The farmer has a mall

Chapter 294 Fu Lin's Gift

Chapter 294 Fu Lin's Gift

In Daliang Palace.

In a narrow and long secret passage, you can't see your fingers, and the surrounding air seems to be frozen quietly.

There was a creaking sound in the dark, accompanied by a disturbing heartbeat.


Nene's call sounded, the young voice was full of uncertainty, and seemed a little nervous...

It wasn't until a familiar echo came from not far away that the owner of the voice let out a long sigh of relief.

He scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly towards the front, suddenly remembering that the other party couldn't see his face at all, and quickly collapsed again.

"Sir, did you call me over for something important?" Seeing that the other party had been silent for a long time, the young man couldn't help but speak out again.


A hoarse voice came, and the creak sounded again, and a piece of paper was stuffed in the young man's hand.

"This is an exam question from the emperor tomorrow. It is a question about the diplomatic relations between the two countries. I have written the answer on it. Please go back and memorize it, Your Highness."

The young man nodded subconsciously, then stopped suddenly.

"Oh, I see." There was reluctance in the voice.

The other party seemed to understand his thoughts, and sighed helplessly.

"I know you don't like to memorize memorization, and I have reduced the content as much as possible. If your highness can't even memorize this point, how should you answer your majesty tomorrow."

"If you can't stand out among the many princes, you will lose the opportunity to go to Jianan with me." He persuaded gently.

"Sir is also on the roster of the mission?" The young man was very surprised.

"That's right, the roster has already been decided and sent to the emperor of Jianan Kingdom. It's just that you don't like to go out and the news is blocked."

The young man scratched his head again, frowned and said worriedly, "But would it be inconvenient for you to go to Jianan?"

The other party chuckled, but his tone was still gentle: "It's okay, I've already made preparations, there will be no problem."

As if he didn't want to continue the topic, he turned to business.

"This time the emperor ordered His Royal Highness to go together, probably because of the marriage between the two countries."

"If my guess is correct, his target should be Gu Nanyan, the leader of the Kamikaze Battalion!"

First, Xiao Chong was defeated by Gu Nanyan, and then his father, General Xiao, was stopped outside the city by Cui Yanping's Tianlei.

Later, at the risk of being dismissed, he directly withdrew his troops for unknown reasons.

Emperor Liang no longer looked down on Jianan as before, thinking that it was a piece of meat that anyone could chew on.

In addition, the news came back from the border town recently that Cui Yanping actually spent a lot of money to buy a few city defense guns from Gu Yao. He was so happy to talk to him, and stood on the city wall like a watchman every day.

I can't wait for Liang Guo to call over immediately so that he can try the power of that cannon!

And the city defense gun was said to be made by Gu Nanyan.

Although Emperor Liang was not reconciled, the situation was stronger than others and he had to compromise.

While lamenting that the emperor of Jianan was lucky, he secretly poked Gu Nanyan's idea.

In his opinion, Gu Nanyan is a woman, and Emperor Jianan can't stop her from marrying.

As long as she can marry, both the Kamikaze Camp and the city defense artillery will become his possessions. At that time, he will be the head of the Three Kingdoms. Maybe he can take the opportunity to annex the other two countries. The name of one emperor through the ages is about to be passed down for generations!

With such a good wish, Emperor Liang simply threw the prince out as bait in order to ensure nothing would go wrong.

As for choosing another accompanying prince tomorrow...

It was also because he was afraid that if Gu Nanyan didn't like the prince, he wanted to buy more insurance.

A mocking laugh came from the darkness, which seemed to disdain Emperor Liang's naive thoughts.

The young man scratched his head, wondering: "Mister, do you want me to marry Gu Nanyan?"

Although he has not married a wife yet, he is somewhat resistant to marrying a strange girl.

Just when he was thinking about how to tactfully refuse, the person opposite was silent for a while, and said quietly: "You think too much, I'm afraid she will look down on you..."

Although he was not too dull as a student, his sensitivity to politics was too low, and he was a bit simple and honest, not at all like a prince who had been immersed in the battle for the throne all year round.

