The farmer has a mall

Chapter 295 Concubine Wan Poisoned

Chapter 295 Concubine Wan Poisoned
Believing it was true, Fu Lin kept Sister Huang's words firmly in his heart, and happily went back to report the letter to his mother.

Concubine Wan arrived after the lunch break.

Gu Nanyan, who had fooled Fu Lin into a lame state, was in a good mood, and cooked for himself, and also made some pastries.

One of them is the cream cake, of course she bought the cream from the mall.

The cakes were cut into triangles. In order to do as the Romans do, Gu Nanyan picked all the jasmine flowers in the house and put a flower on each piece of cake.

Although it looks a bit nondescript, it does not hinder the aroma of cream in the slightest.

Fu Lin ate several pieces in a row, his belly was full.

Concubine Wan, dumbfounded, took out the handkerchief and wiped off the cream on his face.

"Princess's cakes are really rare. Even I, who doesn't like sweets, can't help but eat more."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the flower cakes on the table that had been so cold that no one cared about them, and said helplessly: "It seems that I have been working for nothing for most of the day."

Fu Lin blinked his eyes when he heard the words, remembering that his mother and concubine had been busy all morning, it was really inappropriate for him not to eat a bite. He stretched out his little hand to pick up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, but Concubine Wan grabbed it.

She angrily took the pastry away from his hand, wiped off the crumbs of pastry in his hand with a handkerchief, and said, "I just ate so much, if I eat any more, I'm going to have a stomachache."

After that, she looked at Gu Nanyan embarrassedly: "I think Lin'er has caused a lot of trouble for the princess recently. I wanted to say thank you in person, but I was afraid of causing trouble for you."

There had been rumors in the palace before that she had climbed onto the big ship of Fu Tuo and Gu Nanyan, and that even Concubine Chen couldn't beat her.

Some people also said that since the death of Empress Wei, the post has been vacant for more than ten years, and she just wanted to compete with Concubine Xian for the position of empress.

For these rumors, Concubine Wan didn't bother to explain.

But she didn't want to cause trouble to Gu Nanyan, so she never visited her.

Gu Nanyan understood what she meant, but didn't say much, she just said indifferently: "Lin'er is very obedient and doesn't bother you."

Concubine Wan smiled when she heard the words, picked up a piece of flower cake and took a bite: "That's because you are kind and don't dislike him..."

As soon as she finished speaking, her brows frowned.

"How can it be salty?"

After saying that, she took another bite, blushing with embarrassment after a while, and put the half-eaten pastry back on the plate.

"Maybe I was so busy that I put salt into the stuffing as sugar."

She sighed angrily, seeming a little disappointed.

Gu Nanyan blinked and stared at her twice, then reached out to take the flower cake.

Seeing this, Concubine Wan hurriedly stopped her: "I can't help it, the salt in this cake is really salty, I can't eat it anymore."

As she spoke, she put the plate back into the food box and smiled softly.

"If the princess likes it, I still have some dried flowers to make for you."

Gu Nanyan was noncommittal, she didn't really like flower cakes, as long as she had something to eat, she would never refuse.

Concubine Wan didn't stay long, she sat for another quarter of an hour and hurried away with the reluctant Fu Lin.

Before leaving, Gu Nanyan ordered the palace servants to pack a few more cakes for him, which made the pouting Fu Lin happier.

Gu Nanyan looked at the backs of the two of them and fell into deep thought.

The scars on the forearm that were inadvertently exposed when she was holding Concubine Wan's arm appeared in front of her eyes.

Gu Nanyan once heard people say that the harem is a place where people can eat people without spit out their bones, and open and secret fights exist in every dark corner, but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes.

She sighed, got up and went back to the bedroom.

In the evening of that day, news of Concubine Wan's poisoning suddenly spread in the palace. Since she had been to Weiyang Palace in the afternoon, the emperor asked Eunuch Xu to come and ask her in person.

Gu Nanyan told the truth once, and Eunuch Xu confessed his guilt when he saw that there was no doubt and stepped back.

