Chapter 326
After saying a word, Aunt Qiu stared at Gu Yao without blinking, her face full of determination.

"The concubine admits that the general's attitude has hurt the concubine very much these years, and I have resentment in my heart, but since I entered the general's mansion, I have regarded this place as my home, so why would I poison my family?"

"Besides, the old lady is impartial and selfless. She has never treated the West Court harshly. Although my concubine's background is not high, she also knows how to write the word "gratitude."

When she said this, the corners of her eyes with a few fine lines closed.

Aunt Qiu was born in the Qiu family, a farming and studying family in the previous dynasty, and she was somewhat famous in the previous dynasty. Speaking of her relationship with Gu Yao's mother and Mrs. Gu Jiatai, she is still a distant cousin.

After the change of dynasty, Qiu's family declined, her descendants scattered, and her generation became an ordinary farmer.

At the beginning, she came to the General's Mansion alone, and under her deliberate pandering and flattery, Mrs. Tai got along quite well with her.

In addition, he was dissatisfied with his son's wholehearted protection of his wife, so he forced Gu Yao to accept Aunt Qiu.

Gu Yao's backyard is clean, except for Mrs. Gu, she is the only one, and life is comfortable.

At least it was much better than in the village.

She also knew that she was able to stay safely in the General's Mansion because Mrs. Gu, the regular wife, had a big heart and didn't care about her, so she was very grateful.

In addition, in this troubled world, it is not easy for women to be born.

She naturally cherishes the present day very much, so she spontaneously begged Gu Yao to open a corner door for her west courtyard to facilitate entry and exit.

Never go to the east courtyard when you have nothing to do.

Hearing her refusal to admit that she ordered this matter to go on, although Gu Yao's chest was filled with anger, but as the head of the family, he naturally couldn't just listen to one side of the story.

He ignored Aunt Qiu, seeing that Gu Nanyan was hanging her head silently, as if she was thinking about something, so he asked Nanny Ding.

"You said it was Qiu's order, but what can prove it?"

His granddaughter told him that in judging a case, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of physical evidence, so as not to cause people to be wronged. If it is necessary to prove that Madam Ding's words are true, as long as she can produce physical evidence.

Nanny Ding was stunned, and after understanding what Gu Yao said, she lowered her head and thought about it.

"There is one object..." she hesitated, "I just don't know if it can be used as proof."

She spoke with trembling hands, and took out a gray purse embroidered with morning orchids from her bosom, and dumped all the contents on the ground.

Only then did Gu Nanyan look up, and saw a few pieces of broken silver and a dozen copper plates scattered on the ground, which made a clanging sound when they landed on the bluestone board.

Her sharp eyes found a touch of green in it.

It was an earring intertwined with gold wire, and a green jadeite larger than a soybean was hung below it.

Nanny Ding picked up the pendant, and Aunt Qiu's face froze when she saw this.

"The price of ginseng is not low. The old lady has to drink medicine every day. The master's monthly silver is only 30 taels a month. Naturally, he can't afford it. A few days before the incident, the old slave took this pendant and went to Jishitang to pay off the debt." She said. Nene Road.

"The old slave was greedy for a while, and saw that this pendant was worth a lot, and one was enough to pay off the debt, so he secretly bought this one..."

Gu Yao asked someone to bring the pendant up to him, and after looking at it for a while, he handed it to the servant, who asked him to take it to Jishitang for questioning.

Needless to say, the result is that everyone gets all the stolen goods.

This matter has basically been cleared up here, and the rest is how to deal with Aunt Qiu.

This was Gu Yao's business, Gu Nanyan, a junior, couldn't get involved, so he found an excuse to step back.

Aunt Qiu stood on one side shyly, and when Gu Nanyan passed by her, she said slowly: "Whether the princess believes it or not, I really did not do this."

Gu Nanyan didn't look at her, "You should tell your grandfather about this."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the front hall without a single pause.

As soon as she stepped out of the door, she happened to meet Gu Zhengkang who hurried over.

When he saw Gu Nanyan, he frowned.

