The farmer has a mall

Chapter 296 Female Assassin

Chapter 296 Female Assassin

After hearing Gu Nanyan's words, Fu Tuo pretended to relax his vigilance that night to give the people behind the scenes an opportunity, but in fact deployed his men near the place where the father-in-law was imprisoned, and he caught the person who came to silence him.

Gu Nanyan took a rest early, and didn't know that because of her few words, the harem was turned upside down. It wasn't until the next day that she heard about Ashlan who had guarded the door of her bedroom all night.

"The court lady took the badge from Concubine Xian's palace and said she was ordered to come for questioning, and the guards at the gate let her in."

There is no queen in the Anyang Kingdom, and Concubine Xian is in charge of all the affairs of the harem. Now that something like this has happened, it is understandable to send someone to ask about it.

So the two gatekeepers had no doubts.

"Unexpectedly, shortly after the maid entered, there was a cry for help from the house, and the guard at the gate felt that something was wrong, so he rushed in, and saw that the maid was holding the father-in-law's belt in her hand, and was strangling his neck!"

Ashlan shook her head with a look of lingering fear.

Gu Nanyan looked at him suspiciously: "Didn't you stay at my door all night last night, how did you know such details?"

Do you even know whose belt someone is holding?
Ashlan cleared her throat, and said with a serious face: "This subordinate is responsible for the safety of Weiyang Palace, so it is natural to find out the surrounding environment..."

"So how do you know?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"My subordinates heard from the cousin of Xiao Dezi's hometown who was sweeping in the courtyard, that the little eunuch who used to work with him was the nephew of the cousin of the guard who worked as a nanny in the palace last night. The daughter-in-law's brother's brother's servant's cousin!"

"The subordinates sent several court ladies and eunuchs to come to ask questions, and then they smoothed out their relationship. Early in the morning, they went to find the father-in-law of Xiao Dezi's cousin from the same hometown, and only then did they ask clearly what happened last night."

Gu Nanyan, who was already dizzy, said, "..."

So you didn't do anything all night, just pick up people's family trees, didn't you...

She glanced tangledly at Ashlan, who was dignified and stood in a very standard military posture, but almost checked out all [-] generations of his ancestors. She really doubted whether this guy had schizophrenia.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan had no other problems, Ashlan didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, and continued: "The guard at the gate saw that the father-in-law's face was turning purple, so he hurried forward to stop him, trying to take the female assassin down."

"Who knows that she is not bad at skills. When she saw the incident, she jumped out of the window and fled. She disappeared in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, the gold treasurer next to the prince has been secretly following her, and only came forward to arrest her when she saw her entering the Yilan Palace. captured."

Ashlan sighed: "Fortunately, it was Treasurer Jin who took the shot. That female assassin is really good. Even in the face of Treasurer Jin, she struggled for nearly a cup of tea before she was taken down."

Although there are differences between men and women, one of the reasons is that the treasurer Jin is not easy to deal with.

Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing the words: "How about the martial arts of those two gatekeepers?"

Ashlan thought for a while, and said carefully: "Both of them are ordinary bodyguards, and their kung fu is probably better than ordinary people."

Gu Nanyan nodded, in order to lure the snake out of the hole, Fu Tuo would indeed not let a master guard it.

"That's weird." Gu Nanyan pointed his finger.

"Since that female assassin is so skilled, how can she even kill an unarmed and defenseless little eunuch, and still be discovered by others, and even if she is discovered, with her skill, she can completely kill her before the guards catch her?" , kill the little eunuch before running away, or just kill the two guards... Wait!"

"You said she entered the Yilan Palace?"

Didn't it mean that she took the token from Concubine Xian's palace, why did she go back to Concubine Chen's palace?
"Yes, after verification by His Royal Highness, that person is actually a maidservant in Concubine Chen's palace, who is usually in charge of cleaning the side hall. As for the token in her hand, she should have stolen it while others were not paying attention."

Gu Nanyan frowned even tighter.

This could also explain why the palace maid wanted to run away.

If she is caught, then her identity as Concubine Chen's handmaid will be revealed soon.

On the contrary, if one escapes the chase, in this era when there are only portraits, it would be very difficult for a humble little maid who cleans the side palace to find out her identity in Nuo Da's palace.