The young man didn't mind hearing the words, but smiled honestly as if he was relieved.

"What the master said is that with the crown prince Zhuyu in front of me, I'm just a foil."

The person on the opposite side fell silent again, and sighed after a while.

"It's getting late, go back quickly, remember to memorize the article in your hand."

After he finished speaking, the creak sounded again, and with the sound of the door opening, the secret passage became quiet again.


Concubines in the harem of Anyang Kingdom love to use fresh flowers to make cakes. Before autumn comes, they often ask their servants to pick a basket of fresh flowers from the imperial garden and dry them in the sun. In winter, they can make scented tea or grind them into powder for desserts.

This was just a concubine's hobby, but it became a custom over time.

The masters of each palace will make various cakes on the day of the autumnal equinox, and give them to the sisters who are friends with them to taste together.

Of course, the emperor's share is indispensable.

Only those who are qualified to send cakes to the emperor are at least concubines and above.

These people seemed extremely busy at this time, grinding pollen and asking the imperial chef for advice, each of them wanted to make the most delicious pastry, so as to win the emperor's attention.

The four concubines are naturally no exception, except Concubine Wan.

Ever since Concubine Wan became Concubine Wan and lived in Yushu Palace not far from Weiyang Palace, Fu Lin often went to Gu Nanyan's place.

Concubine Wan still doesn't go out very much as before, and occasionally asks Liu Er to bring some pastries she made herself, or small items such as shoes, socks and handkerchiefs sewn by herself to Gu Nanyan, but she never shows up. As if avoiding suspicion.

Gu Nanyan admired her temperament of knowing how to advance and retreat, and occasionally gave some gifts in return, most of which were snacks or toys bought from the mall.

This Coke spoiled Fu Lin, and often early in the morning, the palace servants carried his building blocks and various model puzzles, and ran to Weiyang Palace to knock on the door.

Gu Nanyan woke up late, but he didn't make a fuss, quietly playing with his toys outside, waiting for Gu Nanyan to wake up, and then let her play with him.

It was almost noon that day, when Gu Nanyan woke up, she saw Fu Lin uncharacteristically sitting on the stool outside waiting for her, and the toys that were usually on the table disappeared.

"Sister Huang!" Fu Lin hurriedly turned his head when he heard the movement, happily jumped off the chair and rushed towards Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan yawned and rubbed his little head.

"What's the matter with looking for Miss Huang today?"

This little guy doesn't let go of his toys every day except eating and sleeping, and let the palace people run back and forth with his toy box all day.

"The concubine mother said that today is the autumnal equinox. She made a lot of flower cakes and wanted to send them to the imperial sister herself. Let me ask you when the time is right."

After that, he mysteriously pulled Gu Nanyan aside, and carefully took out a dried flower from his sleeve and handed it to her.

Perhaps it has been pressed in the sleeve for a long time, and the petals will fall down as soon as they move. Because they are dried in the sun, the color has turned white, and it looks really miserable.

But Fu Lin didn't realize it. He heard from the little eunuch in the yard that women like flowers the most, and if someone sends one, they will be happy for a long time.

"This is a peony flower. I heard from my mother that it is the king of flowers, and only the most noble woman can be worthy of it."

"When Lin'er saw this flower, she thought of Miss Huang, and secretly took one while her mother and concubine were not paying attention."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Gu Nanyan's hand, stuffed the flower to her, raised his head and asked expectantly, "Does Huang Jie like it?"

Gu Nanyan stared at the ravaged remnant flower, feeling a little complicated.

I really can't understand how Fu Lin thought of himself through it.

She took a deep breath and tried to pull out a smiling face: "Lin'er is good, Miss Huang likes it very much, very much!"

"This gift is really great. It's beautiful and can be used to make tea. Lin'er remembers that when he grows up, if he meets a girl he likes, he must give her a flower that has dried and faded. She will be very touched." !"

Seeing that Fu Lin's eyes lit up, she looked like that, she raised her hand and patted his thin shoulder, smiling meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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