Chapter 297
In the next few days, there was no conclusion about the poisoning of Concubine Wan.

Just when everyone thought that this matter would be lightly exposed like the time when Concubine Chen beat someone, the emperor sent the relevant people to ask questions.

Naturally, Gu Nanyan was also included.

She and Fu Tuo sat under Emperor Anyang as usual, while Concubine Xiangui and Concubine Wan sat opposite them.

The first suspect, Concubine Chen, was supposed to be kneeling, but because she was pregnant, Emperor Anyang asked someone to move a seat for her.

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, coupled with her own poor pregnancy, the originally thin Concubine Chen lost a lot of weight, and her originally radiant face looked like a withered flower, without any luster.

As soon as she saw Emperor Anyang, her eyes, which were too big because she was too thin, began to cry.

"Your majesty, you have to trust the concubine, the concubine is really wronged."

She wept, and then pointed at Concubine Wan angrily.

"It must be her. She was the one who was upset that the emperor favored his concubines and intentionally poisoned me to frame me. Your majesty, you must be the master for my concubines..."

She was crying heartbroken, as if she was going to be out of breath, but her eyes were still fixed on Concubine Wan.

Concubine Wan's complexion was still a little pale, but it was much better than the previous few days, she didn't say anything when she heard Concubine Chen's words, she just sat there quietly with her head lowered.

Emperor Anyang got a headache from Concubine Chen's noise, wanted to scold him but was afraid of scaring the child out of her belly, so he looked at Gu Nanyan for help.

Gu Nanyan: "...Look at what I'm doing!"

Hearing that she called herself Laozi again, and in front of so many people, the veins on Emperor Anyang's forehead twitched.

I recited silently dozens of times, "This is my own. You can't get angry with her, or I will be the one who will lose face." Only then did I calm down the anger in my heart.

"Didn't you ask the prince to investigate this matter? You also asked me to gather everyone and tell everyone what I found out."

Emperor Anyang's tone was light, but what he said surprised everyone.

They thought they were called here today because the emperor had something to say, but they didn't expect that it was Gu Nanyan who asked them to come here!

Moreover, the emperor really listened to her, so he invited all the people here.

Has the always moody Emperor Anyang changed his nature?

However, before everyone finished their doubts, they heard a scream.

Gu Nanyan picked out her ears, looked at Concubine Chen with a wooden face, pinched her waist and pointed at her like a dried-up fighting cock.

The screams lingered for three days...

The beams must collapse!

"It's you, it must be you who joined forces with that bitch Wanfei to frame me, and I don't know what tricks to use against me today, isn't it because I said that you eat too much? What kind of hero is the means, woo woo woo..."

Concubine Chen became more and more aggrieved as she talked, and finally she simply pursed her mouth and continued to cry!
Gu Nanyan: "..."

She slowly lowered her head and looked at her chest, she felt that she was a pretty girl after all, and it was an insult to her personality to be compared with a good guy by this fellow.

She glanced at her faintly, and sighed slowly: "Don't get excited, don't cry..."

There was helplessness in her voice, as if she was comforting, not only made the crying Concubine Chen pause, but even Emperor Anyang was startled, wondering why she was so easy to talk today.

But Gu Nanyan slowly said again: "When you cry, the skin on your face is wrinkled, just like the dried chicken in my yard, this is too scary!"

This makes her how to face delicious air-dried chicken in the future!

Concubine Chen: "..."

Emperor Anyang: "..."

I knew it!

Emperor Anyang's face was tense, holding back the smile that was about to overflow from his throat.

But when he saw Concubine Chen's distorted face, he immediately thought of the air-dried chickens hanging all over the yard in Weiyang Palace, and laughed out loud.

Everyone: "..."

Concubine Chen looked at Emperor Anyang as if struck by lightning, seeing him turning his face away as if he couldn't bear to look directly at him, he didn't come up with a breath, and passed out with a creak.

Emperor Anyang: "..."

I, I didn't do it on purpose!
He looked sadly at the culprit, Gu Nanyan.

It's all because of this stinky girl talking nonsense, which made him face Concubine Chen in the future, and even when he called her to bed, he felt that he was holding a dried chicken in his arms!

