The farmer has a mall

Chapter 327 Broken Leg

Chapter 327 Broken Leg

Looking down at this restless son, Gu Yao's mouth twitched fiercely, and he said helplessly, "Can't we fight in another place?"

This girl punched her in the face and beat her like a ghost, going out to scare people can do whatever she wants.

Besides, he is his own son after all. When people saw his pig-headed face, why did they think it was inherited from him?
Is he a dignified general who doesn't want to lose face?
Thinking of this, Gu Yao gave his granddaughter a dissatisfied look.

Everyone in the room heard what Gu Zhengkang said to her, including Gu Yao who has good hearing.

He didn't blame his granddaughter for doing it, but was very disappointed in this son who was not clear-headed.

This rebellious son not only insulted Sister Nan, but also revealed the meaning of empress dowager Shen as the leader, without any concern about the position of the general's mansion and his father.

In front of the servants in the courtyard, he put his attitude on the bright side.

If it was spread, others would think that Gu Yao chose the Empress Dowager Shen just because of the wind.

At that time, the reputation of the Zhenbei General's Mansion will be destroyed in the hands of this rebellious son!

Gu Yao's old face turned blue and red, red and purple, changing indefinitely.

Gu Nanyan shook the hem of his clothes, shaking off the dust on the black clothes, and answered Gu Yao's question.

"It's useless to go to other places, and now he probably won't dare to go out for a while."

It wasn't that she looked down on Gu Zhengkang, but with his character, even if Gu Yao tried to get him resigned, he wouldn't let it go.

He must continue to toss in different ways.

Gu Zhengkang, who has no official position, stays at home all day, which is even more dangerous.

Who knows if he will hold a grudge, when he will make a mistake, join hands with others to frame him, and drag the general's mansion into the quagmire.

To be on the safe side, Gu Nanyan could only make him dare not even go out and cut off contact with the outside world.

Gu Yao quickly understood what his granddaughter meant, and nodded after a moment of contemplation.

Judging from the current situation, her idea is really good.

He looked hesitantly at Gu Zhengkang who was lying motionless on the ground, and pondered for a moment.

"Why don't you break his hands and feet."

This is safer. By the time his injury heals and he is able to walk around, the turmoil will have already subsided.

It wasn't that he was ruthless, but that Gu Zhengkang was really worried, he couldn't tell what to do and what not to do, and he even dared to get involved in treasonous things.

Gu Yao would rather have him lie on the bed and not be able to move. After all, the General's Mansion can't afford to support him. It's better than dragging down the whole mansion and losing his own life.

"General!" Aunt Qiu, who came a step too late, staggered and threw herself on her unconscious, unrecognizable son, glaring at him angrily in disbelief.

"Zhengkang is your own flesh and blood!"

Seeing Gu Nanyan beating the elders, he just didn't want to stop him, but he even added fuel to the fire, trying to disable his son's hands and feet.

Aunt Qiu felt cold in her heart, she couldn't believe that the man she had been with for decades could be so heartless!

"It's better to heal if the limbs are broken than to die."

Gu Yao's tone was flat, he didn't care about her eyes at all, and his tall body stood in front of Gu Zhengkang.

"The old man is doing it for his own good. You know what Zhengkang has done recently. If you feel that the old man is unfeeling, you can leave the house with them."

When he finished interrogating Nanny Ding just now, he had this idea.

Although taking her as a concubine was a last resort, it was indeed unfair to Aunt Qiu, and he felt ashamed.

But it was him who did the wrong thing, and it had nothing to do with his old wife.

He doesn't need to pursue the matter of her poisoning, but he can't continue to leave this family with evil intentions in the mansion, causing harm to the eldest and second family.

Even if he bears the infamy, he will separate them out!

Gu Yao's expression became more determined, "The old man will give you [-]% of the family property according to the concubines. As long as you don't squander it, it will be enough for you to spend your whole life. You go back and think about it, and try to satisfy you as much as you want. If you don't want the house title deed, you can also It can be converted into cash."

Gu Yao has the kind of temperament that is difficult to shake after making a decision.

At this time, his resolute face was full of determination, and Aunt Qiu knew that there was no room for change.

The corners of her mouth trembled, she lowered her head and her eyes instantly blurred.

