The farmer has a mall

Chapter 291 Slander

Chapter 291 Slander
Facing Fu Lin's pitiful appearance, Gu Nanyan smacked his lips.

"Can we get down to business first?" She looked out the window, it was already dark, and the palace lanterns were lit at the door.

"Quickly clarify the matter, I have to go back to the palace for supper!"

Recently, Liu Zhenzhen suddenly became interested in cooking.

She simply had nothing to do, so Gu Nanyan also gave her the brown sugar recipe that was given to the little cook before.

Liu Zhenzhen couldn't be happier, since then she has been busy without touching the ground, volunteered to contract the small kitchen, and was responsible for Gu Nanyan's three meals a day plus supper.

Although her talent is not as good as that of brown sugar, she can cook pretty well according to the recipe, but it's cheaper than Gu Nanyan, a foodie.

When Emperor Anyang heard that there was something to eat, he remembered the chocolate pie he bought from her last time and hurried back to his senses.

"What supper?" He asked with a flash of light in his eyes, and then he also looked out the window.

"It's really getting late, since you have prepared food in the palace, I don't want to spoil your wishes, so let's go to Weiyang Palace to have dinner with you." After saying that, he got up and went out.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

what with what?
She only said that she was going back to have supper, when did she tell him to go too, could this stupid gentleman have a hearing problem?

Thinking of the scene where he grabbed meatballs from her last time, Gu Nanyan's hairs stood on end.

Before she opened her mouth to refuse, Fu Tuo had already looked coolly at Emperor Anyang who had raised his buttocks.

"Father, could it be that you forgot that you haven't asked about the beating of Concubine Wan, where do you want to go?"

It wasn't that he said that he was becoming more and more incompetent as an emperor, he refused to approve the memorials, and he didn't deal with any accidents in the harem.

This is a big stimulus, and you are going to go on the road of a fool and never look back?
Emperor Anyang froze, and then remembered why they came here, and the buttocks that had just been raised fell back again.

"What else is there to ask, from my point of view it is clearly this..." Emperor Anyang paused, forgetting the name of the woman kneeling underneath.

"Wan Concubine." Eunuch Xu reminded in a low voice.

"Yes, Concubine Wan."

Emperor Anyang nodded, and then continued: "In my opinion, this Concubine Wan is lying, trying to slander Concubine Chen!"

Wanbi's eyes widened in disbelief, and her gentle pupils were filled with tears.

"Your majesty, there are no concubines..."

Emperor Anyang turned a deaf ear to her, glanced at her in disgust, waved his hand and said: "First abolish her position, put her in limbo."

His tone was a little anxious, as if he wished that this woman would disappear from his eyes immediately.

Wanbi's face turned pale, and she hugged Fu Lin tightly in her arms.

The Lenggong is not a good place, not to mention not seeing outsiders all year round, the concubines who are locked in are either crazy or dead!

Although she has never been inside, she has heard a lot of rumors that it is the most feared place in the harem besides the Department of Punishment.

If their mother and son went there, she didn't care if she lived or died, what would her prince do?
Wanpin suddenly became flustered, and looked at Fu Tuo for help, her tearful eyes were full of begging, and she hugged Fu Lin's arms tightly.

Fu Tuo frowned, and opened his mouth to say something, but Emperor Anyang gave him a sneaky glare as a warning.

This is obviously to favor Concubine Chen, and she doesn't want to pursue it further.

Fu Tuo's heart sank, and he closed his mouth.

He knew his father well, he had clearly made a decision that eight horses would not be able to pull back, no matter how much he said, it would be useless.

Concubine Wan is just taking the title and entering the cold palace. If she insists on going against her father's wishes and making him unhappy, she might be punished!
Fu Tuo sighed, and could only hold back for the time being, and wait until the day when the emperor's father is in a better mood, he will mention this matter again.

Simply, even if she is in limbo, he can take care of her so that she and Fu Lin won't suffer too much.

Although he was still dissatisfied with his father's decision, in the final analysis, Wanbi was just a court lady who served him when he was a child.

Moreover, she is now the imperial concubine of the father, and there are some things that he can't control too much.