After a while, Fu Tuo came in a hurry and was relieved to see that she had no other symptoms except her complexion was a little abnormal because of the poisoning last time.

"The poison in Concubine Wan is oleander poison. After the examination by the imperial physician, the poison was hidden in the petals of the pastries. Fortunately, a lot of the poison was lost due to the long drying time, and she didn't eat much. Save your life."

Gu Nanyan nodded lightly, lowered her eyelids and asked, "How is Fu Lin?"

"He only ate the pastry you made all afternoon, and never touched the poisonous pastry." Fu Tuo replied.

He looked at Gu Nanyan who was expressionless and didn't know what he was thinking, and said fortunately, "It's also fortunate that he didn't eat."

"The imperial doctor said that this poison is very overbearing. It only takes ten petals to kill an adult. If a child accidentally ingests it, it only takes one mouthful and it will kill you!"

Therefore, when he heard that Concubine Wan had come to Weiyang Palace in the afternoon, he would rush here in a hurry, for fear that Gu Nanyan would also eat the cake.

Fu Tuo frowned and said, "Since she brought that poisonous pancake to Weiyang Palace, it's not certain if it's against you."

"I think you should be more careful recently, don't eat the things sent by outsiders, and the guards should be strengthened outside the bedroom."

Gu Nanyan pointed his finger on the table and looked at the lantern outside the window.

"It's not for me."

Today is late autumn, and the flowers in the imperial garden are almost withered. Most of those flowers were picked two or three months ago when they were in full bloom. If the weather is good, they can be dried in a few days.

Even if the weather is worse, it will only be half a month at most.

Since the imperial doctor said that the oleander was mixed with those petals and dried for a long time, it means that Concubine Wan was plotted against when she was still a concubine two or three months ago.

At that time, she didn't know Concubine Wan, and the relationship between the two was even more irrelevant.

"Can you find out who poisoned it?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"There is a father-in-law in Concubine Wan's yard. He came to serve her half a year ago. He used to be Concubine Chen's subordinate."

"The guards found a small bag of oleander seeds in his house. It is said that he brought them from his hometown in the south."

"The most important thing is that the father-in-law admitted that it was Concubine Chen who ordered him to poison him when the matter came to light, and there was indeed a oleander planted in Concubine Chen's Yilan Palace."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "So, the evidence of Concubine Chen's crime is conclusive?"

"According to the superficial evidence, it is true." Fu Tuo took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

Hearing the hesitation in his words, Gu Nanyan glanced at him and asked him, "Then what do you think?"

Fu Tuo lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment: "Although oleander is poisonous, it is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Doctor Sun once went to her to get a branch to use as medicine, so it is not a secret that there is oleander in Concubine Chen's palace. .”

Gu Nanyan nodded when she heard the words, Concubine Chen is not a very scheming person, otherwise she would not go to Concubine Wan's yard to beat people openly.

But she is the Grand Master's granddaughter anyway, if she is so stupid that she uses local materials from her own yard for the next poison, she will not be selected to be sent to the palace among many sisters.

Unless the grand master's family thinks it's too long!
"Brother, you might as well start with the people around that father-in-law." Gu Nanyan suggested.

"Assuming that the person who instigated him to poison was not Concubine Chen, it means that he was bribed early in the morning, or he was never Concubine Chen's person, but just a spy placed by her side."

"No matter what the reason is, someone has to talk to him. For so many years, no matter how well he hides, there will always be times when he falls asleep."

Fu Tuo nodded in agreement: "It's getting late today, so I'll have someone check it tomorrow morning."

"No." Gu Nanyan shook his head slowly.

"Because it's getting late, the people behind the scenes also know that you will wait until tomorrow to investigate, so tonight and before dawn is the best time for them to destroy the evidence and kill people."

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips, looking at the moonlight hanging high outside the window, her eyes were shining with stars.

"Similarly, this is also the time when they show the most flaws. If they can set up an ambush in advance to catch the turtle, they will definitely be able to catch that person's tail!"

(End of this chapter)

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