Chapter 325

"Nurse Ding, you have to think about it before you speak. Don't impulsively admit something you haven't done!"

Aunt Qiu also ignored Gu Yao's knife-like eyes, and hurried to her side with warning eyes.

"The old lady's medicine was prepared by Liu Dayong himself. Even if she didn't know the inside story, she has already harmed the old lady. At that time, she will be arrested and sent to the yamen..."

"That's better than death!" Before she could finish speaking, Nanny Ding growled.

This sound directly stunned Aunt Qiu.

Nanny Ding looked up at her, her eyes full of apology.

"Master, I'm afraid this old slave will feel sorry for you."

She lay on the ground, tilted her head towards Aunt Qiu, and knocked her forehead heavily on the bluestone board a few times.

After raising his head, there was a bit of determination on his face.

"You asked the old slave to do this, and you ordered the addition of ginseng to the old lady's medicine. Yonger is still young, and he has a wife and children to take care of. The old slave is reluctant to let him break it here! "

After she finished speaking, tears streamed down her face, and she cried bitterly, covering her face.

Aunt Qiu's face turned pale suddenly, she staggered a few steps, and sat down on the chair, her whole body was precarious.

However, Gu Yao didn't even look at her, his eyes were cold, and he suppressed the anger that was about to burst out, "Go on!"

Nanny Ding, who was already in disarray, hurriedly stopped crying, choked up and said, "You were forced to take a concubine back then, and you never went to the west courtyard after the master became pregnant. The master has been dissatisfied for a long time."

"In addition, you have been ignoring the west courtyard all these years, like two families, and you love the one in the east courtyard, and the master feels even more unfair."

According to Nanny Ding, Aunt Qiu has been silent for many years, but she just wants Gu Yao to see that she does not fight or grab, and takes her son to live in a corner so that she can feel sorry for her.

But Gu Yao, a straight-forward man who has been fighting all the year round, besides caring for his wife, how can he know how to be compassionate and cherish jade?

So without her natal family as a backer, Aunt Qiu, who could only wait silently, failed her calculations.

She waited year after year, until she was old and her color faded, and she didn't wait for him to pay a glance.

It's not that she didn't think of other ways during the period, but whether it was a chance encounter or pretending to be sick, she couldn't make Gu Yao's eyes turn to herself.

After a long time, Aunt Qiu gradually gave up these small tricks.

But the unwillingness in my heart is increasing day by day.

Until Gu Nanyan disappeared, Mrs. Gu fainted immediately after being stimulated.

When Aunt Qiu went to visit, she saw Mrs. Gu, who was lying on the bed motionless, and instantly aged a lot, a vicious thought came to her mind.

She thinks that all men in the world are attractive.

The reason why Gu Yao turned a blind eye to her was entirely because Mrs. Gu was jealous and prevented him from getting close to her.

She is quite pretty, if someone didn't stop her, how could Gu Yao not even look at her, causing her to be a widow at such a young age!
This idea took root in her heart and sprouted until it grew into a towering tree.

Her resentment towards Gu Yao has also successfully transformed into hatred towards Mrs. Gu.

So I found a traveling doctor in the Western Regions, bought a pack of medicine powder from him that can make people weak, and when she went to visit Mrs. Gu again, she sprinkled the medicine powder in her medicine bowl.

"I don't know what the medicine is made of. Although the old lady fell ill, the imperial physician didn't find anything, but the effect of the medicine was not long-lasting. After more than half a month, the old lady's condition improved."

At this time, Nanny Ding had already been helped to a chair by the servants to sit down again.

Seemingly tired of talking, she took a few breaths.

"Master thought that the poison would work next time, but she only bought a small pack and it was used up, but she was not willing to give up halfway like this, and then went to find that doctor in the Western Regions, only to learn that he had already died. Capital, I don’t know where to go.”

In desperation, Aunt Qiu had no choice but to look for other poisons that could kill invisible.

But inadvertently, I heard the doctor from Ji Shitang instruct Gu Qing that the old lady's medicine must not be taken with ginseng, otherwise it will definitely aggravate the condition.

