The farmer has a mall

Chapter 290 Cultivation

Chapter 290 Cultivation
In the imperial study room, Concubine Wan held Fu Lin's hand and knelt in front of Emperor Anyang uneasily.

Sitting next to them, Concubine Chen put her hands on her lower abdomen, and the corners of her mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

"As one of the four concubines, how can I be in trouble with a little concubine?" She looked at Fu Tuo with a very aggrieved tone.

"Besides, Concubine Wan is a sister in the harem, and she has contributed to the emperor's birth of a dragon son. It's too late for the concubine to treat her well."

"Let's not mention that this concubine is pregnant with a dragon's fetus, and walks carefully on weekdays, how could she be abused like the prince said."

Concubine Chen snorted coquettishly, and said coquettishly to the emperor: "The concubine knows that at the banquet yesterday, the concubine offended His Highness the Crown Prince by saying that the princess ate too much, but the concubine has always been this straightforward, your majesty I know."

"However, His Highness hated his concubine for such a trivial matter, and joined forces with Concubine Wan to slander his concubine. It's really too much!"

Concubine Chen said that her eyes reflected the water, and she looked at Emperor Anyang with tears in her eyes: "Your Majesty, you must decide for your concubine."

After she finished speaking, she took out a veil from her bosom and wiped the corners of her eyes aggrieved.

Gu Nanyan sat down at the head of Emperor Anyang, eating the grapes that Eunuch Xu had just brought, and watched her perform in leisure time.

Emperor Anyang rubbed the center of his brows, and seeing her expression of watching the show, he felt a little headache.

"Nurse has already examined you, and you have indeed seen many scars on your body, Wanbi, please tell me what's going on."

He didn't have a deep impression of Cai Wanqing.

I only remember one time when I was drunk and pampered her, the imperial physician found out that she was pregnant and made her a concubine at will, and I never saw her again after that.

Later, because of Fu Lin, I saw her a few times, but I didn't pay much attention to her. Now I just feel that this face is a little familiar.

Wanbi seemed very nervous, she lowered her head and muttered for a while without saying anything.

Seeing her petty appearance, Emperor Anyang was a little impatient.

"Concubine Wan, didn't you keep complaining to the crown prince, saying that Concubine Chen beat you, why didn't you say anything when you got here?"

He frowned and said in displeasure: "Could it be that you are deceiving the prince, that the injury on this body was actually caused by you on purpose?"

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the harem, and Emperor Anyang has long been familiar with it. Besides, Concubine Chen is indeed pregnant, so she must be very careful in her actions, so why would she run to fight with others?

Compared with Concubine Wan, he is naturally more willing to trust Concubine Chen who he sees often.

Therefore, from the very beginning, he felt that the crown prince must have been tricked by this woman.

Thinking of this, Emperor Anyang's face turned dark, and he looked at Fu Tuo dissatisfied.

"Have you finished the paperwork I asked you to approve?"

Seeing Fu Tuo calmly shaking his head, he became even more angry.

"I still have time to take care of the nosy affairs in my harem before the approval is completed. If you don't know the truth and bring people to me, I think you are really idle!"

"As long as you listen to the wind and don't ask about black and white, how can I rest assured that I will hand over the country to you?!"

Emperor Anyang's voice was not small, and his ears were buzzing, as if he was really angry.

Except for Gu Nanyan who was watching the play, everyone in the room lowered their heads and dared not make a sound.

Seeing that he believed in her so easily, Concubine Chen felt even more proud, and her eyes lit up when she heard what he said about the prince.

The emperor is less than forty this year, and it will be no problem to stay on the throne for another ten or twenty years.

If she was pregnant with a prince, coupled with the power of her mother's family, she would not be invincible.

Therefore, she was naturally very happy to see her greatest competitor's ability being doubted, and even somewhat disgusted.

Concubine Chen's downcast eyes flickered, and she wanted to say something to add fuel and vinegar, but was interrupted by Wanbi.

"Your Majesty Mingjian, it's the concubine who is ignorant and shouldn't be looking for His Highness the Crown Prince. If you are angry, punish the concubine. It has nothing to do with the Crown Prince. He is just kind..."

