Chapter 340
"Thank you General, if the suspicion can really be cleared, I will definitely discipline the servants of the West Court, so that this kind of thing will never happen again."

Aunt Qiu thanked her with gratitude, her eyes still red.

Gu Nanyan watched coldly, and whispered a word to Yun Chu who was behind him, and Yun Chu retreated in response.

Gu Yao felt guilty in his heart, he didn't know what to say for a while, and the room fell silent.

After a while, Aunt Qiu was the first to break the silence.

"I have thought about it. Zhengkang has already married. Now that the children have reached the age of marriage, they will inevitably cause trouble if they stay in the general's mansion. When this matter is over, you can separate them out of the mansion." She said on her face. said with a smile.

"As for the concubine's body... I would like to ask the general to give me the grace to leave the mansion with Zhengkang."

It should be said that there are many people who do not separate their families after their children get married, but the relationship between the East and West houses has become more tense after this incident, and it is not beneficial to stay in the mansion.

Moreover, the name of her aunt does not live up to her name, and it doesn't matter whether she stays in the general's mansion or not.

When Gu Yao heard this, the hand holding the teacup paused.

He had discussed with Gu Nanyan before, since Gu Zhengkang was on the side of the Queen Mother and was stubborn, living in the mansion would inevitably implicate the innocent people in the whole mansion.

The two had this idea long ago, but they didn't want Aunt Qiu to bring it up first.

At this time, Gu Yao can push the boat along the way, but just now he knew that Aunt Qiu had been wronged, and it would be unreasonable for him to respond immediately.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Since you have this idea, Zhengkang is indeed a big boss, and it's okay to divide him out. At worst, you can divide him into [-]% of his property. It's just you..."

He looked at Aunt Qiu, who was much older, and thought of neglecting her all these years.

Although he didn't regret it, it was really cruel for a woman.

So Gu Yao thought it over and said: "You are getting old too, Zhengkang is... very busy now, so it is inevitable that he can't take care of you, if you want to stay in the mansion, I will ask someone to move your residence to the East Courtyard, there is a chance It’s good to have someone to take care of anything.”

If Gu Zhengkang really colluded with the Queen Mother to commit treason, Aunt Qiu lived in the General's Mansion and at least she would not be implicated.

Aunt Qiu was startled when she heard the words, her eyes turned red again after a while.

"I would like to thank the general for his concern. In this case, I will stay in the mansion for a few more days with the cheek. After Zhengkang finishes his busy days, I will move out to live with him."

Seeing that she didn't object, Gu Yao was relieved, and felt less guilty towards her.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, squinted at Gu Yao, and looked at Aunt Qiu with interest.

Nanny Ding didn't know where she ran and hid, and it would not take a day or two to find her, so Gu Yao wanted Aunt Qiu to go back and wait for news.

Unexpectedly, before he could speak, Yunchu came back.

After entering the room, she first glanced at Aunt Qiu, then cupped her hands at Gu Nanyan and said, "Princess Qi, Nurse Ding and her son Liu Dayong brought it here."

"Bring it here." Gu Nanyan looked indifferent, watching Aunt Qiu's reaction from the corner of her eyes.

After hearing Yun Chu's words, she was obviously stunned, and looked outside the door in disbelief.

Gu Yao was also surprised. He had just seen Yun Chu go out, but he didn't expect that she was looking for Nanny Ding and her son.

At the same time, he was puzzled. Logically speaking, since Nanny Ding had accomplices, she must have been hidden. He didn't understand how his granddaughter found them in such a short period of time.

Unless these two have been under the nose of their granddaughter all the time!

Gu Yao was very relieved, it seemed that she had discovered something was wrong early in the morning, and that was why she had people monitor Mother Ding and her son.

Two people dressed in black pressed Nanny Ding and Liu Dayong, who were in a panic, and disappeared without saying a word after delivering them.

Gu Nanyan looked down at Nanny Ding, who was holding her son's hand tightly, and her face was full of fear, without giving her the slightest time to react, she asked straightforwardly: "Aunt Qiu's poison was caused by you?"

Gu Yao's guess was right. She had already felt that something was wrong, but she had no one in her hands, so she asked Li Yi to send someone to observe secretly.

