The farmer has a mall

Chapter 324 Mother Ding's Secret

Chapter 324 Mother Ding's Secret
Nanny Ding's complexion changed drastically when she heard the words, she couldn't catch her breath, and coughed violently.

That posture, as if the lungs are about to be coughed out.

When her breathing became more stable, Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and said, "I'll ask you again, do you recognize Liu Dayong?"

Her tone was light, as if she was just saying that today's weather is good, and her voice could not hear any emotion.

Nanny Ding's heart trembled, she didn't know if she asked this question because she had discovered something, or if she was deliberately trying to trick her.

She coughed and lowered her head, covering her flickering eyes.

"Back to Miss, this old slave really doesn't know this person, and it's the first time I've even heard his name."

She paused, then raised her head hesitantly: "You're talking about Liu Dayong, but that guy from Jishitang? The old slave has gone to grab the medicine a few times, maybe he's heard someone mention the old slave."

Seeing that she was still arguing, Gu Nanyan sneered.

"What do you mean, that Liu Dayong lied and framed you?"

Nanny Ding pondered for a moment, before she could think of an answer, Gu Nanyan said again: "In that case, I will trust you once."

She looked at Nanny Ding condescendingly, and the corner of her mouth curled into an arc of unknown meaning.

Nanny Ding, who was sitting in the hall, didn't expect the other party to believe her so easily, and was stunned for a moment.

Even Aunt Qiu, who had been as stable as Mount Tai since entering the door, stopped holding the needle and looked up at Gu Nanyan.

Only Gu Yao, who believed in his granddaughter's own plans, still sat there in a stable manner, with his expression unchanged.

"Then... the old slave thank you for your trust."

Unable to figure out Gu Nanyan's intentions, Nanny Ding could only thank her vaguely.

However, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard Gu Nanyan's voice again, which instantly lifted her heart.

"It's just... The General's Mansion in Zhenbei has always governed the family with military discipline, so Liu Dayong is so brave, he dared to slander the servants of our mansion."

She said, turning her head to Gu Yao's side, "In my grandfather's opinion, what crime should be punished for him."

Hearing the words, Gu Yao instantly understood what his granddaughter meant, and he snorted coldly in a deep voice.

"Such a reckless person, dare to deceive this general, according to the rules of the army, he should receive thirty military sticks, and then have his hands and feet broken and driven out of the house!"

His expression was serious, and there was obvious anger in his tone. Awed by her, Nanny Ding turned even paler, and the corners of her mouth trembled uncontrollably.


The panic-stricken Nanny Ding was about to say something, but was interrupted by Aunt Qiu who had been silent all along.

"When did the general arrest someone and enter the mansion, why did I never hear about it?" She looked at Gu Yao in surprise.

Gu Nanyan looked at her quietly, and saw that Nanny Ding quickly stopped speaking after hearing her words, lowered her head and coughed again, and then gasped heavily and stopped making a sound.

"You don't come here on weekdays, so you don't know anything about the East Courtyard."

Gu Yao is not stupid either, her obvious behavior immediately made him turn his eyes away, and looked straight at Aunt Qiu.

It seems that he misjudged this person, Gu Yao thought to himself, with anger in his heart.

Aunt Qiu smiled lightly, as if she was just curious for a while, she picked up the embroidery frame again and began to embroider flowers one by one.

And Nanny Ding seemed to have been reminded, and then she refused to say anything like a saw-mouthed gourd, insisting that she didn't know Liu Dayong.

After half an hour, even Gu Yao lost his patience and wanted someone to drag her down to hit the board.

However, due to her poor health, I was afraid that she would be beaten to death and there would be no clues.

And Gu Nanyan was still holding the teacup with an old spirit, until Gu Yao was about to give up, before opening his mouth lightly.

"Speaking of which, Liu Dayong is also pitiful. He was sent away by his mother not long after he was born. His adoptive parents died when he was six or seven years old. He has been relying on the help of his neighbors to survive."

"In recent years, he has been relying on odd jobs to make a living, and his life is really poor. He finally found a long-term job in Jishantang, married a wife and had a child, and has savings. Do such evil things."

