on his table again.

Why today, it seems like I haven't eaten anything in eight lifetimes, I ate six or seven bowls in a row.

That stomach is so full that I can't even tie my belt!
Fu Tuo was also a little worried. Although he knew that his sister had a lot of food, this venison was a great tonic. If he ate too much, he might cause accidents.

"Don't be greedy, Yanyan. If you like to eat this food, I will give you the cook alone. In the future, you can have it cooked for you whenever you want, but today I really can't..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw two drops of bright red bleed into the bowl that Gu Nanyan brought to his mouth.

"Yanyan!" Fu Tuo exclaimed.

Gu Nanyan looked at the panic-stricken people in the room inexplicably, looked down, and then his expression was suffocated.

She stretched out her small white hand to touch her nose, and the wet and sticky touch instantly touched her hand.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Did she have a nosebleed? !

She took the handkerchief from Fu Tuo's hand and wiped it, feeling that the nosebleed was still flowing out.

Seeing Liu Zhenzhen rushing around, even Ning Tianlu turned pale. She just wanted to say that she was fine when she felt dizzy.

"Ah, the emperor!"

At the same time, Eunuch Xu also exclaimed.

Gu Nanyan felt that her eyes were becoming more and more blurred, she forced her eyelids to look towards Emperor Anyang, and saw Eunuch Xu panicking to stop the bleeding of Emperor Anyang.

Gu Nanyan let out a gratified smile, and then lost consciousness.

The East Palace was suddenly in chaos.

Emperor Anyang fell into a coma and did not wake up until noon the next day.

Although Gu Nanyan ate more, he woke up earlier due to his special constitution.

She was lying on Fu Tuo's bed right now, letting the imperial doctor feel her pulse with weakness all over her body.

Opposite her was a couch, and Emperor Anyang was also arranged in the same room, which was convenient for the imperial doctor to observe on both sides.

Seeing that his sister woke up, Fu Tuo finally breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes were black and blue, obviously he hadn't slept all night.

Liu Zhenzhen, with a pair of rabbit eyes on her face, knelt on the pedals and shed tears.

Ning Tianlu pursed his lips and looked at her, his eyes were also black and blue.

Together with the imperial doctor who was taking her pulse, the four stood beside her bed with their heads bowed.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I don't know why, but there is always a sense of déjà vu of saying goodbye to a dead body.

Gu Nanyan, who felt weak for the first time, could only let the crowd watch.

After the imperial doctor took her pulse, he ran to Emperor Anyang, who had just woken up, and the imperial doctor who was sure that the two of them just lay down because they had overstretched their heads didn't know how to complain.

"Your Majesty and the princess are not in serious trouble, it's just that the rising anger caused excessive blood loss, and it will be fine after a few days of recuperation."

After the imperial doctor finished speaking, he took up his pen and wrote Zhang Fangzi.

"This is Long Dan Xie Gan Decoction. Drink it three times a day for two consecutive days. The minister will cook the medicine himself, and please trouble your Highness to send someone to the imperial pharmacy every day before meals."

Fu Tuo nodded, and after San Jin sent the imperial doctor away, he sighed helplessly at Gu Nanyan.

"Just to see if you dare to eat indiscriminately in the future!"

Gu Nanyan lay limp on the bed, her eyelids rolled.

"If I remember correctly... Then, you were the one who brought the balls up." Gu Nanyan took a deep breath.

Knowing that she has a big appetite, why would she serve it if she can't eat more? Who is she greedy for?

Fu Tuo was speechless, and he brought it up for her to eat, but she didn't let her hold on to that dish without saying a word!

He touched Gu Nanyan's forehead, and seeing that she didn't have a fever, he got up and walked towards Emperor Anyang.

When Emperor Anyang heard the movement, he turned his head and met Gu Nanyan's eyes. The two were startled, and at the same time turned their heads with a cold snort.

Eunuch Xu: "..."

"How is that stinky girl?" He asked seemingly unintentionally.

Fu Tuo glanced at him, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Same as you, just take medicine for two days and rest for a while."

Emperor Anyang let out a soft hum from his nose.

"Come on, let her dare to attack me regardless of her superiority or inferiority, she can't get up now!" He deliberately raised his voice and shouted.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes weakly: "If you have the ability, don't lie down, get up and continue to hey."

Emperor Anyang snorted again, it's rare that he didn't have the same knowledge as her, and lowered his voice to tell Fu Tuo: "Let her be raised by you for a few days, so as not to have to trouble the imperial doctor to go back and forth when you return to the posthouse."

Fu Tuo lowered his eyes when he heard the words, and responded with an unclear expression.

"Has Ning Guifei ever been here?" Emperor Anyang asked again.

Eunuch Xu hurriedly replied: "I came twice, but I was stopped by the servants."

Emperor Anyang glanced at him quietly: "What did you say?"

"The slave said that you drank too much last night, so you rested here with the prince."

He glanced at Fu Tuo: "The crown prince also ordered Sun Yuyi to tell the outside world that you have to rest for two more days before recovering from the cold."

Emperor Anyang nodded very satisfied.

As the king of a country, if it was known that he fell ill because he ate too much, how would he see people in the future?

Therefore, it is rare for Fu Tuo, who is "considerate", to show a good face.

But he didn't know that Fu Tuo said that because of his sister.

Gu Nanyan's current identity is the princess of Jianan Kingdom, so no one can find out that she is staying overnight in the East Palace.

Otherwise, if people knew that she was sleeping with the emperor, those who were waiting to catch Fu Tuo's pigtails would inevitably take the opportunity to make trouble, and her reputation would be ruined at that time.

But Emperor Anyang's physical condition at this time didn't look like he had contracted a cold.

If he was carried to another dormitory, Concubine Ning's eyeliner would definitely notice him, so the two could only temporarily live in the same room.


In the court hall, Emperor Anyang was absent again and the crown prince acted as the government agent, causing the courtiers to be in an uproar.

At the same time, he raised Fu Tuo's position in his heart again.

Coupled with the lobbying of those veteran officials who had good friends with the Wei family, there was a faint tendency to compete with Fu Lang.

The court was suddenly turbulent, but there was "peace" in the East Palace.

The Longdan Xiegan Decoction prescribed by Imperial Physician Sun is a medicine for venting fire blindly, and you can tell what side effects it will have by looking at the name.

Gu Nanyan ran to the toilet dozens of times in two days, and her fleshy face visibly lost weight to the naked eye.

His body, which was originally limp, now had to be supported even when he got up.

Emperor Anyang was even more miserable, he collapsed and lay on the couch all day long.

The miserable appearance of the two made Eunuch Xu and Fu Tuo want to laugh and feel distressed at the same time.

Fu Tuo would come to chat with Gu Nanyan every day after dealing with the government affairs, and the two of them chatted about each other, unexpectedly warm and harmonious.

Emperor Anyang often closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, but actually listened with his ears up, and would purse his lips and laugh when he heard something interesting.

He had never experienced this kind of quiet and peaceful life in decades of life. Every time after Fu Tuo left, Emperor Anyang would stare at the roof in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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