The farmer has a mall

Chapter 336 The Highest Price

Chapter 336 The Highest Price
Empress Dowager Shen was sure that no one except Gu Nanyan had such courage and ability.

She told the deputy general: "Take a few of your men to Gu Nanyan's Zhuangzi to inquire. It's best to sneak in and see if your lord is in there."

If she was there, she could take the opportunity to make trouble and have people surround the village.

The deputy general led the order to retreat.

Empress Dowager Shen rubbed the center of her brows, and waved away the servants.

"How does the Empress Dowager plan to deal with Gu Nanyan?"

There was a creaking sound, and Hong Wei, Prime Minister of the Liang Dynasty, turned the wheelchair and came out from behind the screen.

"What else can I do? Naturally, we should arrest her and put her in prison." The Empress Dowager Shen said with a sullen face.

Hong Wei smiled: "The Empress Dowager may not be able to take her down."

Hearing the disapproval in his tone, the Empress Dowager Shen frowned: "My lord prime minister thinks too highly of her, no matter how powerful Gu Nanyan is, he is only one person, and the kamikaze team is not around, so he can turn the world upside down." No!"

It's not that she underestimated Gu Nanyan, now the city gate guards are all her people, unless they attack the city, the Zhenbei Army will definitely not be able to enter.

And Gu Yao has always been loyal to the emperor, and will never let people attack the city for personal reasons, and do such treasonous things.

The two big backers are not around, and Gu Nanyan is still acting so rebelliously, he really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!
Empress Dowager Shen's complexion became darker and darker, Hong Wei didn't say anything when he saw this, but only reminded in a gentle tone: "I don't care what your mother does, as long as you remember the agreement with your majesty, Gu Nanyan is absolutely determined that nothing will happen. Otherwise, the empress may not be able to please her."

What he said was a reminder, but the meaning of warning was very obvious.

Empress Dowager Shen's face became even darker, and her slightly cloudy eyes narrowed slightly.

"Of course the Ai family remembers. It's the prime minister himself who doesn't bother the prime minister..." She sneered.

"I heard that on the way back to Beijing, you and that girl got along very well, and you even exchanged gifts when you parted. The prime minister must not forget the purpose of his trip!"

Hong Liang was silent, with a gentle smile on his face.

Exchange gifts?
He only remembered that he gave the child a jar of drunken crabs, but she didn't give him anything in return, and even said that he had an ugly smile.


As night fell, all the farmers turned off their lights and rested, and the surroundings were pitch black.

A few black shadows landed on the roof lightly, looking around.

After feeding the half-dead King Jing some medicine to prevent wind and cold, Gu Nanyan asked Yunxi to lock him up.

Those black shadows found the room where King Jing was being held, and when they saw no one around, they walked in cautiously.

Yun Xi walked out from the corner, and then heard the sound of falling to the ground in the room one after another.

In the early morning of the second day, Emperor Anyang looked at the fallen men in the courtyard, all men in their underwear, trembling with their master, looked up to the sky and sighed.

Then he quickly went back to the house to finish breakfast, and set up a table in the yard.

There are hot tea and snacks on it, and there is also a plate of fruits just picked from the greenhouse yesterday.

Then he asked Eunuch Xu to bring two charcoal basins and put them at his feet, wrapped his cotton clothes tightly and shrunk his neck to watch the play.

When Gu Nanyan came over, what he saw was his virtue.

"Aren't you going out for a stroll today?" She squinted.

"I won't go, I'm afraid it will snow today, it's very cold."

He hugged the stove tightly, revealing half of his face from the fox fur, how wretched and wretched that look was.

"Speaking of when we go back, it's too cold in this village."

I heard that Gu Nanyan's house in central Beijing installed a set of Shilaozi heating equipment, which was so warm that he couldn't even wear cotton clothes, Emperor Anyang yearned for it very much.

"We'll have to wait a few more days. If you think it's cold, you can go first." Gu Nanyan glanced at him in disgust.

Although the area around Zhuangzi is empty and the wind is a bit stronger than in the city, it won't freeze into a shrinking tortoise!
Take a look at his virtue, he doesn't look like a king of a country.

"That won't work. It's not safe for you to be alone as a girl. I have to stay here with you."

He is not familiar with the place where he was born, what's the point of going back alone, at least there is still fun to watch here.

