The farmer has a mall

Chapter 319 Daughter-in-law ran away again

Chapter 319 Daughter-in-law ran away again

Gu Nanyan tried his best to stabilize his figure, and looked at Emperor Anyang with a gloomy gaze.

"It's good that people are willing to take in you, a troublesome person. I still think the General's Mansion is small. My house is not half the size of the General's Mansion. If you don't like it, you might as well buy a big house yourself!"

She angrily shook off the two's hands, and rubbed her red wrist, she didn't like to see their childish behavior very much.

Emperor Anyang choked, remembering his pocket that was cleaner than his face, and immediately closed his mouth.

If it was possible, he certainly didn't want to live with others, but his private treasury was ransacked by Gu Nanyan, and he didn't even leave a single thread. Even the money he brought with him when he left Beijing was sold in exchange for a few calligraphy and paintings in other gardens .

He looked faintly at Gu Nanyan who had put him in such an embarrassing situation, and looked at Gu Yao's waist as if pointing. She casually found a dragon-shaped jade pendant from the space and gave it to Gu Yao, intending to let her Conscience found out, but only got the other side's eyes.

Seeing this, Mrs. Gu hurried over to smooth things over: "Yes, your grandfather has his own opinions in doing things, so grandma's good grandson can stay here with peace of mind."

Although Mrs. Guo was worried, she also came up and grabbed Gu Nanyan's hand, and said to her in a low voice: "Miss Nan, be good, just listen to your grandfather, there is a lot of chaos in Beijing these days, you live outside by yourself. I can't let go."

Seeing her worried face and old lady Gu's wrinkled face full of reluctance, Gu Nanyan pursed her lips, hesitated for a while and finally nodded.

Although Gu Shen was still not happy, but he didn't want to let his daughter go out to live, so he snorted and sat down without making a sound.

Afraid that Gu Nanyan would really let him go out to buy a house to live in, Emperor Anyang dared not speak even more when he saw this, and put on a symbolic airs of being an emperor, and was led by Gu Yao to sit in the main seat with a whimper. bit.

Seeing that her granddaughter didn't have to leave, Mrs. Gu was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

In a good mood, Emperor Anyang, who was suspected to have come to snatch his granddaughter from her, was also pleasing to the eye.

"The old man ordered someone to clean up and leave the guest house. The nobleman goes to rest first. After dinner is ready, let the servants come over to invite you."

"Well, then there will be Mrs. Lao." Emperor Anyang replied reservedly, seeing Gu Shen's depressed face, he felt a little bit more refreshed, and raised his head provocatively at him.


Gu Nanyan lives in Tingfeng Garden, which has the best scenery in the entire General's Mansion, it was occupied by Ge Huihui the last time he came here, and Gu Nanyan kicked the courtyard wall down because of this.

At this time, the courtyard wall has been built again, and the courtyard has also been renovated, which looks exceptionally clean and tidy.

I heard that Fengyuan's servants have already changed a batch, and Gu Nanyan is not used to strangers, so she is still served by the two sisters Yunchu and Yunxi, and a clever maid was picked from the yard to take care of her in the room next to her. Liu Zhenzhen's daily life.

Since entering the capital, Liu Zhenzhen has been like an invisible person, not only talking very little, but even looking a little dazed.

Gu Nanyan didn't care, she just thought she was upset about Qu Zifeng.

"If there is anything missing in the house, let someone go to the warehouse to get it." After she was settled, Gu Nanyan instructed her a few words, and then left the room.

Hearing the closing sound of the door next door, Liu Zhenzhen slowly looked away from the window, looked at the jar by the wall that hadn't been put away yet, and tightly pursed her lips.

In Li Mi's bedroom, Li Yi, who hurried into the palace after returning home after changing his clothes, stood in front of Li Mi's bed with a tense and dignified handsome face, while Dou Bi was giving him the needle.

After a while, Dou Bi pulled out the silver needles on his head one by one. Seeing Li Yi looking at him questioningly, he sighed and shook his head.

"The old man has tried his best, but he really can't find out the cause of the disease."

While wiping the silver needle with alcohol, he frowned and said: "The emperor's condition is very strange, there is nothing wrong with it from the pulse condition, it can even be said to be very healthy, but he just can't wake up."

