The farmer has a mall

Chapter 335 Torture

Chapter 335 Torture
When planting in spring, Gu Nanyan selected 20 people to try to plant a [-] mu experimental field, all of which were improved wheat seeds.

Originally, the yield of these wheat seeds was at least [-] per mu, but in order to collect data, Gu Nanyan used upper, middle and lower third-class fields, and the final result was [-] per mu. In the case of no chemical fertilizers being used in ancient times, this yield was already very good .

The whole Zhuangzi plus the 30-acre experimental field has a total output of less than [-] jin, and her experimental field alone accounts for more than half of it.

Gu Nanyan collected 13% of the grain, a total of [-] catties of grain, and put it all in the granary for seed, that is, the one that was snatched by King Jing.

Emperor Anyang, who had lost a lot, sat opposite Gu Nanyan and took a sip of tea leisurely.

"Then Prince Jing has always kept himself safe, but now it seems that he is just hiding his strength and biding his time. Since he dared to order someone to rob you, he has already made all the preparations. I am afraid that your food will never come back."

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was silent, he said again: "Don't believe it, don't say that he is backed by the old witch Shen. As far as I know, after your grain was robbed, it was sent to the place where the Northwest Army camped outside the city. In the past two days, it is preparing to be shipped."

"If you want to take it back, there will inevitably be conflicts between the two parties. Under the current situation, I am afraid that there will be side effects, which will arouse dissatisfaction in the court."

Although it was Gu Nanyan who suffered the loss, now that the imperial power has fallen and Emperor Jianan is still in a coma, he is equivalent to a hostage in the hands of Empress Dowager Shen.

No matter whether it is the faction of Zhongjun or the faction of Queen Mother Shen, they don't want the two sides to have trouble again, at least not before the birthday banquet.

By the time the birthday banquet was over, those grain seeds had already been transported away.

From the perspective of an emperor, Emperor Anyang naturally felt that Gu Nanyan should swallow this dumb loss and put the overall situation first.

However, Gu Nanyan disdained his thoughts very much, and robbed her, if she couldn't get it back with profit, she would be so depressed that she would vomit blood!

As for the thoughts of the ministers...

Fuck her!

What the old hag Shen relies on is only the Northwest Army, not to mention that there are only 3 people outside the city, even if there are 30, she is not afraid.

Perhaps in addition to this, the old hag has other backhands.

But Gu Nanyan, who is convinced that she will drop ten times with one force, said that a filial son comes out of a stick, as long as her fist is hard enough, even a kitchen knife can break through!
And Li Mi's safety...

It's because he's too comfortable that moths always come out, let others clean up the mess, it's good to let him suffer more, it's good for physical and mental health!
Seeing that she didn't take his words to heart at all, Emperor Anyang was not surprised.

He has long seen that this girl's temperament is very similar to that of the Wei family, she only knows how to rush forward like a cow.

However, he has also cultivated a body of copper skin and iron bones, which cannot be cut by a knife and cannot be pierced by a sword.

Reason with her?
Let her say it's okay if she wins, but if she loses...

Ha ha.

I still have to move my fist!

Emperor Anyang, who had a deep understanding of this point, was very sad.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to bear it. I've asked people to inquire about it. Prince Jing intends to send five thousand northwest troops to escort Liang Zhong out of Beijing. He will leave in two days."

He gave Gu Nanyan a sideways look.

King Jing was so reckless, it was also based on common sense, thinking that Li Mi was in their hands, this girl dared not act rashly.

It's a pity that he really doesn't know her well enough.


If you rob your own things, you must get them back.

But with Gu Nanyan's bandit nature, he would pluck out his hair if he passed by, and if King Jing committed crimes in her hands, would he still want to get out of his body?

Gu Nanyan said, that is absolutely impossible!

So that night, she broke into the posthouse alone.

Before the guard could react, he quickly slapped King Jing who was sleeping unconscious, picked him up and ran away.

Early in the morning of the second day, Emperor Anyang looked at Prince Jing in the courtyard speechlessly, lying on the ground in his underwear, trembling and his face was purple from the cold.

She shed a tear of sympathy for him.

He walked into the yard with the hand stove in his arms, and squatted beside King Jing, whose eyes were tearing apart. He held a bowl of steaming steaming eight-treasure porridge in his hand. He took a sip and breathed out contentedly .