Emperor Anyang resolutely opposed it, and didn't care about the contempt from his daughter.

Gu Nanyan was really too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he rolled his eyes and entered the room.

Yunchu and Yunxi carried the assassin and Prince Jing, who were delirious from the cold, into the house, and Emperor Anyang hurriedly followed after seeing this.

After two days of tossing, Prince Jing was completely undressed.

Mottled water stains were printed on his white underclothes, and bloodstains were still faintly visible.

Gu Nanyan looked at his exposed hand.

The skin on the hands was swollen and covered with purple-red plaques, and there were still many blisters on it, some of which had festered.

The tightly bound King Jing endured the itching all over his body, rubbing his hands on his clothes from time to time.

Obviously very uncomfortable.

Gu Nanyan was very satisfied with the effect, and gave Yunxi an appreciative look.

Still expressionless, Yun Xi leaned over and took off the cotton cloth from his mouth.

After standing up straight, the back seems to be straighter.

King Jing didn't drink a drop of water for two consecutive days, and his chapped mouth was already glued to the cotton cloth.

In addition, Yunxi's movements were not gentle, the moment the cotton cloth was taken off, a piece of skin was torn off her lips at the same time, and blood immediately flowed down the corner of her mouth.

"Gu Nanyan..." He said angrily, staring at her with hatred in his eyes.

"This king has no grievances with you, but you dare to take me captive and torture me, you still have the king's law in your eyes!"

Gu Nanyan crossed Erlang's legs, still dangling from his mouth the shrimp dumpling that Yun Chu had brought, his eyes widened and he looked at him in surprise.

"Are you telling me about the king's law?"

Why didn't you say Wang Fa when you robbed her Zhuangzi?

Her meaning was too obvious, how could Prince Jing fail to understand.

He swallowed, his throat was dry.

"The empress dowager asked me to fetch the grain. Even if you are a princess, you have to obey Yi's order!"

He supported his body weakly, his eyes fell on the teapot on Gu Nanyan's table, the desire in his eyes was obvious.

Gu Nanyan pretended not to see it, swallowed the shrimp dumpling in her mouth and looked at him quietly.

"It seems that I underestimated you, and the two-day effort obviously didn't make you suffer enough."

After finishing speaking, she winked at Yunxi, who immediately made a move, lifted Prince Jing's collar and dragged it out.

"Wait!" Prince Jing was shocked.

In the past two days, he was wandering on the edge of life and death several times, but every time he was about to lose his strength, Gu Nanyan would ask someone to give him medicine, but he didn't care about the frostbite on his body.

So much so that he obviously felt pain everywhere and itched everywhere, but he couldn't even pass out!
Thinking of the experience of the past two days, Prince Jing's heart trembled, and he didn't want to try again.

"Don't you just want money, as long as you put me back, I'll send someone to send the money right away!"

Thinking that he had fought against the ferocious Xihu people for many years, but he had never been in such a mess like today, Prince Jing lowered his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Gu Nanyan sneered when he heard the words: "You think I'm stupid, if you put you back, can you still give me money?"

If she doesn't give the money, she will try to catch him again, as if she is full and has nothing to do, right?

"This king can write you an IOU..."

"Need not!"

Gu Nanyan curled her lips and looked at him contemptuously.

Don't think that she doesn't know what this guy is thinking, but she just wants to delay for a moment, and when the old witch Shen is done, she will be useless even with the IOU.

"I know you have deposited silver in Baofeng Bank, give me your seal, and I will ask someone to pick it up."

Baofeng Bank is spread all over the Jianan country, and it is Li Yi's business, but he hides in the dark and no one knows.

It is still very easy to find out whether Prince Jing has any deposits with him, and how many deposits he has.

After she said that, she settled the score with him.

"Anyang State bought that batch of grain for 100 million taels. Since you want it too, naturally you have to buy it at a higher price."

She had nothing to do with the other's gloomy face, and looked at him with a smile: "But because you are brother Li Yi, I don't care how much you want. I'll give you a 200% discount, [-] million taels!"

The 200 million taels happened to be all of Prince Jing's deposits in Baofeng Bank, and Gu Nanyan said that he accepted all of them.

Of course, for a fief prince, 200 million property is really a little less, and the rest is probably kept in his fief.

(End of this chapter)

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