Chapter 341

"But if you are driven away directly, the old lady's reputation will be ruined!" Nanny Ding wailed.

"Auntie is too kind-hearted to be calculated like this."

"You, you shut up!" Aunt Qiu staggered two steps while clutching her chest, her face was livid, as if she was very angry.

"Back then, I thought you were pitiful. When I recruited you into the mansion, even if you did something wrong, I never drove you out of the mansion because of your love for Zhengkang's grandma."

"Tell me, I'm sorry for you!" she demanded.

"You knew perfectly well that I was not treated well by the general when I entered the mansion, and you have seen how cautiously I have lived these years, but now you say such things, wouldn't you trap me in injustice?!"

"This makes me have the face to stay in the General's Mansion in the future, is this how you repay me!"

After finishing speaking, two lines of hot tears rolled down Aunt Qiu's eyes, she sat on the chair with her buttocks clutching her chest, and sobbed softly.

Gu Yao's face was very ugly, and his eyes towards Nanny Ding became colder and colder.

Gu Nanyan almost sneered.

These two people sing and compose very well, they can act better than the actors on the stage.

I thought Gu Yao would say something, but both grandparents and grandchildren didn't make a sound, so Nanny Ding didn't know how to continue.

Even Aunt Qiu's crying gradually weakened, and she sat there in embarrassment wiping her tears.

"Go on." Gu Nanyan said leisurely.

"I just got excited, don't stop."

She looked like she was watching a play with Erlang's legs crossed, which made Nanny Ding's eyes widen in astonishment.

Aunt Qiu stopped wiping her tears, and her complexion returned to normal in an instant.

She lowered her eyelids, and finally said after a while: "Nurse Ding slanders the old lady with nonsense, it's really hateful, it's better to send her to the government for interrogation, and return the old lady's innocence, as for Liu Dayong..."

"Since the poisoning is also related to him, it is natural to send it together. If you want to be tortured, he will definitely tell the truth..."

"No!" Nanny Ding was horrified, looking at her trembling son beside her, she took a few steps on her knees, grabbed Aunt Qiu's skirt and kowtowed a few times.

"This matter has nothing to do with my son, I hope Auntie will forgive me!"

Aunt Qiu sighed slowly: "I am no longer in charge of this matter. Since you dare to do such a thing, you should know the consequences."

After saying that, she shook her head sadly and brushed her hand away.

"If I had known today, it would be better if I died a few months ago, and I would save my children from being hurt."

Hearing her words, Gu Nanyan squinted his eyes with a relaxed expression, and squinted at Aunt Qiu meaningfully.

Nanny Ding lost her support and lay limp on the ground.

She stared at Aunt Qiu in a daze, her expression a little dull.

Liu Dayong, who had been hiding behind her like a transparent person since entering the door, realized that she was wrong, and shouted cowardly: "Mother..."

Hearing this call, Nanny Ding burst into tears instantly.

She looked at her son's face with tears in her eyes, and stretched out her rough hands to straighten his messy hair.

"My son, I'm sorry for you..."

Nanny Ding has a pungent temper, and it was the first time Liu Dayong saw his mother's expression like this, and his eyes were full of reluctance when he looked at him.

He panicked in his heart, feeling as if something bad was about to happen, the man in his early thirties was at a loss like a child.

Nanny Ding smiled at him, didn't say anything, wiped away her tears and never looked at him again, and kowtowed to Aunt Qiu a few times when she turned her head.

"Whether Auntie believes it or not, what this old slave said is true." She said firmly.

"It's just that this old slave knows that he owes his aunt a lot, and because of a moment of greed, he did something wrong, so he really has no face to face it. Now that the truth is revealed, I only ask you to save Yong'er's life, so that this old slave will be a bully in his next life." The horse will pay back!"

After finishing speaking, she took a deep look at the person in front of her, and then quickly got up, her movements were so agile that she didn't look like a seriously ill person, and she slammed her head into the pillar of the study.

