The farmer has a mall

Chapter 337 The First Dowry Gift

Chapter 337 The First Dowry Gift

The price of wheat in Jianan Country is only a dozen or so copper coins per catty.

And those that King Jing took away, even if the output was several times higher than that of ordinary wheat seeds, were not worth 200 million.

The price has doubled by a thousand times!
Rao Jingwang had expected that Gu Nanyan would open his mouth like a lion, but such a "black-hearted" price still surprised him.

But in the face of this seemingly petite and pleasant woman in front of her, she is actually ruthless.

He has always fought fearlessly on the battlefield, just like King Jing of Yan Luo.

In the end, he didn't dare to say a word.

He didn't want to try that feeling that his skin was about to explode when it was hot and cold.

Drooping his eyes to hide the anger and unwillingness in his eyes, he trembled with fingers swollen like small carrots, and took out a jade seal as thick as a little finger from his cuff.

Gu Nanyan took it and looked at it for a moment.

This seal is specially issued by Baofeng Bank to large customers with more than one million deposits in silver, and each one is different.

She handed it over to Yunchu, and asked her to go to Prince Sheng's mansion to tell Li Yi to identify the truth, and then asked Yunxi to lock Prince Jing and the others back.

This time, although he was not thrown in the yard to suffer from the cold, he was not given any more clothes, and he was still wearing the same underwear that he was taken captive.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan easily earned 200 million and almost lost even his pants, Emperor Anyang was jealous beyond recognition.

He pursed his lips and hummed twice: "Look at your skillful technique, you have done this kind of thing a lot."

If you don't become a robber, you will be defeated by your talent!
He kept clicking tut, coupled with his little eyes full of jealousy, successfully attracted Gu Nanyan's attention.

"Tsk what tsk, spit a snake letter to spray poison!" Looking at him contemptuously, Gu Nanyan picked up the teacup and killed it with a gulp of joy.

Emperor Anyang choked in shock.

"You insisted on asking for 10,000 million taels for 200+ catties of grain, don't you think it's too dark?"

I don't know if he can also intervene next time this kind of thing happens.

"I don't think so." She said firmly without any burden.

"For business, you have to pay for it and deliver the goods. If he is not satisfied with the price, he doesn't want to buy it. He wants to renege on everything after taking everything away. It's his fault!"

Gu Nanyan, who didn't feel guilty at all, rolled his eyes at him.

"Besides, why is the price so low? Don't you pay 100 million taels to buy my grain seeds? This is called rare and expensive. If you have the ability, find someone else to buy it!"

This kind of high-yielding grain is now only available in the imperial court except for Gu Nanyan, and all of them have been distributed to several nearby counties.

When it is ripe, it will be harvested uniformly by the government, and then ordinary wheat will be distributed to farmers as rations.

Therefore, whether it is King Jing or Anyang Kingdom, it is impossible to obtain enough high-yielding grain seeds in a short period of time.

Emperor Anyang was speechless, what she said was indeed the truth.

If this kind of grain can really be obtained, so that the people will have no worries about food and clothing, and no one will die of hunger, let alone 100 million taels, even 1000 million taels, he will not hesitate.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help becoming anxious: "Your grain seeds were taken away by King Jing, what should I do here?"

There are still a few months before the next harvest time, and it will definitely not be able to catch up with the spring planting when it is transported to Anyang.

Seeing that he was eager, Gu Nanyan smiled unhurriedly.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that the grain seeds will be ready for you within three days. Since you and I have a good relationship, how about free door-to-door delivery and direct delivery to the gate of Anyang Country?"

What she said was very certain, although Emperor Anyang was a little skeptical, he knew that she would never talk nonsense in business matters, so he was relieved.

In the afternoon, after learning from Li Yi that the seal was genuine, Yun Chu immediately took out 200 million taels of silver bills from the bank, and transferred them to Gu Nanyan's name.

Li Yi, who came with Yunchu, saw that her mouth was twisted in joy, and handed her a blood-red seal, dumbfounded.