Aunt Qiu would eat a bowl of jelly-dried vegetables every morning, which has not changed for decades.

Although Nanny Ding was locked up, she struggled to walk a few steps due to her poor health, so the people who guarded her were a little lax, and she dozed off at dawn, and she slipped out.

Afterwards, she went to the kitchen in the west courtyard, and told the little girl who was about to cook jelly dishes that she would cook a few small dishes herself to repay the master's kindness.

The little girl recognized her, but she didn't know what she had done. She thought she had gone out to raise her for a few months and then came back, so she didn't doubt it. She took the money she handed over and happily went out to dodge.

Taking the opportunity to sprinkle the arsenic prepared in the morning on the swallow cup, before the sun was fully lit, Nanny Ding sneaked out of the house.

Unexpectedly, she was caught and locked up by Li Yi's men before she ran far. Her son was also locked up with her.

Hearing Gu Nanyan's question at this time, she kowtowed on the ground in fear.

"Everything is done by this old slave, and it's all the old slave's fault. Yong'er doesn't know anything, please let the general let him go!" She sobbed softly, the concern for her son in her eyes did not seem to be fake.

"So, what Aunt Qiu said is true?" Gu Nanyan didn't soften at all, picked up the teacup and brushed off the tea powder on it.

She looked at Nanny Ding coldly: "Then tell me, who is the master behind you, and why did you let me poison my grandmother!"

Gu Nan made a high-pitched sound at the end of the cigarette, and suddenly snarled.

Liu Dayong was just an ordinary commoner, who had never seen such a battle before, and was already trembling with nervousness, but was almost knocked over by Gu Nanyan's fright.

Nanny Ding was also taken aback, she pursed her lips and still held her son's hand tightly.

"This old slave has never seen the true face of his master, he always covers his face, as to why he poisoned Mrs. Gu..."

She glanced at Gu Yao, and murmured: "I heard from him that the old slave seems to be trying to frame her because my aunt has offended someone."

When she said this, she didn't even look at Aunt Qiu, she just stared at the ground.

Aunt Qiu was very surprised: "My concubine has been in the general's mansion for so many years and rarely goes out. Even if she goes out, she will not stay outside for too long, and she has never had any conflicts with others. The people around her are all people in the general's mansion. Why come here?" Offend?"

"My aunt has always been kind-hearted. I don't have those vicious thoughts, so I naturally think that others don't." Nanny Ding suddenly raised her head and looked at Gu Yao.

"The man once said that the existence of my aunt is like a thorn in the flesh. Although she lives in a corner, it is really an eyesore. Only by removing her can his master be happy!"

"He also said that as long as he put the medicine he gave to the old slave in the old lady's meal, he would give the old slave a large sum of money for retirement."

"Although the old slave is greedy for money, he doesn't want to kill anyone, so he wants to reject him, but the man reassures the old slave, saying that his medicine is just to make people look weaker, and it won't hurt the root. He also told the old slave ..."

She looked up at Gu Yao, gritted her teeth as if she had made up her mind, and said, "He also said that he would not kill his master!"

As soon as she said this, Gu Yao was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he realized who the master of the person she was talking about was.

"Presumptuous!" Gu Yao was furious after thinking about it.

"The dog slave dares to slander the mistress, I will see that you are impatient!"

He naturally didn't believe Nanny Ding's words, his face flushed with anger, he was glad that he had the foresight, felt that this was a family scandal, and should not be publicized, so he dismissed the servants who served him early.

Aunt Qiu was also stunned for a moment, then she seemed to be more angry than Gu Yao, she grabbed the hot tea cup and threw it towards Nanny Ding.

"The old lady has taken good care of the west courtyard for many years. She has never been biased towards Zhengkang, and even treats Zhengkang as her own. If there are any children in the east courtyard, they will definitely prepare a copy for Zhengkang."

She got up angrily, and You kicked her down in a puzzling way.

"If the old lady really can't tolerate us in the west courtyard, why bother, she can drive us out of the house with just one word!"

Aunt Qiu's eyes were burning, as if she was the one being accused.

Gu Nanyan looked at her quietly, her eyes getting colder and colder.

(End of this chapter)

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