She looked up at Nanny Ding fixedly, "Since we can't find the mastermind now, we can only let him carry all the charges. I don't know if his wife and children will survive after he dies."

Her tone was calm, but what she said made people feel terrified.

Nanny Ding raised her head abruptly, with a look of disbelief.

"This, this Liu Dayong is just a pharmacy clerk, he only dispenses medicines according to the customer's request, even... he is not guilty of death, right?" Mother Ding asked tremblingly.

Gu Nanyan curled the corners of her lips, and said meaningfully: "You, a woman, probably don't know, the imperial court has a rule that wives in the Jianan Kingdom follow their husband's rank. If the husband is an official, his wife must also have rank."

"Grandfather is a first-rank official in the imperial court. Correspondingly, grandmother is a first-rank official wife. If someone murders her, it is equivalent to murdering an imperial official!"

"What a crime this is. Even if I don't say it, Nanny Ding, who has been working in the General's Mansion for many years, should know about it."

In ancient times, women were always honored by their husbands, valued by their sons, and even more so by their husbands.

In Jianan Kingdom, there are a total of five grades of imperial wives, and the imperial court will issue imperial orders to the official wives at the same time when the officials receive the edict.

It's just that it's not as important as when it was appointed as an official. Usually it's just an imperial decree.

Therefore, Nanny Ding didn't know that the crime of poisoning Mrs. Gu was so serious!
When Nanny Ding heard the words, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning, her body went limp in an instant, and she almost couldn't sit still.

She looked at Gu Nanyan in amazement, seeing that she didn't look like she was joking, she turned to look at Aunt Qiu again.

But seeing the other party's eyebrows tightened, it seemed that it was the first time I heard that there was such a rule.

At the same time, unwillingness flashed across his drooping face almost invisible, and he clenched his embroidered hand tightly, but Gu Nanyan saw it clearly.

Seeing that the two of them took the bait, Gu Nanyan fueled the fire again.

She looked directly at Nanny Ding and said: "It's not easy for a woman to be pregnant for ten months, and children are the lifeblood of the mother. Does Nanny Ding really want to lose her life because of this?"

After hearing this, Nanny Ding finally couldn't sit still and slipped from the chair.

When Gu Nanyan told Liu Dayong's life experience, she knew that her secret had been discovered.

Regardless of the support of the servants beside her, she lay on the ground and struggled to stabilize her figure, and crawled forward a few steps.

"Miss... no, princess, princess, spare me, Yonger just listened to the old servant's order to get the medicine, and he didn't know the purpose of the medicine. He was just a boy in the hospital, and he didn't understand medical principles, and he didn't know that the medicine was poisonous! "

Xu Shi was too excited, she coughed violently a few more times, her pale face turned red.

What she said was tantamount to admitting that she intentionally poisoned Mrs. Gu.

When Aunt Qiu heard this, her face that had been smiling lightly sank instantly.

"What are you talking about, Mother Ding? This crime is a false admission!"

"You are from my yard, do you know that if you say this, even if it has nothing to do with me, someone will break my spine!"

She maintained her face as if she was only a 40-year-old woman, and she was not as calm as before, and she reprimanded angrily.

"If it really has nothing to do with you, why worry about what others say."

Gu Yao's face darkened, and after taking a deep look at her, he turned to Nanny Ding again, gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me, why do you want to murder the head mistress as a servant, what good is it for you!"

At this time, Gu Yao was really angry. He always cherished his old wife, and the relationship between the two was not so good.

Back then when his mother threatened him with his life, he had no choice but to take Aunt Qiu into the house, which already violated the promise of the two of them, and he has always felt guilty.

But I didn't expect this poisonous woman to order her servants to murder her!

Gu Yao already believed that Nanny Ding was instigated by Aunt Qiu.

His old wife was kind-hearted since she was young, and she never treated his servants harshly. If no one instructed her, a servant like her would have no reason to do such a thing.

Thinking of this, he cast his eyes on Aunt Qiu's face, and pointed out: "Just tell what you know, if Liu Dayong is really not the mastermind, this general will spare his life!"

(End of this chapter)

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