Chapter 318

Several people in the big room said words of gratitude, Gu Nanyan responded with a smile one by one, his expression was a bit softer than usual.

Gu Shen saw that he was squeezed to the back again, stretched his neck and asked, "Girl, is your emperor father treating you well?"

After his words fell, the hall suddenly fell silent.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her with burning eyes, Gu Nanyan's expression froze, and then she remembered that ever since she met the Daliang envoy team, she had forgotten about that dog emperor.

She scratched her head, remembering Fu Tuo's entrustment, and replied with some guilt: "'s okay."

I don't know if the dog emperor followed, and whether he came to the gate of the capital or not.

She looked at Ashlan who was standing not far away with a stiff expression, asking questions in her eyes.

The corner of Ashlan's mouth twitched, secretly thinking that the ancestor finally remembered Emperor Anyang, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

"The subordinate has sent someone to follow, and nothing will happen."

Gu Nanyan heaved a sigh of relief.

Fu Tuo once asked her to take good care of Emperor Anyang in a letter so that he would not cause trouble. If she lost everyone, she really didn't know how to explain to Fu Tuo.

However, Gu Shen didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two of them. Hearing the girl's tone was a bit reluctant, and her face was not very good-looking, she suddenly felt that her child must have been wronged outside.

He exploded in an instant, his big eyes staring like copper bells.

"What does it mean!" He stepped forward a few steps and pushed Gu Yunge and others who were standing in front of him away.

"Did that ungrateful thing annoy you?"

Gu Nanyan was startled, and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Gu Shen, whose eyes were red with anger.

"Lan'er is such a good woman, he doesn't know how to treat her well, after all, I still know how to cherish her, you are his own flesh and blood!"

Gu Shen's nose was about to smoke, he walked back and forth a few steps and glared at Gu Nanyan angrily: "Tell me, how did he make you wronged, I'm going to seek justice for you!"

Although it's a bit far away from Anyang Country, but the girl's anger can't be taken in vain, even if she chases him to the ends of the earth, he will have to teach that heartless man face to face!
Gu Nanyan rubbed her forehead helplessly, trying to say that no one can make her feel wronged, but she was interrupted before she could speak.

"Hmph, what a big breath!"

A majestic voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads to look at the source of the voice.

I saw a middle-aged man in his 30s with a fair complexion, a short beard and a fine attire walking in. It was Emperor Anyang who had been missing for many days.

He stared at Gu Shen with an unfriendly expression, and walked straight towards him after entering the door, followed by the sighing Eunuch Xu.

Although Gu Shen had seen a portrait of Emperor Anyang, the gap between the portraits of this era and real people was too great, so he did not recognize him.

He frowned: "Who is this person, why did he let him in without notifying him?"

He looked displeasedly at the steward who was chasing after him, and reprimanded: "Is anyone able to enter the General's Mansion casually? Hurry up and blast me out!"

He glanced at Emperor Anyang, for some reason he had an intuition that this guy was not a good person, his eyes hurt even just looking at him.

The person in charge wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and said in a low voice: "This master said, he said he is the father of the young lady, so he forced his way in. The guards around him are quite capable, and the slave couldn't stop him for a while..."

Seeing that Gu Shen's face was getting more and more ugly, the manager hurriedly stopped talking.


Gu Shen was furious, pointed at Emperor Anyang and shouted: "He is Sister Nan's father, so who is I!"

After saying that, he took a few steps forward with a grim expression, but was blocked by the guards behind Emperor Anyang.

Emperor Anyang looked at him gloomyly for a while, then said with a half smile: "I am her father, so you are just a slave who helps me take care of my children."

Hearing that he called himself Zhen, Gu Yao and others were first surprised, then shocked, and soon understood the identity of this person.

Gu Shen naturally understood.

It's just different from other people's disbelief, a sneer quickly appeared on his back after being shocked.

"So it's you, a heartless man!"

Although he and Lan'er have been together for less than a year, they are very aware of how much pain this man has caused her, so naturally they don't like to see him very much.