So it happened that the prescription was changed later.

When Nanny Ding was young, she married a peddler. The two of them had a pretty good life at the beginning. Although they were not rich, they could still eat well.

Until Nanny Ding was pregnant and was about to give birth, the family was attacked by horse thieves.

In order to protect her and the child in her belly, her husband stuffed her into the cellar, and then covered the cellar entrance with a water tank, successfully letting her escape.

But he himself was hacked to death, and he was still standing firmly in front of the water tank when he was dying.

Aunt Ding was locked in the cellar and couldn't get out. She desperately gave birth to the child, bit off the umbilical cord, and fed the child before fainting from exhaustion.

When he woke up, he had been rescued by the villagers who had survived and heard the baby crying.

But her husband died tragically, and all the belongings in the house were looted, not even a grain of rice was left, so she couldn't live at all.

At any rate, relying on the help from the village, she would not starve to death with the child.

However, the life of the people in the village is not rich, and the landlord's family has no surplus food after a long time.

She was embarrassed to eat other people's food for free, so she gritted her teeth and hugged her infant son, begging all the way to the capital.

At that time, Aunt Qiu had just given birth.

She is already slender, and in order to maintain her figure, she never eats meat, and rarely eats dry food. She only drinks some soup and water every day, even when she is pregnant, and at most she drinks some broth.

This caused her to have insufficient milk, so she had to find a wet nurse to feed the baby.

Mother Ding was overjoyed when she heard the news and wanted to apply for the job, but she couldn't bring her children to work in the General's Mansion.

Instead of starving to death with the child in her arms, she decided to fight, so she gritted her teeth and gave her son away.

The couple who adopted the child prevented her from coming to the door in the future, and did not tell her the address of their home.

Since then, she has never seen her son again.

More than 20 years have passed in a flash, and I thought that there would be no time for mother and child to reunite in this life.

It wasn't until she went to Jishitang to fetch medicine for Aunt Qiu that she recognized Liu Dayong who looked seven to eight times like her husband at a glance, and then she recognized him.

"The general and the princess must have known about what happened next." Nanny Ding said bitterly.

"The old slave ordered Yong'er to add a little more ginseng to the medicine when the people from the general's mansion went to grab the medicine. The boy only thought that ginseng was a good thing and didn't think too much about it, so he followed the old slave's instructions all the time."

She always thought that she hid her son's identity well, so that even if the incident happened, he would not be implicated, but she didn't want to be discovered by Gu Nanyan.

"Princess, this old slave knows that his crime is unforgivable, but that kid Yonger really doesn't know anything, please spare his life with your noble hand."

After finishing her sentence, Nanny Ding got up tremblingly, knelt on the ground and kowtowed again.

Due to the great strength she used, blood was already dripping from her forehead.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and said nothing.

At the beginning, Li Yi was asked to help her find out about Nanny Ding's background, but within a day, she found out that she often secretly asked someone to send money to Liu Dayong, and then found out the relationship between the two of them.

Since this was a private matter of the general's residence, she did not ask Li Yi to continue the investigation.

But she was busy with Zhuangzi and the kamikaze team, so she delayed this matter.

At this time, what Nanny Ding said was the truth, Gu Nanyan nodded slightly towards Gu Yao.

Gu Yao's face was already blue with anger, and he stared fiercely at Aunt Qiu who had collapsed on the chair.

"Qiu Shi, you still have something to say!"

Although he knew that his wife was poisoned, he always thought it was the method of those who were hostile to him in the court.

Now I know that it was Aunt Qiu who made people move her hands, and I think of Ge Shi back then.

The backyard of Tangtang Zhenbei General's Mansion was so smoky that Gu Yao was so angry that he vomited blood!

Aunt Qiu looked at Nanny Ding with a pale face in disbelief, still holding her embroidered bandage in her hands.

After being in a daze for a while, she put the embroidered cloth on the side coffee table, slowly got up and walked to Nurse Ding, but she didn't look at her.

He only looked up at Gu Yao with a well-maintained face, his eyes open.

"General, I have never done it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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