"In the past few days, I have stimulated the emperor's consciousness with the acupuncture method handed down from my family, but there is no reaction at all."

It stands to reason that as long as this person is still alive, he will not be able to wake up after using this acupuncture method, and his limbs will have some reactions, but Li Mi did not move his eyelids from the beginning to the end.

Li Yi squinted his eyes, there must be a demon when things go wrong, the emperor has always resisted tossing, and he rarely fell ill for so many years, but he fell ill not long after they left Beijing, and even Dou Bi couldn't see the reason. Not a coincidence.

Dou Bi saw that his face was gloomy, so he pondered for a while and said: "For now, I can only invite the princess into the palace. Her medical skills are always ingenious, so I may not be able to find out anything."

He didn't dare to insist that Gu Nanyan could cure Li Mi, after all, his condition was really weird, and it would be good if he could find out the cause.

"This king knows." Li Yi said solemnly, feeling very heavy in his heart.

Now the government is controlled by the Empress Dowager Shen, and the harem is no exception. There must be many eyeliners ambushed around this bedroom.

It may not be easy for Gu Nanyan to enter the palace alone, so he can only wait for the birthday banquet and take the opportunity to sneak in.

Not to mention Gu Nanyan, even he is tough and brings people in.

Thinking of the things she gave him when they parted at the gate of the city, Li Yi's heart moved, he took out a needle from his bosom, and handed it to Dou Bi.

"She can't enter the palace for the time being, you should draw a tube of blood for the emperor first." This is what Gu Nanyan specially asked him.

Dou Bi also knew that Gu Nanyan could check the patient's condition through blood, so when he saw the needle, he quickly took it.

He cautiously looked around, and while the guards outside were not paying attention, he quickly and ruthlessly plunged into Li Mi's blood vessel.


Gu Nanyan received the needle tube containing Li Mi's blood in the middle of the night.

It was Long Yi who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Master is afraid that there will be people watching around, and it is not convenient to come here in person, so he specially asks his subordinates to give the things to the princess." Long Yi said respectfully.

Ever since Gu Nanyan became famous on the battlefield, Long Yi, who was only jealous of her, now only has admiration.

Gu Nanyan's clothes were neat and tidy, obviously she had been waiting early in the morning.

She nodded towards Long Yi and said: "I see, go back and tell your master, come and get the results tomorrow morning."

Long Yi bowed his head respectfully again, and jumped into the night.

Gu Nanyan did not delay, and immediately injected Li Mi's blood into the test tube, and his consciousness sank into the space to prepare for testing.

888, who had been ignored for a long time, immediately jumped out and circled around her cheerfully.

"You finally showed up." 888 fingered aggrievedly.

"I thought you forgot about me." It jumped onto Gu Nanyan's shoulder two or three times, rubbing her face with its furry body flatteringly.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows and squinted at it.

Why did this guy suddenly become so enthusiastic? It's a bit abnormal.

She rubbed her chin and squinted her eyes: "Do you want to upgrade again and want to sell something?"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her fingers to lift it up and threw it aside, and said defensively: "I don't lack anything, don't try to trick me!"

The last time I paid back the money from the mall, she was so distressed that her appetite was cut in half. How long has it been!
Seeing her stingy look, 888 was speechless for a while, and perseveringly climbed onto her shoulder again.

"I don't know, it's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I just miss you."

Gu Nanyan hehe, with "I don't believe it" all over his face, he stared at it without blinking.

888 was silent, and after a while he hesitated and said: "Well, it just so happened that the boss's new girlfriend ran away with someone, and was stimulated by a clearance sale. I think a few packages are not bad, so I want to recommend them to you. .”

For Gu Nanyan, who is a rare and rare financial backer, 888 has the mentality not to trick her into being a bastard, and rushes to introduce the products.

Its eyes are shining, and it is dancing with excitement.

"Listen to me telling you..."

"I won't listen!"

Before he could start introducing, Gu Nanyan suddenly felt alarm bells in his heart, grabbed it and threw it outside without thinking.

888 didn't expect her to turn her face so fast, she was caught straight, thrown more than ten meters away, and hit the courtyard door from the window.

There was a bang, and a big hole was broken in the solid wood courtyard door. The servants who were cleaning the courtyard looked in horror, but saw nothing except the hole in the door.

(End of this chapter)

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