"This is how long I have been lying in the yard, my face has turned purple from the cold, I won't freeze to death."

He looked up at the cloudy sky and clicked his tongue twice.

The stinky girl is ruthless enough, he looked at the sky as if it was going to snow, so he threw him in the yard like this, his skin would peel off if he didn't freeze to death.

"I said you too, it's not good to rob anyone, and run to the robber's den, now feel comfortable."

Prince Jing, whose teeth were chattering from the cold, had a strange-smelling cotton cloth stuffed into his mouth, and his eyes were so angry that they could burst into flames.

At this time, he no longer had the usual elegance, his face was distorted and terrifying, as if he wanted to eat people!
Yun Xi, who had been hiding in the dark all this time, came out, bowed her head to Emperor Anyang and saluted, then picked up Prince Jing whose limbs were already frozen, and walked into the small room on one side.

Emperor Anyang followed curiously, and as soon as he entered the room, he heard the sound of water.

When he looked around, he saw that Prince Jing had been thrown into the steaming tub.

Under the fluctuating heat and cold, Prince Jing felt a sharp pain in his body, and a painful wailing overflowed from his throat, but was blocked by the cotton cloth in his mouth.

Emperor Anyang:! ! !

Fuck it hurts!

Emperor Anyang grinned, hissed empathetically, and the hairs all over his body exploded.

But Yun Xi didn't seem to hear, and said sternly: "Princess said, the most important thing in business is the payment of money and goods. Since the prince has received something, he has to pay the money."

Prince Jing wanted to say something, but his mouth was blocked and he could only whimper twice.

Seeing this, Yun Xi nodded: "Since the prince refuses to pay, don't blame the princess for being merciless."

After she finished speaking, she lifted him up from the hot water and threw him into the courtyard again.

Facing the angry King Jing, Yun Xi stood there expressionless like a pillar.

It was cold and hot and cold again, and with the water stains on the body, it was frozen in a short time.

Yun Xi: "Pay or not?"

Prince Jing: "Woooo!"

Yun Xi: "My lord should think carefully before answering, so as not to suffer more."

Prince Jing: "Woooo!"

Yun Xi: "Prince Jing has a good backbone."

Emperor Anyang: "..."

You should take out the cotton cloth from his mouth first!

Half an hour later, Prince Jing, who was soaked in hot water again, couldn't even make a whimper, and quickly rolled his eyes.

Seeing this, Yunxi frowned in embarrassment, threw him into the yard again, and went to Gu Nanyan to return to his life.

Emperor Anyang, who saw him from beginning to end, looked sympathetically at King Jing who didn't know his life or death, and took Eunuch Xu out for a stroll.

Emperor Anyang: It's too cruel, I need to wash my eyes!

At the same time, there was chaos in the posthouse in the capital.

Prince Jing disappeared without a trace, and his subordinates couldn't find him anywhere, so they had to go to the palace to report to the Queen Mother.

Empress Dowager Shen frowned for a while, and said displeasedly: "There are so many people guarding outside, they don't even know when the master disappeared, they are all blind!"

"The empress dowager made amends, the doors and windows of the lord's house were closed tightly, as if he had disappeared out of thin air, and the subordinates also felt strange." Prince Jing's lieutenant general replied.

"Maybe he went out on business..." Queen Mother Shen said uncertainly.

The lieutenant general shook his head with a serious expression.

"It's absolutely impossible. The prince is not such an unrepentant person. Even if he goes out, he must wear clothes, but the prince's coat and boots are still there, and the bedding is cold..."

"My subordinates speculate that Xu was kidnapped last night..."

Speaking of this, the lieutenant general was also a little uncertain. In addition to the original guards in the post station, there were also many Northwest Army patrols in shifts.

Unless there is a way to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, who has the ability to take people away in full view without alarming anyone?
Empress Dowager Shen naturally understood this truth.

Although she also felt that it might be unreasonable for Prince Jing to be kidnapped, some people couldn't speculate according to common sense!

Thinking of the fact that she had heard that Gu Nanyan could come and go freely in the palace, her eyes darkened.

She ordered King Jing to do the grain planting, the purpose was just to test Gu Nanyan, but she never expected that she would be so blatantly touching her people regardless of Li Mi's safety!
(End of this chapter)

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