The farmer has a mall

Chapter 333 Beware of the County King

Chapter 333 Beware of the County King
Hearing Gu Nanyan ask about his daughter, Ji Er couldn't sit still, and almost fell off the stool.

"Caomin has already told Guanshi Yuan about Yingying and Yingying. She really went to the capital to be a concubine. Caomin dare not lie." Ji Er tremblingly said.

Gu Nanyan nodded, still smiling lightly.

"Guard Yuan told me about this, but you still need to report the person she married to. After verification, Guanshi Yuan can transfer ten taels of silver to you from the account."

Chen Shi at the side turned pale when she heard Ji Yingying mentioned, and hurriedly waved her hands.

"We don't want money, that girl has severed ties with us, and there are records in the yamen."

She looked terrified, as if she was afraid of getting involved with Ji Yingying.

"That's right, princess, and that child is going to be a concubine, so it's not something glorious, let's forget about ten taels of silver, we don't want it."

Ji Er also hurriedly echoed, although not as obvious as his wife, but he could still see that his fingers were trembling slightly.

Gu Nanyan frowned slowly, staring at the two for a while.

Seeing that they didn't know why, they were so frightened that they couldn't figure out what to ask, so they nodded and stood up, ready to leave.

It is not difficult to find out which family Ji Yingying went to, and it is not necessary to listen to Ji's family.

She told Ji Rui to take good care of his wounds, and left some medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and walked out with Yun Chu who was guarding the door.

Before she could walk out of the courtyard, Ji Rui limped after her.

"Princess, please stay." Ji Rui shouted hastily.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan stopped and turned to look at him, he didn't seem to be angry. While he was relieved, his mood was very complicated.

As far as he remembered, the eldest princess, Gu Nanyan, was sympathetic to the people, brave and decisive on the battlefield, and was admired by all the people.

There are also all kinds of things that are convenient for life that she created, which will be snapped up as soon as they come out.

This also made her fief, Mingshan City, a hot place.

Talented people from all walks of life squeezed there desperately, breaking their heads for a household registration of Mingshan.

Just to be the first to buy those new inventions.

It is also because Mingshan City is the safest place in all countries. Its city walls are made of fine steel as the skeleton and solid cement as the flesh.

Even the front and rear gates are full of city defense guns, so that the enemy cannot be broken by a long-distance attack, and there are corpses everywhere in a short-range attack!

With only [-] private soldiers from the Princess Mansion, they were able to defeat the opponent's hundreds of thousands of troops effortlessly, and even the Zhenbei Army had no use for it, and withdrew from Mingshan City.

The name of the eldest princess, Gu Nanyan, spread throughout the surrounding countries, and some people even posted her portrait as a door god.

Of course, this is all years away.

Ji Rui was very restless, and looked at Gu Nanyan with some admiration in his eyes.

How could someone as smart as her not find out that they had something to hide?
"Princess, some things are so absurd that the grass-roots people can hardly tell them, so they have to hide them."

"It's just that I promise that my parents and my mother will be absolutely loyal to you. Please believe us, princess!" He said earnestly, the firmness on his face did not seem to be fake.

"As for Yingying..." He was silent for a moment and closed his eyes.

"The grass people only know that she entered the mansion of a county prince, and they really don't know anything else."

County prince?
Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows upon hearing this.

"How did she meet the county king?"

The daughter of a farmer who stays in the village all year round, it is logically impossible to make friends with people from the royal family.

Ji Rui is not too clear about this matter.

"Caomin only knows that these two met by chance, but they don't know where they met and how they got together."

Whether it is the him in memory or the current him, he rarely steps out of this Zhuangzi, and he has only a half-knowledge about the outside world.

Seeing that he really didn't know, Gu Nanyan didn't feel embarrassed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I know, don't worry, I won't embarrass you because of this."

After thinking about it, she added: "Since Ji Yingying has severed ties with you, if she commits any crimes in the future, the Ji family will not be implicated."

This family seems to be honest peasants, but they are so sincere and fearful, and they are eager to distance themselves from Ji Yingying. It seems that they really know something, but they can't say it.

Gu Nanyan has a guess.

Since she can travel through time and space, after the body dies and enters the body of the original body to live, it is not surprising that there are other people who have time-traveled or been reborn.

When Ji Rui heard her words, his small eyes opened wide, and his lips trembled in surprise.

He hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed to Gu Nanyan a few times, and said with a sob: "Thank you princess for your trust."

Gu Nanyan nodded at him, then walked out the door.

"Princess, please be careful of that county prince!" Ji Rui reminded her again just as she was about to step out of the gate.

Gu Nanyan didn't look back, and left the courtyard door with a single step.

Ji Rui stood up with red eyes, and limped into the house.

Ji Er and his wife, who had heard what their son and the princess were talking about, hurried forward.

"My son, what did you say the princess guessed?" Chen said anxiously.

A few months ago, Mrs. Chen, whose head had been beheaded, suddenly woke up in this long-lost courtyard.

At that time, she was holding a medicine bowl with tears on her face, feeding medicine to her daughter who fell into a high fever and fell into a coma after falling into the water.

Seeing Ji Yingying, who had been beheaded a moment earlier than herself, lying there perfectly fine, Chen was stunned.

Can't tell if this is reality or a dream.

Until the husband and son rushed into the house together.

When they looked at her with the same sad and pleasant eyes, Chen suddenly realized that this was not a dream.

They all came back here after being beheaded at the execution ground, and the family of three wept with each other, thanking the Gods and Buddhas for their mercy and giving them a chance to live again.

Looking at Ji Yingying lying on the bed, the reborn Ji Rui had a complicated expression.

I don't know what to do with this younger sister who ruined Ji's family.

After the three of them discussed, they decided to wait until she woke up.

It would be easy if she lived a new life like them, as long as she didn't repeat the mistakes of her previous life, she would be able to live in peace and stability.

If she was different, they would have to find a way to prevent her from going down that dead end.

It's just disappointing that I don't know what went wrong, although Ji Yingying was also reborn, her memory is completely different from other people's!
Ji Rui tried many times and finally confirmed this point.

He told his parents the truth with great disappointment, and at the same time decided not to tell Ji Yingying about their rebirth for the time being, as long as he tried to prevent her from going the same way.

As for why...

Maybe it was because of the venomous look in her eyes that frightened them when she was tied side by side with them before she died.

However, it turns out that what they thought was too simple.

The reborn Ji Yingying not only didn't live in fear and cautiously like them, but she also had a kind of self-satisfied pride.

Every time she sees her looking at the people around with that kind of eyes that look like ants, and keeps saying that she will definitely become the most honorable woman in Jianan, Ji's father and son will have the image of their family being beheaded flashing in their minds .

They don't want to try that kind of despair that they have done nothing but have nothing to do but wait for death!
After all, Ji Yingying is the daughter of the Ji family, and the elders and Ji Rui also don't want anything to happen to her, so they have to coax her carefully.

In the end, what she got was her disdainful eyes and the sentence "mud can't support the wall."

The three of them gradually despaired, especially when she treated the current princess with her superior attitude when she looked at the people around her, they knew that Ji Yingying had gone crazy.

The later experience was surprisingly similar to the previous life.

Ji Yingying left Zhuangzi on the same day and did not return overnight.

Early the next morning, she entered the house happily, and told them with spring in her eyes that she was going to be a concubine for a very noble person!

(End of this chapter)

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