The farmer has a mall

Chapter 334 Anyang Emperor's Brand

Chapter 334 Anyang Emperor's Brand
The Ji family naturally disagreed, and Ji Er, who has always been honest and friendly, locked her up even more.

Chen persuaded her softly, and told her to sever contact with that noble man with tears in her eyes.

However, after living a new life, how could Ji Yingying, who knew how to know the secrets of the sky, be able to listen.

She knocked on the door like crazy, asking Ji's family to let her out, and even threatened her life, threatening to kill her if she didn't let her go.

Ji Er and his wife were afraid that she would really do something stupid, and discussed whether they should tell her what they experienced before they were reborn.

Ji Rui disagreed, he was very aware of this sister's temperament.

Even if she knew, she wouldn't care about their lives, she would still go to that nobleman, and even use everything she knew to get more glory and wealth.

When the time comes, their rebirth will be known.

Next, you don't need to think about how that nobleman will treat their family.

He took Ji Er and his wife to analyze the pros and cons for them. How could the two elders not know their daughter's disposition, but they were just lucky.

Hearing their son point out the facts, they had no choice but to give up this idea and continue to let Ji Yingying cry.

I don't know if she was tired from tossing around, but after only one day, Ji Yingying softened her attitude.

She cried out sincerely that she and the nobleman really love each other, and the two of them are already husband and wife. If she can't be with that person, she will only have a dead end. She hopes that the Ji family can help them.

Ji Rui saw that her expression was firm, although she begged, there was resentment in her eyes.

This younger sister of his has always been right-minded, and even eight horses can't stop her from doing what she wants to do. Knowing that this time it might be the same as in her previous life, Ji Rui thought for a long time, and went to Zhuangzi next door to ask someone to write for her, and wrote a letter of closure. Pro book.

I thought she would at least hesitate for a moment when she saw this.

However, she pressed her handprint without hesitation, and looked at them with a mocking and superior look, as if they had done something stupid.

Ji Yingying left the house without looking back, and didn't even bring a piece of clothing.

Only one sentence is left, "Don't regret it."

In the days that followed, the three members of the Ji family lived in fear, fearing that they would be dragged up in their sleep and put on the guillotine in a daze like in the previous life.

Ji Rui got Gu Nanyan's guarantee, and the big stone in his heart fell. After comforting his parents, he went to work in the field with a hoe on his shoulder.

Their family has mud legs for generations, and the ability to farm the land has been passed down from generation to generation.

He will also teach his son and grandson in the future.

Or after saving some money at home, he can also find a gentleman to teach him to read and write.

Don't ask for fame and fame, just be able to read and write.

Ji Rui stopped his work and looked at the green wheat field, with a bright smile on his ordinary face.

As long as you are alive, everything is possible.

After Gu Nanyan came out of Ji's house, she kept thinking about Ji Rui's words.

He told himself to be careful of the county king, but he didn't say which county king it was.

There are not many county kings in the Jianan Kingdom, and most of them do not live in the capital. The only one she knows who lives in the capital is Li Pinggui.

Thinking of the chubby and timid Prince Xianyang, Gu Nanyan frowned tightly.

Although the Ji family were vague, she felt their fear, especially when Ji Rui reminded her to be careful of the county king, his tone revealed strong resentment.

If Ji Yingying really became the concubine of the county king, the crime of implicating the concubine's family in the mansion would only be the crime of killing the nine clans!

Now that the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet is approaching, Prince Jing led troops into Beijing, as if he wanted to have a big game at the birthday banquet.

It is self-evident where the crime of the county king came from.

Gu Nanyan rubbed the throbbing forehead, thinking in her heart, besides Li Pinggui, which county king is the most suspicious.


Gu Nanyan once gave Concubine Cui a set of mahjong in the palace, she liked it very much, and led the concubines in the palace to play mahjong all day long, and soon a mahjong trend became popular.

Even when there was a banquet in the palace, the wives gathered in the harem no longer sat and chatted for a few hours, but sat and played cards together in twos and threes under the "call" of Concubine Cui Gui.

