The farmer has a mall

Chapter 289 Someone Must Remember

Chapter 289 Someone Must Remember
After listening to Liu Er's description, Fu Tuo frowned and fell into deep thought.

"Cai Wanqing?" He repeated the name, remembering that there was indeed such a person by his side back then.

It's just that he was only four years old at the time, and he didn't remember very clearly. In addition, he was hit so hard during that time that he almost forgot the existence of this person.

But he didn't expect that she would become the imperial concubine of his father.

For the people around him when he was a child, Fu Tuo naturally had some old feelings, and his face softened.

Gu Nanyan still frowned, and scrutinized Liu'er: "Since Concubine Chen has gone too far, why don't you go to complain to that stupid lord, what are you doing to me!"

Gu Nanyan still felt that something was wrong.

That concubine Wan is not her concubine, so instead of looking for her own man, she asks for help from the eldest wife's children, isn't it ridiculous?
"And how do you know this so clearly, as if you have seen it with your own eyes."

In the final analysis, this is Wanbi's privacy. Whether she was a foot-washing maid or was mistaken by Emperor Anyang, these two things are not glorious.

Although Concubine Wan's status is not high, at least she has a dragon son, so even if it is for Fu Lin's sake, she will not spread it everywhere.

"Because the concubine is grateful for the empress's kindness every day, even she is pregnant with Fu Lin because of her blessing. She often talks about these things with Liu'er and the others."

Before Liu'er could answer, a soft voice came from outside Weiyang Palace.

Gu Nanyan looked up, and saw a woman wearing a lavender skirt and a cloud bun, standing gracefully outside the gate with a smile on her face.

She squatted down towards Fu Tuo: "His Royal Highness, long time no see."

Fu Tuo paused, nodded to her, and then winked at the gatekeeper, letting her in.

"Is the concubine Wan all right?"

For this "old acquaintance", although Fu Tuo was more polite than other concubines, he still seemed alienated.

"Thanks to your empress and His Highness, Wanqing is still alive."

Concubine Wan didn't have the fear that other low-ranking concubines had when they saw Fu Tuo, and looked around him without changing expression, with pity in her eyes.

She is not exquisite, even a bit ordinary, but her fair skin is round and has no edges and corners, making her look very gentle.

Fu Tuo was silent when he heard the words, and understood the meaning of her words.

After the empress mother was sent away, all the people around her were disposed of by the emperor, and Concubine Wan was one of the luckier ones.

The scene was quiet for a while, Wanbi smiled indifferently, turned her head to look at Gu Nanyan and blessed her.

"The concubine has met Her Royal Highness, Your Highness is in good health."

After she got up, she stared at her face without blinking, her eyes were slightly red.


She raised her hand with red eyes, wanting to touch her face.

But Gu Nanyan frowned and leaned back.

The movements of Wanpin's hands froze, and she smiled awkwardly.

"It's the concubine who has exceeded the rules." She said a little embarrassed.

Ever since she knew that Empress Wei did not die that year and gave birth to a little princess, she wanted to meet her very much.

However, his status is low, even if he comes, he can't get in.

Gu Nanyan was noncommittal, tilting her head to continue the topic just now.

"Don't you feel ashamed to tell the people around you about your disgraceful past?" She asked.

"Are you not afraid of them spreading the word?"

Wanbi knew what she meant, and slowly shook her head: "I don't think so."

She smiled faintly and continued: "In the hearts of concubines, the empress is the one I admire the most. Not to mention that Xi'er and Liu'er won't spread the word, even if they are really known, concubines can only be happy."

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking over suspiciously, Wanbi twitched the corners of her mouth with a bitter expression.

"After so many years, the old people in the palace replaced the new ones..."

She looked into the distance with sadness in her eyes.

"Besides concubines, someone must remember what a wonderful person the empress was back then."

After more than ten years, Empress Wei was gradually forgotten, as if there had never been such a person in the palace.

But for some people, she has long been engraved in their hearts.

The scene was silent again, and all three were silent.