"This blood jade seal is only available to customers who have deposited more than [-] million silver in Baofeng Bank. So far, there are only two. Be sure to keep it."

Seeing that Gu Nanyan took it with sparkling eyes, and put it in his hands to look at it curiously, Li Yi smiled dotingly.

"You said there are two in total, so who owns the other one?"

She deposited all the banknotes she got from Ning's family and the silver in Emperor Anyang's private treasury to Baofeng Bank.

In addition to the silver that Cui Yao helped her earn, the sum has already exceeded tens of millions, not to mention the gold, silver and jewelry hidden in the space, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is incomparably rich.

Therefore, she was naturally very curious about another owner who was as rich as herself.

Li Yi didn't make a sound, just took out another identical blood jade seal from the skirt of his clothes, and put them together in her white and tender palm.

"Of course it is in the hands of this king."

Gu Nanyan blinked, this guy is so rich?

She held the two seals in front of her eyes, and there was almost no difference except for the engraved characters on them.

Smacking his lips, Gu Nanyan handed back the seal that belonged to Li Yi to him.

Unexpectedly, Li Yi didn't answer, and pushed back the hand she handed over.

With a gentle smile on his fair and handsome face: "This is my king's first betrothal gift."

He stared at her with scorching eyes, his eyes full of doting.

Gu Nanyan was taken aback when he heard the words, and didn't know how to react to his undisguised affection.

"Didn't you give me a jade pendant, forget it."

Although she is greedy for money, what she is greedy for is the wealth of those unrighteous people.

She really couldn't bear to deal with someone like Li Yi who was so stupid as to hand over his property on his own initiative.

"The jade pendant represents the identity of the king, and this seal is all the silver deposits of the king." He raised the corner of Yin Hong's mouth and said.

"Baofeng Bank has always followed the rules. Without these two things, even the king himself would not be able to withdraw money."

He jokingly said: "In the future, if I have any expenses, I can only get them from you."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She looked at the two seals in her hand, then at him, blinked and asked deliberately: "Then what if I spend all my money?"

"Then I have to work harder and earn more money to fill your bottomless pit."

Li Yi sighed, looking sad, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

His eyes were sincere and solemn, without any perfunctory expression.

Gu Nanyan looked at him for a while, and finally hooked his lips, his complexion softened a lot, and he put the two seals in his arms.

It's not that she is greedy for money. With her "capability", it is only a matter of time before she wants to make another tens of millions of taels of silver.

Or make another trip to the Daliang treasury...

She accepted Li Yi's seal, which meant that she further accepted this person, but she would not touch the money inside.

Seeing her accept the seal, Li Yi's eyes lit up.

Resisting the urge to grab her little watch for loyalty, he coughed lightly to change the subject: "Last night, Long Yi saw Ashlan sneaking out of the city gate with someone, but do you have something important to do?"

Hearing the joy in his tone, Gu Nanyan also raised the corners of his mouth in a good mood.

"Well, go get something back."

As for what to take, it will spread throughout the capital early in the morning.

"Do you need help?" Li Yi asked, probably knowing it.

"No, Ashlan can handle this kind of thing." Gu Nanyan's tone was much softer than usual, and he shook his head and refused.

Li Yi didn't ask any further questions, and sat quietly on the side drinking tea, his smile never fading from the beginning to the end.

Afterwards, the two of them didn't speak any more. The room was quiet, but it seemed exceptionally harmonious. It wasn't until night fell that Li Yi reluctantly left.

Gu Nanyan had dinner in a happy mood, and under the surprised gaze of Emperor Anyang, he sauntered back to the house humming a little tune.

That night, King Jing appeared at the gate of the post house in ragged clothes, already in a coma.

The guards guarding the gate hurriedly carried him in, and immediately ordered someone to invite the imperial doctor.

At this time, there were only five days before Queen Mother Shen's birthday banquet, but two shocking news came out of Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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