This matter looks like Concubine Chen jumping over the wall in a hurry, looking for someone to frame Concubine Xian in desperation.

However, since the assassin wanted to conceal his identity, why did he return to Yilan Hall again? Even if he couldn't catch her at that time, he would definitely be exposed when he searched the next day.

And that father-in-law has already confessed that he was instigated by Concubine Chen, so if someone wants to kill him, wouldn't it be superfluous to add suspicion?
Gu Nanyan rubbed her forehead, feeling a little headache.

Thinking of her habit of being manic, she simply stopped thinking about it. After lunch, she ordered some supplements and went to Yushu Palace.

When she arrived, Fu Lin had just been taken down by Liu Er for a lunch break. Concubine Wan was lying on the bed with a pale complexion, and smiled bitterly when she saw Gu Nanyan.

"Princess, please forgive me. I am sorry that my concubine cannot stand up to greet her."

Gu Nanyan is the eldest princess, and her status is only below that of the queen. According to the rules, although she does not need to salute, she should be greeted at the door.

Gu Nanyan waved his hands indifferently, sat down by the bed and stared at her pale and haggard face for a long while.

"Is it better?" she asked.

Concubine Wan pulled the corners of her mouth and smiled: "Please worry about the princess, the imperial doctor said that there is nothing serious, and it will recover after lying down for a few days."

Gu Nanyan nodded and said nothing.

Seeing this, the nanny at the side hurriedly asked someone to take the things she brought, and made another cup of tea for her.

Gu Nanyan smelled the scent of flowers and looked down.

The nanny noticed her gaze and quickly explained: "Princess, don't worry, this scented tea was just delivered by Concubine Xian. She said that the previous ones were poisonous and could not be taken anymore, so someone sent some over."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the teacup and handed it over, said with a smile: "The scented tea made by the concubine Xiangui is the best in the palace, even the emperor likes to drink it very much, princess, please try it."

Gu Nanyan nodded, tied the teacup and took a sip, the fragrance of flowers from the tip of her nose was refreshing, and there was sweetness in her mouth.

"It's pretty good," she agreed.

Seeing that she likes it, Concubine Wan smiled on her pale face.

"If the princess likes it, I can take some back. I simply can't drink these now. If I keep them for a long time and get worms, wouldn't it be a waste of Concubine Xian's heart."

After she finished speaking, she sighed: "I think my tea-making skills were learned secretly from Concubine Xian when I was a foot-washing maid, but no matter how I do it, I can't compare to the concubine or empress."

Speaking of this, she paused, and said embarrassedly: "Look at me, I don't know why I always think about the past."

The fragrance of scented tea lingered on the tip of her nose, Gu Nanyan tilted her head and looked at her for a while.

"I heard from the emperor that the reason why Concubine Xiangui became the head of the six palaces, even Concubine Ning Gui, who was very popular at the time, was afraid of one or two, because she has always abided by her duty since entering the palace and did not compete with others. The palace is well-groomed."

"She is so virtuous that even the emperor has to admire her. He specially gave her the word virtuous and valued her very much."

Concubine Wan's eyes flashed, and she said with a stiff expression: "That's true. Concubine Xian Gui has always been kind in front of people, and she is fair and selfless in dealing with things. She has never been partial. If the sisters in the palace ask her for something, they will never refuse..."

"Then why did she want to kill you 20 years ago just because you broke a jade bracelet?" Gu Nanyan asked suddenly.

As far as she knew, although the jade bracelet was rare, it was nothing in the palace. Even if it was punished, it would be enough to hit the board a few times in the yard.

"Maybe it's's a gift from the emperor." Concubine Wan murmured.

As if she was afraid that Gu Nanyan would continue to ask, she frowned and rubbed her temples, looking very uncomfortable.

Gu Nanyan looked at her pale face, remained silent for a while but didn't ask any more questions, and only let her have a good rest before leaving Yushu Palace and heading for the East Palace.

Fu Tuo was grading papers in the study, when he heard that she came over, he hurriedly invited someone in.

The two murmured in the study for a long time, and it was not until night fell that Gu Nanyan returned to Weiyang Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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