Fu Lin was very happy to see his mother, and flung his small arms into Concubine Wan's arms, showing off with big eyes shining: "Concubine, Lin'er has another imperial sister, who likes Lin'er very much. I gave Lin'er chicken legs to eat."

After he finished speaking, he remembered Xi'er who had been dragged away, and his expression became depressed.

"But Lin'er's misbehavior made the prince's brother angry, and Xi'er was beaten for Lin'er..."

He pursed his mouth as he spoke, and was about to cry a few times, when he suddenly remembered that Gu Nanyan was still there, and forced himself to hold back.

Seeing his aggrieved look, Wanbi couldn't help laughing.

She knelt down and pinched Fu Lin's face in a low voice, comforting her: "Xie'er did something wrong, your prince brother should punish her, and you are not to blame for this."

She was also very worried about Xi'er, but she believed that the prince would not kill him, at most he would lie on the bed for a while.

Besides, there are strict rules in the palace, and if you make a mistake, you will be punished. It is better to fall into the hands of the prince than to fall into the hands of others.

Both Xi'er and Liu'er were spoiled by her, it's not a bad thing to learn a lesson, let her remember what to do and what not to do in the future.

After finishing speaking, she wanted to hug Fu Lin up, but she heard a "hiss" as soon as she exerted force, and her arm lost strength and almost fell Fu Lin down.

Fortunately, Gu Nanyan was at the side to catch it in time.

Wanpin's face turned pale with fright, her right arm was hanging by her side, and she only stretched out her left hand to comfort Fu Lin's face.

The little maid who followed her was also taken aback, and hurried forward to support her carefully.

"Is your lady alright? Did you get hurt by Concubine Chen just now?"

Wanbi frowned and glared at her, then gave a low reprimand in displeasure.

"To shut up!"

"I just twisted it accidentally, I want you to talk more!"

Fu Tuo frowned: "When did Concubine Chen go to your place?"

Not long after the palace banquet ended, and Concubine Wan's residence was remote, it stands to reason that Concubine Chen should not have gone there so soon.

And she appeared here, she must have come out to meet Fu Lin early in the morning at the right time, even if Concubine Chen went there, she would not be able to find her.

Fu Tuo was puzzled, did he meet him halfway?
But this is the center of the palace, and there are a lot of people coming and going after the banquet, how dare she blatantly do it in full view?
"That's right, Concubine Chen suddenly appeared more than an hour ago, and beat and kicked my empress with a black face."

"She also called the little highness a bitch, our empress was worried and found out."

The little maid's face was flushed red, she seemed very angry, and said angrily regardless of Wanpin's obstruction.

"Green Warbler!"

Wanbi didn't stop her, and shouted angrily.

"You are getting more and more unruly, and you don't even listen to your master's orders!" She glared at her with red eyes.

"Does it mean that even you dislike me and want to climb another branch!"

Luying was startled when she saw her get angry, and was frightened by her words.

"No maidservant, maidservant is just grievance for the empress..."

Seeing that Wanpin's eyes were moist with disappointment, Lu Ying's tears fell straight down.

Bystander Gu Nanyan: "..."

The saying that women are made of water is really wrong.

She wanted to know how these women could cry whenever they wanted...

Fu Lin, who was originally in Gu Nanyan's arms and hugged her neck tightly, didn't let go. Seeing his mother crying, he looked at her and then at Gu Nanyan, his face was tangled up, hesitating whether to let go and comfort his mother first. Dear.

Gu Nanyan who understood what he meant: "..."

Very good, this child Wanbi was born in vain, you can consider starting a trumpet!
After struggling for a while, Fu Lin let go of his hand and slid down, throwing himself into his mother's arms.

Looking at the touching scene in front of her, Gu Nanyan, as the only woman present who did not shed tears, rolled her eyes.

"It's just dislocated, there's nothing to cry about."

Crying and crying as if parting from life and death.

If this goes to the battlefield, shouldn't it be like crying for a funeral?
After finishing speaking, she stepped forward and grabbed Wanbi's wrist, and pushed her shoulder upwards with one hand.

Wanpin only felt a pain in her shoulder, and before she could react, the pain just disappeared instantly, and her weak arm also gained strength.

(End of this chapter)

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