Chapter 332 Ji Er's Family

The missing girl is Ji Yingying, Ji Er's daughter.

And Ji Er is the younger brother of Zhuangzi who was in charge.

Ji Quan, Ji Guanshi's son, was Ge's cousin, and was sent to Mingshan County to trouble Gu Nanyan.

Later, Gu Nanyan broke his legs and he returned to the capital.

His father Ji Guanshi held a grudge, not only embezzling public funds to oppress the farmer, but also intending to take revenge on her.

This Ji Yingying has always had a good relationship with her uncle, even better than her own father and daughter.

The farmers also gave way to her, for fear that if she was upset, Manager Ji would make trouble for them.

Therefore, Ji Yingying's life here is like a fish in water. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the princess of this Zhuangzi, and she does not take the Zhuanghu seriously.

But her good days came to an abrupt end when Gu Nanyan arrived.

The people here didn't want to see her at all. After Ji Guanshi was pulled down, although he wouldn't do anything to a little girl, he didn't bother to talk to her.

Even Ji Er and his wife and their son Ji Rui were implicated, living an invisible life in the village.

"After knowing that Ji Yingying was missing, I went to Ji's house in person, and wanted to mobilize the farmers to go out to look for it, but Ji Er's family refused."

Although Ji Guanshi's actions are very abominable, but Ji Er is honest, his wife and son are also good, and they will go up to help when they encounter difficulties.

Besides, Guanshi Yuan, as Zhuangzi's steward, is obliged to do these things, and he really wants to help their family find their daughter.

But their vague attitude and their rejection without the slightest hesitation made him very puzzled.

"Ji Er first said that Yingying is not missing, but went to visit relatives in the city, but as far as I know, his family escaped from the famine at the beginning, and his hometown is thousands of miles away from the capital, so where are the relatives?" Here."

Moreover, there are many dignitaries in Beijing, Ji Yingying is a little girl, and she has such a temperament, if she is allowed to visit relatives and friends alone, she is not afraid of accidents?

Yuan Guanshi was puzzled by this, and always felt that there was something inside that he didn't know.

He asked repeatedly, and even threatened Ji Er, saying that he would drive their family out of Zhuangzi, only then Ji Er changed his words in a murmur.

"He told me that Ji Yingying didn't go to visit relatives, but went to the capital to be a concubine for a powerful family. He felt ashamed and dared not tell the truth."

How can it be so easy to be a concubine of a rich family, especially her temper, can she bear the anger of the eldest wife?

Steward Yuan sighed. Ji Yingying, like her uncle, loves vanity and cares a lot, and always likes to take some wrong paths. She is not at all like someone from a poor family.

"I think Ji Er is looking forward to not getting in touch with his daughter and not wanting others to take care of her. I can't say anything as an outsider, so I just let them go."

"Later I heard that Ji Er's family signed a deed to sever ties with their daughter, and it has been notarized in the Beijing government!"

Steward Yuan sighed again, wondering how this family could make such a fuss.

Gu Nanyan was silent for a while after hearing the words, a girl who could only be regarded as handsome, half a head taller than herself, with a face full of jealousy and unwillingness emerged in her mind.

"Do you know which family she married into?"

Although this girl is thoughtful at first glance, and it is not uncommon for her to be a concubine for others, but the attitude of Ji Er and his wife is strange.

Even if Ji Yingying became someone else's concubine, although she was willing to degenerate a bit, as her parents, no matter how much they hated iron and steel, they would not give up their only daughter.

And according to Yuan Guanshi, the family seemed to be hiding from the plague, for fear that others would find her again.

Gu Nanyan intuitively felt that things were not that simple.

"I don't know." Yuan Guanshi replied.

At that time, Ji Er kept silent as if he didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"If the princess wants to know, it's better to ask the grass people..."

"No need." Gu Nanyan waved his hand.

"Since Ji Er deliberately concealed it, it's useless for you to go again."

It's better for her to go there herself.

After breakfast on the second day, Emperor Anyang wanted to visit Zhuangzi, so he insisted on Gu Nanyan leading the way.

