Chapter 292
Gu Nanyan didn't know whether Wanbi's words were true or not, and he didn't have a childhood friendship with Wanbi like Fu Tuo.

So she never expressed an opinion from beginning to end.

Fu Tuo stopped in his tracks, and said to Concubine Wan, who was holding Fu Lin by the hand: "After this incident, Concubine Chen dare not bother you anymore. You can stay in the cold palace for a few days at ease, and I will let people take care of you more."

The emperor knew the facts of this matter well, and would not lock her up for too long, after all, she still had a child with her.

What's more, when concubines are thrown into the cold palace, the offspring are usually handed over to other people to raise them, but the emperor didn't mention this matter.

Fu Tuo knew that she would not be able to stay in the cold palace for a few days.

Concubine Wan thanked Fushen: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, it is my mother and son who have caused you trouble."

Concubine Chen saw clearly against her, felt that she had caused Fu Tuo, and felt guilty.

Fu Tuo shook his head and sighed, touched Fu Lin's small head with a light smile, and then walked away, chasing Gu Nanyan who had disappeared.

Watching his firm and straight back disappear, Wanbi raised the corners of her mouth and looked at the night sky.

"The two little masters are so outstanding, the empress must bless them..."


Fu Tuo's guess was right, the concubine Wan's mother and son did not stay in the cold palace for too long.

Maybe it was Concubine Chen's aggressiveness that annoyed Emperor Anyang, and she released her three days later.

Not only that, but the concubine Xian was named a noble concubine, and one of the four vacant concubines was filled in by the concubine Wan, and Yushu Palace was given as the sleeping palace.

From then on, concubine Wan became concubine Wan.

Concubine Chen fainted from anger on the spot after getting the news, and almost couldn't keep the baby in her stomach.

It was the old Taishi's wife who brought her mother into the palace to persuade her to stabilize her emotions.

In Yilan Palace, Concubine Chen was half leaning on the head of the bed, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, but she was still crying.

"Mother, my daughter is not reconciled, that bitch is just a lowly foot-washing maid, why should I stand with my daughter!"

Thinking that she would call her elder sister Wanfei in the future, Concubine Chen felt dark in front of her eyes.

Mrs. Sheng was very distressed, she grabbed her daughter's cold little hand with one hand, and wiped her tears with a handkerchief in the other hand.

"My son won't cry, be careful of the prince in your stomach."

Seeing her daughter so sad, although she was not angry, she could only comfort her, otherwise she might hurt the child in her stomach if she was too emotional.

"What do you care about with her, a lowly servant girl?" Mrs. Sheng sat a meter away from the bed and taught with a serious face.

"That concubine Wan was originally the foot-washing maid of that girl of the Ding family. If you want to say embarrassment, can you compare to her?"

Concubine Chen burst into tears when she heard this, thinking about it seemed to be the reason.

Although she hates Concubine Wan, her biggest opponent is not her.

The foot-washing maid in Concubine Xian's palace took her place. If news got out, what face would Ding Mowei have to face them?

Even if she became a noble concubine now, she might not be very happy because of this matter.

Seeing that her granddaughter's mood had stabilized, Mrs. Sheng was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard Mrs. Sheng mutter in dissatisfaction: "That's not the case, that bitch slandered my son, the emperor not only didn't punish her, but also promoted her position. Isn't this slapping my son in the face..."

After finishing speaking, she patted Concubine Chen's hand, lowered her voice and said: "Mother said, since the emperor doesn't care about this matter, let's find a way to teach her a lesson by ourselves, and express this anger!"

"Shut up for me!"

Seeing that her granddaughter, who had just calmed down, was provoked to anger again, old Mrs. Sheng's angry eyes stared at gold stars.

She raised the crutch in her hand and pointed at Mrs. Sheng, with a look of resentment.


"How do you want to teach her a lesson?"

"This is the palace! Not your backyard!"

"Concubine Wan climbed up to the crown prince, and the crown prince is the elder brother of Princess An, so you can mess with Gu Nanyan?!"

Old Madam Sheng's mouth was trembling with anger, the old nanny who was following her was startled when she saw this, she quickly took out a medicine bottle from her bosom, and poured one for her to feed.

After being yelled at by her, Mrs. Sheng immediately shrank her neck, not daring to make a sound like a quail.

Taking a breather, Mrs. Sheng looked at Concubine Chen seriously with a face full of gullies.