The originally serious scene was broken in an instant, and the palace staff hurriedly helped Concubine Chen to the couch in the cubicle, and hurriedly called the imperial physician for diagnosis and treatment.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that she was fine that everyone sat back in their seats again.

No one interrupted, Gu Nanyan briefly described the incident, and then presented his analysis one by one.

"Whether it's the oleander or the female assassin who wants to kill and silence, in the end the suspicion seems to be concentrated on Concubine Chen."

"However, as I said, since the assassin took the token to frame Concubine Xian, and fled because he was afraid of being recognized as her identity, why did she run back to Yilan Palace instead of Concubine Xian's palace?" ?”

Concubine Xian Gui, who had been silent all this time, smiled gently: "Perhaps the assassin was too impatient and lost his composure, and subconsciously ran to a familiar place."

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and stared at her for a while, then curled her lips and said, "That's right, there is indeed a possibility."

Concubine Xian smiled faintly, took a sip from the teacup gently, and did not make another sound.

Gu Nanyan didn't intend to let go of this question, she glanced at Concubine Xian with a half-smile.

"However, when she was so flustered that she could only act on her instincts, she managed to calculate the time well, avoiding the patrolling guards and the secret sentry set by the prince, and arrived at the Yilan Palace without any surprises or dangers."

"After that, I didn't report the situation to the master, but went to my own yard, washed up and went to bed as if nothing happened."

"And the token used to frame Concubine Xian was placed under her pillow, as if for fear that others would not find it."

Concubine Wan frowned, and said hesitantly: "Maybe she thinks she can't find her, and wants to keep that brand for other uses?"

Gu Nanyan shook her head slowly: "The sign she is holding belongs to Concubine Xian, and the person to be killed testifies against Concubine Chen. No matter what, the two palaces cannot escape the search."

She didn't believe that a master who could escape the inspections of the Imperial Forest Army would not even understand such a simple truth.

"And there is one thing that is very confusing. According to the records in the palace, this assassin was originally a country girl, but she was able to spend a whole cup of tea with the gold shopkeeper who can be called a master. It is really shocking. Puzzled."

She looked at Concubine Xian, saw that her expression was a little stiff, and continued with the corners of her mouth curled up: "So I asked Brother Huang to send someone to her hometown to inquire."

"I learned that the assassin's original name was Li Chunmei, and she had no father, mother, relatives, or friends. Because her father was a hunter before his death, she did have some skills. She lived alone in the mountains all year round. Every time she went down the mountain, she covered her face with a cloth towel, and she hardly had any trouble. People have seen her true face, and the clue seems to be broken here."

The old god Gu Nanyan took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, caught a glimpse of Concubine Xian's relaxed expression from the corner of his eyes, and smiled maliciously.

"Unexpectedly, there is actually one person living in Li Chunmei's house!"

Regardless of Concubine Xian's sudden change of expression, she glanced at Fu Tuo.

Fu Tuo waved his hand, and after a while, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old man was brought up.

This man was limping, with an ordinary appearance. He was wearing a long washed white robe and a Confucian hat of the same color on his head. He was obviously dressed as a scholar.

He seemed a little nervous. Seeing Emperor Anyang's frightened face turn pale, he fell to his knees with a plop.

"Student Wen Ran kowtowed to the emperor!" Wen Ran tremblingly leaned over and said.

Emperor Anyang raised his hand to make him stand up, and asked with a frown, "Who are you, but is that Li Chunmei's relative?"

Wen Ran didn't dare to look up to see Sheng Yan, so she just lowered her head and shook her head slowly.

"The student has no blood relationship with Miss Chunmei, she's just a down-and-out scholar who went to Beijing to catch the exam."

"Then why do you live in Li Chunmei's house?"

Emperor Anyang squinted his eyes, and said displeasedly: "Could it be that seeing that there is no one in her family, it is impossible to occupy the family wealth!"

Concubine Xiangui put down the teacup in her hand and looked at Gu Nanyan with the corners of her lips curled up: "It's ridiculous that such a young person who wants to see money dares to call himself a student in front of the emperor. The princess brought this kind of person in front of the emperor. Wouldn't it pollute the eyes of the Holy One?"

(End of this chapter)

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