For the ancient times where there were not many entertainment activities, especially those official women who had nothing to do and stayed in the backyard all day or went to admire the flowers and the moon, this interesting gameplay captured their hearts instantly, and they couldn't stop once they got started. stay.

Concubine Cui Gui was always fun, and she was not stingy when she saw that they liked it, so she ordered people to send a pair to the minister's house door to door.

So this gust of wind was blown out of the palace and quickly spread to the homes of ordinary people.

It has become a new form of entertainment. When you have nothing to do, you can call your friends and play a few laps.

Gu Nanyan's village is no exception.

The dealers couldn't afford those exquisitely crafted mahjong tiles, so they made a pair of them out of wood.

When Gu Nanyan returned to his residence, he happened to see Emperor Anyang sitting in front of the card table and complaining dissatisfiedly.

"I'm talking about little Xu Zi. I've already drawn half of this card. Master, why haven't I seen you play a bobbin yet? It won't work. You keep it in your hand. How can you play this card?"

He looked at the cards with only two cards left in front of Yunxi, and hurriedly said: "Didn't you see that Xiao Xizi is going to play again, if the master loses again, he will have no money to pay the moon silver!"

The corner of Eunuch Xu's mouth twitched, he looked down at Qing Yise in his hand, and then at the meaningful eyes that Emperor Anyang looked at him.

I really want to tell Emperor Anyang, who has already started to use his clothes to pay off the debt, and soon his pants will be gone, that even if he wins this game, he will not have the money to pay him monthly money.

Eunuch Xu sighed, he tore down the cards in his hand, thought about the cards played by Emperor Anyang just now, and tentatively played a two-barrel.

Emperor Anyang's eyes lit up instantly, and he shouted angrily: "Touch!"

Then he took the second barrel that Eunuch Xu shot out, and gave him an appreciative look by the way.

Then, he turned his attention to Yuan Heizi who was sitting on the right.

Yuan Heizi: "..."

"What cards does Master Fu want?" He scratched his head and asked straightforwardly.

This master is a relative of the general's mansion, that is, a relative of the princess. He feels that it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses, as long as he can let this master have a good time.

Anyway, he only has a hundred coppers in total...

"What do I want?" Emperor Anyang said dissatisfied.

"This is your card, you can play it however you want, ask the master what I want!"

He glanced at Yuan Heizi, then cleared his throat.

"But I accidentally saw a chicken in your deck of cards just now, that thing is useless, throw it away if you can..."

Yuan Heizi: "..."

He looked down at Thirteen Yao who was only one card away, and hesitated.

When Emperor Anyang saw that he refused to feed him cards, he immediately became unhappy.

"Little Heizi, it's not that the master is talking about you, it's just a card, it's not a real chicken, keep it for laying eggs!"

He looked like a bully, and he was so close to grabbing him, even Xu Gonggong gave him a contemptuous look.

Seeing that he was angry, Yuan Heizi didn't care about whether it was thirteen or not, so he quickly opened the cards and played a piece of chicken.

Emperor Anyang was overjoyed, and quickly put it in his arms: "Touch again!"

He happily looked at the cards in his hand, then once again set his eyes on Yunxi.

Yun Xi kept a straight face, without even looking at him, and spoke first before he spoke.

"The princess said that there are no fathers and sons on the mahjong table, even if the opponent is the king of heaven, I can't give in. Otherwise, the brand is not good. If a person's brand is not good, his character will not be much better!"

Emperor Anyang: "..."

Eunuch Xu: ... Well said!

Emperor Anyang choked, his eyebrows raised angrily after he realized it, and he just wanted to reprimand him.

Seeing Yunxi put down the two cards in her hand, she said calmly: "You're stupid, give me the money."

Emperor Anyang: "..."

He and that brat Fu Tuo really don't get along with each other by nature, even his hidden guards are so hostile to him!

 Chapter 2 night update
(End of this chapter)

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