Gu Yao stopped talking, glanced at Gu Zhengkang who was lying on the ground, and sighed in his heart. In the end, he didn't let Gu Nanyan do anything, and ordered his servants to carry him back to the west courtyard.

Gu Nanyan looked at Aunt Qiu's bent back, and frowned.

"What's the matter, but you can't bear it?"

Seeing her small face wrinkled into a ball, Gu Yao let out a sigh of relief and patted her on the head.

Gu Nanyan smacked her lips: "No, I just feel that the investigation of grandma's affairs went too smoothly."

For a person like Aunt Qiu who can stand her temper, not to mention her character, what is certain is that she is definitely not stupid.

But why do you show your flaws frequently in this matter?

This incident ended too quickly, but it made her feel like something else would happen.

Gu Yao pretended to be something in his heart, and didn't think much about it. He only thought that his granddaughter was suspicious, and after talking to her a few more words, he went to find his old wife.

He didn't even think about it, Gu Nanyan was so lazy that he didn't even bother to use his brain, but he put this matter behind him for a while, and wandered back to Tingfengyuan.

In the early morning of the second day, after greeting Mrs. Gu, Gu Nanyan was going to visit the Zhuangzi.

She went to Liu Zhenzhen's room, and wanted to take her to relax, but she had her period.

She was already in a low mood, but now she didn't even want to take a step out of the door.

Seeing that she didn't want to go, Gu Nanyan didn't make it difficult for her. After thinking for a while, she took out a warm baby sticker from the space and let her stick it on her lower abdomen, so she only took Yunchu and sister Yunxi out.

When she climbed into the carriage waiting at the door, she suddenly found that there were still two people in the carriage.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"What are you doing up here, I still have something to do, go down and play by yourself!"

She squinted at the old god, who was waiting for her, half leaning against the wall of the carriage, and her tone was full of disgust.

Eunuch Xu, who was kneeling in the corner, smiled at her awkwardly, and then squeezed hard into the corner.

He hung his head like a log.

Indicates that nothing can be heard and nothing can be seen.

Emperor Anyang looked at him contemptuously, and looked down upon his cowardly behavior.

"Master, I heard that you are going to Zhuangzi?" He asked calmly.

He has long been used to this girl's dog temper, and he doesn't want to be as knowledgeable as her.

Gu Nanyan kept silent and stared at him coolly.

"It just so happens that the master is in a hurry recently, so I will accompany you for a stroll."

He heard that the wheat with a yield of five thousand per mu was grown in that village, so he had long wanted to see it.

It's just that firstly he didn't know the exact location, and secondly, it had already been listed as a highly classified area, and officers and soldiers were guarded nearby, so he couldn't get in even if he knew it was there.

Today, when he heard that Gu Nanyan was going to go, he hurriedly followed him.

Hearing that he was no stranger to calling himself the master, with a benevolent tone, as if it was a great honor for him to be able to accompany her.

Gu Nanyan huh, bared his teeth at him: "Good idea, get down!"

Don't think she doesn't know what he's up to, doesn't he just want to get some seeds from her and send them back to Anyang?
Gu Nanyan didn't mind spreading this kind of benefit to the common people to Anyang Kingdom.

What's more, if there is no accident, Fu Tuo will be the next generation of monarch.

He has always been kind to himself, giving some seeds is just a matter of effort,

What's more, wheat seeds are worthless.

But she just can't understand the natural virtue of Emperor Anyang.

Gu Nanyan, who was never used to people's problems, sneered, seeing that he had no intention of getting out of the car, she stretched out her small hand to grab his skirt, and was about to drag him out.

When Eunuch Xu heard her getting up, he hurriedly stuffed himself into the corner again, and the carriage wall creaked as he moved.

Seeing her hands grabbing his clothes, Emperor Anyang remembered the experience of being beaten twice, and was instantly shocked.

At the critical moment, he hurriedly shouted.

"100 taels!"

He stared at Gu Nanyan with a dark face.

"I will pay 100 million taels to buy your wheat seeds!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

After hanging her head in silence for a moment, Gu Nanyan slowly raised her head, with a kind smile already on her face.

She let go of her hand, and smoothed the wrinkled skirt for Emperor Anyang.

"It's bumpy along the way, if Master Fu thinks the carriage is hard, just tell me, and I'll ask someone to make two more mattresses."

Emperor Anyang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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