Seeing Gu Nan passing him without looking sideways, without even saying hello, he stared at the back of her head with dark eyes, and couldn't help calling her to stop.

"Didn't your father teach you to be polite when meeting elders?" He said loudly, with dissatisfaction in his tone, obviously not friendly.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows and turned her head.

Seeing her surprised face, Gu Zhengkang sneered.

"Why, although you and I haven't met a few times, I'm still your third uncle anyway, so it's not too much for you to do a junior salute."

Hearing this, Gu Nanyan paused, first squinted at him for a while, and then nodded in agreement.

"It's time to say hello."

Gu Nanyan raised the corners of her mouth, turned to face him, straightened her sleeves, and looked serious.

Gu Zhengkang saw that her attitude was not bad, her serious appearance seemed to be a big gift, he hummed softly, raised his chin and waited.

However, after waiting for a long time, she did not see her next move.

"What are you doing?" He frowned again.

Gu Nanyan, who was dressed in black and tied his waist, straightened his back with his hands in his hands, and said calmly, "Wait for you to salute to me."

First the emperor and then the ministers, Gu Nanyan is a princess, if she wants to, even Gu Yao will punish her.

But firstly, she was used to being at ease, not used to those red tapes, and secondly, the Gu family was also informal, so the two sides always got along as before, regardless of whether they were rulers or ministers.

However, Gu Zhengkang was obviously not included in the list of Gu family members in Gu Nanyan's mind.

Hearing that she called herself "Ben Gong", Gu Zhengkang's face darkened instantly.

After he entered the door, he heard that his mother had been taken to the east courtyard by Gu Yao, and he heard that it seemed that Mrs. Gu had been poisoned, so he had a bad premonition in his heart.

He was annoyed by the fact that the people in the East Court insisted on one thing, and the more he thought about it on the way here, the more angry he became, and when he saw Gu Nanyan, he naturally had a bad tone.

However, he forgot that Gu Nanyan was no longer the motherless little girl who kept silent all day and let Ge Shi bully her.

"Why are you in a daze, why don't you hurry up and salute, I have other things to do and I don't have time to play with you."

Seeing that he was still not moving, Gu Nanyan curled her lips and said.

Little spicy chicken, if you dare to play tricks on me, I'm afraid it's because he has absorbed too much carbon dioxide and his brain lacks oxygen.

She looked directly at Gu Zhengkang's uncertain face, and stood there persistently, as if he had been waiting without being polite.

Gu Zhengkang twisted his face for a moment, "I'm afraid my niece has forgotten, the queen mother has already made a decree to take your princess position."

He sneered and said: "Now you are just an ordinary girl with no rank or rank, but you still want me, an uncle of the imperial court, to salute you. You really are born without a mother."

With contemptuous sarcasm in his eyes, what he said did not look like an elder at all.

It stands to reason that Yizhi cannot deprive the princess of the emperor's personal title.

But now it is the Queen Mother's world, without the emperor's protection, he doesn't believe that this damn girl dares to be so arrogant!
Gu Nanyan didn't argue with him, and watched him take a few steps forward with a slightly satisfied expression.

"Is it the court order?" She nodded calmly, then grinned, "I only beat the court order!"

After the words fell, before Gu Zhengkang could react, Gu Nanyan punched him.

Then a bang was heard.

Gu Zhengkang felt a sharp pain in his cheek, and then flew out backwards.

Gu Nanyan caught up with him, and the moment he fell, he punched another cheek on the other side. Gu Zhengkang flew away before he could stop.

There was a sound of bang bang punches, and the black figure chased after him, one punch after another, the punches landed on the face, and the eyes were still shining with excitement.

The servants guarding the yard shivered and hid in the corner together.

In the courtyard, chickens and dogs jumped instantly, and Gu Nanyan almost ran out of the afterimage, and the more he fought, the more vigorous he was.

In the end, Gu Yao, who was still hiding in the room and pretended not to hear, was afraid that she would beat someone to death, so he came out to stop her.

At this time, Gu Zhengkang's mouth was full of teeth.

His face was swollen and he couldn't see his appearance at all, but his mouth was wrinkled like an old lady.

(End of this chapter)

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