Gu Nanyan still had something to do, so he called Yuan Heizi, the son of Steward Yuan, and he took Emperor Anyang around.

Knowing that there were many hidden guards around him, Gu Nanyan was not worried about his safety, and went to Ji Er's home amidst his dissatisfied hums.

Seeing Gu Nanyan coming to the door, Ji Er, who was about to go out to farm, was taken aback, and hurriedly dropped the farm tools in his hand and was about to kneel down.

Gu Nanyan grabbed him and said with a smile: "There is no need to be polite, I just happened to pass by here, and I heard that someone in your family was injured by officers and soldiers, so I came in to have a look."

After that, she looked at Ji Rui who limped out when she heard the movement.

"I heard that it was you who pulled Bai Shao in time to prevent her from being seriously injured, and even sprained her ankle because of it."

She looked down at his injured leg and asked, "Is it okay?"

It is said that the fake Jin Wuwei wanted to make another stab at Bai Shao, but fortunately Ji Rui threw her down and escaped.

In this regard, she is still very grateful to Ji Rui.

Although she and the two sisters Bai Zhi and Bai Shao didn't spend much time together, they had already been included in her circle of protection, so naturally she didn't want anything to happen to them.

Ji Rui clenched his hand holding the door frame, his expression tense.

Hearing that she came here because of Bai Shao, he couldn't help but relax.

"Please trouble the princess to run again. The grass man's leg is fine, it's just a sprained tendon. The doctor said that it will be better after a few days of rest."

Gu Nanyan nodded, Ji Er came back to his senses and hurriedly led her into the room.

There are not many things in the house, only a square table with high legs, three low stools, and kitchen utensils with bowls and chopsticks, and they all look old.

The frugality of the Ji family surprised Gu Nanyan.

She heard from Guanshi Yuan that although Guanshi Ji loved Ji Yingying very much, his relationship with Ji Er was not very good. It seemed to be true.

After Ji Er's daughter-in-law Chen brought a bowl of water to Gu Nanyan, she stood there at a loss, looking at her timidly.

"There are very few visitors at home, and I didn't prepare any tea, only this clear water, princess, don't dislike it."

Seeing that she was nervous, Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, picked up the bowl and drank it all.

"Breakfast was a bit salty, and I happened to be thirsty, thank you."

After she finished speaking, just as she was about to put down the bowl, Mrs. Chen quickly took it and poured another bowl for her.

"Princess, you're being polite, as long as you don't dislike it." Ji Er murmured, then looked at his son standing aside.

"Ji Rui's injury is not serious. I trouble the princess to worry about it, and even went there personally. The Caomin family is really terrified."

He rubbed his hands, his dark, wrinkled face flushed.

Gu Nanyan smiled: "I came here this time not only for Ji Rui's injury."

She pondered for a moment, and she didn't know where to ask. After all, this is a private matter, and she just suspected that it was not that simple.

Seeing her silent, Ji Rui lowered his head and pursed his lips.

After a long while, he hesitated and said: "The princess is here because of my little sister?"

Gu Nanyan was taken aback, and looked at this unremarkable young man who looked like a standard farmer.

"That's true." Gu Nanyan didn't hide anything, and admitted generously.

"Although this matter is your family matter, according to the rules, any marriage in Zhuangzi should be reported to Guanshi Yuan. When the date is fixed, ten taels of silver can be withdrawn from the public account."

The latter one was decided after she took over Zhuangzi, regardless of funeral or joy, she can receive ten taels of silver from Guanshi Yuan as her wish.

Although Ji Yingying went to be someone else's concubine, the rules didn't say that she had to be a regular wife to give money, but Ji Er's family didn't even ask, and voluntarily gave up.

You must know that ten taels of silver is not a small amount of income for ordinary farmers, even the dowry is only five taels at most.

This is also what Gu Nanyan doubts the most.

No one thinks there is too much money, especially the Ji family's family conditions, which can be regarded as the bottom of the Zhuangzi.

 I beg for the monthly pass, if there is any sent out, throw it here, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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