"The most important thing for you now is to give birth to the prince safely, and to please the emperor so that you can gain a firm foothold in the palace. Your grandfather will take care of the rest."

"Don't try to imitate your mother's petty behavior and only know how to fight against others, putting the cart before the horse!"

She always knew that this daughter-in-law was very narrow-minded, but she didn't know that she was so ignorant.

Not to mention the smog in his own backyard, now he even dares to intervene in the affairs of the harem!

Seeing that her mother-in-law was really angry, Madam Sheng smiled coyly: "I'm also afraid that Zhi Xin will get sick, but she's just a princess..."

"Grandmother is right. The most important thing for me now is to give birth to the child. Mother, rest assured that Xin'er knows that well."

Fearing that her mother would say something to make grandmother angry, Concubine Chen hurriedly interrupted her.

Mrs. Sheng sneered: "It's just a princess?"

"If you have the ability, go find a princess and come back!"

"She is the first princess of two of the three great powers in history. She is not afraid of even the 30 Weiyang Army in the Kamikaze Battalion. You think she is a vegetarian!"

"Not to mention you, even Xin'er and her grandfather don't want to confront her easily!"

Concubine Chen frowned when she heard the words, and said uncertainly: "I heard that her Kamikaze Battalion came from the Zhenbei Army, and she is regarded as Gu Yao's subordinate. Now that she is named a princess by the emperor, the emperor of Jianan Kingdom should take back the military power. .”

Mrs. Sheng sighed: "At first your grandfather thought the same way, but yesterday when the spies stationed in Jianan Kingdom came to report, the Emperor Jianan suddenly issued an decree, conferring Gu Yao the title of Duke of Zhen, and titled Princess Gu Nanyan. The word Huangchang was added to the middle, and the full name is Princess Huguo Huangchang, whose status is equivalent to that of a queen."

This decree was promulgated seven days ago, and the person who delivered the letter did not know how many horses ran to death, so he delivered the message in the shortest possible time.

In other words, Emperor Jianan's will was a few days earlier than Emperor Anyang's.

As soon as these words came out, even the dissatisfied Mrs. Sheng held her breath.

"The emperor of Jianan Kingdom is crazy!"

It's fine if I didn't know it at the beginning, but now Gu Nanyan's identity is revealed in full light, he is the lost flesh and blood of Emperor Anyang!

Isn't he afraid of being backlashed by Gu Nanyan and his own father who swallowed the country of Jianan?
"It's not crazy, he really trusts Gu Nanyan."

Old Mrs. Sheng said in a deep voice, staring at Concubine Chen seriously with wise eyes and said: "So, if you are not completely sure that you will kill one of them without leaving a clue, grandma advises you not to act rashly, otherwise..."

"It's the emperors of the two countries that you've offended. Don't say it's you, even the whole family of our Sheng family will be buried with her!"


After Mrs. Sheng finished speaking, she took her daughter-in-law out of the palace, and when she returned to Grand Master's Mansion, Grand Master Sheng, who got the news early in the morning, was already waiting there.

He is about sixty years old, with white hair all over his head, wearing a brown gown embroidered with a picture of Song and Crane prolonging the year, and sitting at the coffee table hale and hearty, drinking tea.

"How about it, can you make it clear with Concubine Chen?"

"To be clear, although this child is not smart, she is not stupid either. I have already understood what you mean by looking at her."

Grand Master Sheng put down the teacup and nodded in satisfaction.

"That's good. There is no need for her to be too smart, as long as she is willing to listen to persuasion. It is not in vain for the old man to choose her from several granddaughters and send her to the palace."

Mrs. Gu agreed, then remembered her troubled daughter-in-law, and told Grand Master Sheng what happened in the palace.

"I'm afraid that this unworthy person will give Xin'er a blind idea and things will go wrong. It's better to let her meet with Xin'er less in the future."

Grand Master Sheng was noncommittal: "You arrange these things."

As a father-in-law, it's not easy for him to reprimand his daughter-in-law.

After finishing speaking, he stood up, brushed his sleeves and said in a warm voice: "Thank you Madam, you must be tired just after you came out of the palace, go and rest first, the old man invited an old friend whom I haven't seen for many years, and went to Qingxiang Tower for a drink."

Old Madam Sheng didn't ask any further questions and let him go, she was indeed a little tired, seeing that the serving nun helped her to rest before it was time for meal.

(End of this chapter)

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