Seeing that the emperor was clearly defending herself, Concubine Chen was extremely proud. Concubine Chao Wan, who raised her chin in disdain, curled her lips, and then looked at Fu Tuo and Gu Nanyan, her eyes flickering.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for avenging the grievances of my concubine, and you still love my concubine." Concubine Chen stood up and blessed her body, her watery eyes were full of admiration and gratitude.

Emperor Anyang was very satisfied with her attitude, and praised her with a "hmm".

"I still have government affairs to deal with, since I'm fine, my concubine can go back and rest."

Emperor Anyang started to chase people away, Concubine Chen said yes, but did not leave, and cast a hesitant glance at Fu Tuo.

Seeing her hesitant to speak, Emperor Anyang, who was in a hurry to go to Weiyang Palace to eat, had to calm down and asked in a calm tone: "What else is there?"

If you have nothing to do, let's go, I'm hungry!

Seeing him set up, Concubine Chen bit her lips and said softly: "I just find it strange that Concubine Wan would go to complain to His Highness the Crown Prince."

She looked at Concubine Wan, who was already sluggish, and said doubtfully: "There are not many sisters with children in the palace, so people pay more attention to it."

"According to my concubine's knowledge, Concubine Wan always stays out of the gate, even if we sisters have never taken the initiative to visit, how can we have such a good relationship with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

"If you want to slander your concubine, wouldn't it be cheaper to go to Sister Xianfei?"

There was no one in the whole palace who didn't know about her disagreement with Concubine Xian.

It was indeed as she said, if Concubine Wan went to complain to Concubine Xian, it would be appropriate in every respect.

Emperor Anyang naturally understood her meaning, lowered his eyes and said softly:
"You mean that the crown prince has a friendship with Wanbi, and this is a plan by the two of them to frame you?"

There was no ups and downs in his voice and no emotions could be heard. Concubine Chen was stunned by his blunt question and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"The concubine is just worried that His Royal Highness is too soft-hearted to listen to some bewitching words, if he is deceived..."

The crown prince is the future heir. Not only must he be able to govern the country but also be decisive. Soft-heartedness is not the quality an emperor should have.

Concubine Chen was obviously on eye drops.

Seeing that the emperor's face immediately darkened after listening to her words, Concubine Chen curled the corners of her mouth.

Emperor Anyang looked up at her.

"I see, you go down."

His voice was not as gentle as before, but a little cold.

Concubine Chen was taken aback: "Your Majesty..."

"I let you go down!" Emperor Anyang suddenly raised his voice and scolded.

His sudden sound made Fu Lin's mother and son, who were kneeling on the ground, tremble in shock, and Concubine Chen also took two steps back in fright.

"Why is the emperor so cruel to his concubine?" She bit her lip and asked unwillingly.

Emperor Anyang squinted his eyes and stared at her for a while: "The prince is very smart and understands what I say, but you... are simply stupid!"

He will suppress this matter, just because of the face of the grand master and the child in her belly, and he doesn't want to cause more disputes.

Fu Tuo understood what he meant and didn't pursue it anymore, but Concubine Chen had won the battle but she still wanted to bring down the crown prince. Isn't it stupid? !

"Chenqie, Chenqie don't understand." Concubine Chen's face turned pale, she clutched her belly with an aggrieved expression.

"You have never talked to Chen Qie so loudly before, Chen Qie and the child were frightened by you."

After she finished speaking, a pained look appeared on her face, and she bent slightly, not knowing whether it was true or not.

Emperor Anyang was unmoved, and said lightly: "Even if my child can't be as brave as Nanyan, nor as intelligent as the prince, but he can't be a cowardly idiot."

"If he is uneasy because of a word from me, like his mother, he doesn't know how to measure, then I will assume that I don't have this child."

After Anyang Emperor finished speaking, he got up, took the lead to step out of the gate of the imperial study, and walked towards Weiyang Palace.

Concubine Chen stood there in a daze, her face whitened with delicate makeup.

Eunuch Xu hurriedly ordered people to take Wanpin, mother and son to Lenggong, and trotted all the way to chase Anyang Emperor.

Gu Nanyan ignored Concubine Chen who was still in a daze, stroked the crumbs of snacks on her clothes, and walked towards Weiyang Palace with Fu Tuo, and within a few steps caught up with Fu Lin who was turning back three times.

She continued walking without looking back, and patted Fu Lin on the head as she passed by.

"Sister Huang will send you delicious food later."

(End of this chapter)

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