Gu Yao was so shocked that he didn't have time to stop her, and watched her bump into him helplessly.

Gu Nanyan's figure flashed, and he quickly stepped forward and grabbed the bun on the back of her head.

"It's a good plan. Do you think that once you die, the crime will fall firmly on grandma's head?"

Seeing the dazed look of Ding Momo who fell to the ground due to inertia, she grinned and showed a cruel smile.

"You don't want to live, and you don't want the life of your son?"

Before everyone could react, she pulled out a dagger from behind and stabbed it in Liu Dayong's leg.

With a heart-wrenching wail, Liu Dayong fell to the ground holding his bleeding leg.

"Yonger!" Nanny Ding was in severe pain in her heart, she ran over without thinking about her painful buttocks.

Wiping the dagger in his hand on Liu Dayong, Gu Nanyan stood up expressionlessly.

"This knife is a warning. If you really die here, I promise that he will go down to accompany you immediately."

Her voice was as calm as water, as if it wasn't her who poked a hole in someone's body just now.

Nanny Ding looked at her in shock, and her subordinates did not forget to plug the hole in her son's leg.

"How can the princess hurt people at will!" Seeing her son's face turned pale in pain, her heart ached beyond measure.

"The old slave said that my son doesn't know anything, he is innocent!"

Gu Nanyan sneered: "I don't know if you have heard such a saying, when there is an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."

Pointing at Liu Dayong with a dagger, she said, "His biggest mistake was giving birth to your son."

Nanny Ding didn't dare to let others see the prescription, so she could only ask her son for help, she must have told him to keep it a secret, and her behavior was bound to be sneaky.

Liu Dayong is such an old man, and he is not a three-year-old child, so how could he not see it.

It's just turning a blind eye.

In this way, if she is still innocent, then she can't even look at the word "innocent" directly!
"And don't forget that this is the General's Mansion, and don't forget my identity."

She made a fierce look and said: "If I want your son's life, do you think Aunt Qiu can keep him?"

"Let's not talk about mere aunts, it doesn't matter if you can get your grandparents to soften their hearts, as long as I am willing, I can kill him at any time!"

As her words fell, Nanny Ding's heart beat like a drum, her panting became louder, she squatted beside her son and dared not move.

Gu Nanyan was very satisfied, knowing that she would not seek death easily again, so she sat back on her seat, took the handkerchief Yun Chu handed over and wiped her hands.

"Actually, why do you waste time by singing this play, why not just say that it was deliberately framed by grandma."

Nanny Ding was resentful, but more of it was fear. She tried her best to suppress the emotions that were on the verge of collapse, and said with her lips tightly pressed together: "This old slave knows that the princess doesn't believe it..."

"So what if I believe it or not?" Gu Nanyan interrupted her and shook her head, "That's not the point, the point is whether I want to or not."

"What..." Nanny Ding was startled.

"What I mean is, even if what you just said is true, but if you offended grandfather and ruined grandmother's reputation, I can vent my anger on your son. This is my right as a princess."

Her tone was soft, she no longer called herself Ben Gong, and spoke to her like a girl next door, but it was even more terrifying and made people feel hairy.

Nanny Ding's face turned pale, and she murmured, "But you are a princess..."

"That's right, I'm a princess, so I can do whatever I want." She was surprised, "Why can't you see through these things after you have been in the general's mansion for so many years?"

It seemed natural, as if he had done this kind of thing.

Nanny Ding: "..."

Gu Yao: "..."

It's a bit...

It means to ruin the reputation of the general's mansion.

There is no one in the General's Mansion who is as unreasonable as you...

"Sister Nan is right, even the imperial court's law has a lot to say, and it is only natural for our general's mansion to deal with a not innocent son of a criminal slave." Gu Yao agreed, stroking his beard and sternly.

Although the granddaughter said something like a bandit, but as a grandfather, he can't hold her back, can he?
(End of this chapter)

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