Emperor Anyang listened to him talking about a heartless man, and looked at the man in front of him with a gloomy face.

Ever since she learned that Wei Lan married someone else, even though she knew it was just an expedient measure, she was also overwhelmed by her betrayal and self-blame for not being able to protect his wife and children.

He once wanted to send troops to Jianan Kingdom to take their mother and daughter back, but in the end he endured them all.

Because he knew that once the news spread that Wei Lan was still alive, he would face the endless pursuit of the Ning family.

And he couldn't guarantee that he could stay by their side to protect them all the time.

So he could only suppress the jealousy in his heart and watch the former woman become husband and wife with another man.

Gu Shen and Emperor Anyang stared at each other as if confronting each other, and the atmosphere in the room was tense.

"Why are you here?" Gu Nanyan saw the dignified faces of the crowd, and simply stepped forward to block between the two of them, frowning at Emperor Anyang and asked.

In any case, he is the emperor of another country, and he appeared in the general's mansion in Zhenbei today, and under such a situation, if someone finds out, he will inevitably cause trouble for Gu Yao.

Although Gu Nanyan himself was not afraid, he didn't want to bring trouble to the General's Mansion.

"Of course I'm here to look for you." Emperor Anyang looked down at her, his face softening.

Since he met with the Daliang envoy team three days ago, he no longer followed behind Gu Nanyan, but rushed to the capital ahead of them, but he only arrived half a day earlier than Gu Nanyan, seeing her coming all the way to the general's mansion , and followed.

Gu Nanyan rubbed her throbbing forehead and pondered for a moment, feeling that it was really inappropriate for him to appear here, so she wanted to take him to live in her own house.

Mrs. Gu didn't want her to leave, she immediately refused: "You have been away for so long, and the house is still tidied up, it's better to stay in the general's mansion, as for this..."

She looked at Emperor Anyang hesitantly, a little embarrassed, and then turned her gaze to Gu Yao.

Gu Yao knew about his granddaughter's scruples, so he naturally didn't want to cause trouble. Besides, as an emperor, he followed his granddaughter all the way to the country of Jianan, and he didn't know what his purpose was.

Gu Yao, who has been in the center of power all year round, feels that his purpose is not simple, and it would be best if he could draw a clear line with him.

Not to mention the blood relationship between this person and his granddaughter, he wouldn't be able to shut him out, and he would be even more worried if she was asked to live outside with this person.

So he frowned and stepped forward a few steps, scrutinizing him for a while.

He arched his hands solemnly and said: "Master Fu came from a long way, and he must have not found a place to stay. If you don't dislike it, you might as well live in the mansion first. As for your identity..."

He glanced at the servants around him, and his eyes sharpened: "This matter is related to the survival of my general's mansion. If someone dares to spread the word, he will be punished!"

"Grandfather..." Gu Nanyan frowned and wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Gu Yao waving his hand.

Seeing a few maids and servants bowing their heads in a hurry, he said to Gu Nanyan who obviously disagreed: "That's the matter, your grandmother is right, your house has been empty for a long time, don't you?" After a good cleaning, there is no way to live in it, besides, if you stay in the general's mansion, you will have someone to take care of you."

Gu Yao's expression softened, he reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and said without doubt: "It's up to my grandfather."

Gu Nanyan hadn't spoken yet, but Gu Shen, who had been unable to intervene, quit.

"No, I don't agree!" He glared angrily at his own father, writing all his disgust towards Emperor Anyang who intended to invade his territory, all written on his face.

Emperor Anyang curled his lips in disgust when he heard the words: "Little General's Mansion, the place is not as big as the sleeping hall in the palace, so I don't hesitate to stay here."

After saying that, he rolled his eyes, and grabbed Gu Nanyan's arm and was about to walk out.

How could Gu Shen be willing, grabbed the girl's other arm, and competed with Emperor Anyang.

Gu Nanyan was caught between the two of them, like a rope being pulled back and forth in a tug of war, and the veins on his forehead jumped more and more violently.

(End of this chapter)

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