"Shut up!" Emperor Anyang said angrily, and the sudden scolding made Wanpin tremble.

Emperor Anyang narrowed his eyes at her, and then turned to Fu Tuo.

He pointed to the unreviewed memorials at hand, and said in a serious tone with a stern face: "From today onwards, the number of memorials you review every day will be doubled, little Xu, you will send these to the Crown Prince to the East Palace in a while."

"You let me watch him approve, and he is not allowed to take half a step out of the East Palace until the approval is completed!"

After all, he didn't wait for others to react, and said to Fu Tuo earnestly, "I'm doing this for your own good, to get familiar with government affairs earlier, so that I won't panic when I'm alone in the future."

Seemingly satisfied with his excuses, and as if he had resolved the important matter on his mind, Emperor Anyang lowered his eyes to hide the joy in his eyes, and quietly exhaled as if he was relieved.

But it happened to be heard clearly by Gu Nanyan, who had good ears.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I believe in your evil, this stupid gentleman clearly wants to be lazy and still say such righteous words.

She rubbed her chin, feeling that she was short of shameless, and if she had the chance, she had to learn more.

Fu Tuo, who was beaten up, was looking at Emperor Anyang who had written "You don't understand my painstaking efforts" all over his face, and his originally calm expression was distorted for a moment.

Some time ago, his father didn't know what he was up to, saying that he was asked to share half of the government affairs to pave the way for the future.

However, he actually moved most of the memorials to his East Palace!
He didn't care at first.

Later, he found that more and more memorials were sent, and he approved from early to late, and he didn't even have time to chat with his sister.

And his father disappeared as soon as he came to court, and he didn't know where he went. Only then did he know that he had been tricked by his own father!
From then on, Fu Tuo, who was on guard, followed him to the Imperial Study Room and took away half of the memorials in person.

After returning, he closed the gate of the East Palace tightly, and refused to let anyone in on the grounds of concentrating on government affairs.

Only then did I have free time to sit in Weiyang Palace every day.

Now that he came out, did he see that he couldn't take advantage of the loopholes, and started to set up a strict father with him again?
"Father does not need to embarrass him, and he does not need to 'troubleshoot' for his son. If his son is really unworthy, he is willing to give up the position of prince and let other capable brothers live there." Fu Tuo gritted his teeth. .

The purpose is so obvious, one can tell at a glance that he is shirking work, thinking that everyone else is a fool!
"My son is serious, this is what the father should do."

Emperor Anyang looked at him with the eyes of an old father, persuasive.

"It's hard to be a master, but it's not so easy to be the leader of a country."

"Of course, father will do his best to train you, and he will never let you suffer from the previous grievances, let alone take away your crown prince!"

He swore to promise that, in fact, the villain in his heart had already proudly crossed his waist.

Don't think that he doesn't know, this kid is reluctant to part with Gu Nanyan, wishing he could become a prince so that he can travel with Gu Nanyan to the country of Jianan.

Emperor Anyang hummed in his heart.

The brat had a good idea!

If there is such a good thing, it should be him as Lao Tzu.

He also wanted to see what the city defense artillery his daughter created looked like!
And that fan that can fan the wind without people.

I heard that Gu Nanyan has tossed out some kind of factory, specializing in the production of such weird things, and now it has started selling in Mingshan City, with a limit of ten units a day!
Although it is now late autumn, there are still many people grabbing this item.

Wealthy households or traders in other cities and towns even lined up at the door of the shop one day in advance in order to grab one. It is hard to find one.

Emperor Anyang pouted, and gave Gu Nanyan a dissatisfied look.

He knew that there was one in the Prince's East Palace, and it was given by Gu Nanyan himself a few months ago!

Emperor Anyang felt very sour in his heart, secretly poking and pondering how to get his daughter to give him one too.

Seeing that his thoughts drifted away and he started to be dazed, Fu Lin, who was still kneeling below, flattened his mouth and raised his small head to look at Gu Nanyan aggrievedly.

(End of this chapter)

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