Chapter 342
Although Aunt Qiu was a concubine, she lived like a fish in water in the west courtyard, never thought that one day she would be oppressed by a little girl with power.

Seeing that Nanny Ding began to waver, she concealed her uneasiness, and said with a dry smile: "Princess, I am joking. Although I live in the backyard all year round, I also know the truth that the emperor breaks the law and the common people. How can you kill innocent people..."

"I will." Gu Nanyan blinked.

"Who made me a princess?"

Aunt Qiu: "..."

The princess can't make it through this time, can she!

Aunt Qiu pulled the corner of her mouth stiffly: "The princess grew up in the general's mansion, how could she be such a person..."

Gu Nanyan sneered, "So what if you grew up in the General's Mansion?" She casually threw the handkerchief in her hand onto the small table.

"In the past few months I have been away, I have seen many soldiers who died on the battlefield. They only obeyed orders and went to the battlefield because of the desire of the superior. Are they innocent?"

"But ask your grandfather, once on the battlefield, will he show mercy just because the other party is forced to do so?"

Just like in the battle with Xihu, Utur was ambitious and wanted to expand eastward. He led various tribes to fight against the Jianan Kingdom, which made the people's livelihood difficult.

Those who went to war with him, there is no shortage of forced helpless people like the Heda tribe of the Ashlan tribe.

But once a war breaks out, where will there be time to analyze who is innocent one by one.

Moreover, no matter how innocent a person is, in order to protect himself on the battlefield, he has no choice but to wield a big knife to kill the enemy.

Gu Yao nodded, agreeing with his granddaughter's words.

He stroked his beard and said: "The two armies are fighting for their own masters, and they are inherently opposed. If there is mercy in the heart, it is likely that more and more innocent people will suffer."

"Just like what Sister Nan said just now, no snowflake is innocent during an avalanche."

He sighed, and looked at Gu Nanyan with a look of relief.

Then he said to Nanny Ding with a straight face: "Mrs. Ding, for the sake of being Zhengkang's nurse, I will give you another chance to tell the truth, otherwise..."

He squinted his eyes, and the killing spirit from years of fighting on the battlefield poured out.

"You don't need Sister Nan to do anything, I will personally take Liu Dayong's life!"

Don't blame him for being ruthless, if his granddaughter hadn't stopped her just now, Nanny Ding would have already crashed into a pillar and died.

A good person died in his study, which inevitably aroused suspicion.

Coupled with the deliberate spread by those with a heart, the general's mansion will definitely panic. If someone takes advantage of the loopholes, under the current situation, it may involve the lives of hundreds of people in the whole mansion!

Gu Yao looked at Aunt Qiu sharply, with no regrets in her heart.

Mother Ding swayed when she heard the words, and looked at her master in panic, but saw that the other party's face was uglier than her.

"What does the general mean by looking at me like this?" Aunt Qiu met Gu Yao's gaze and pursed her lips tightly.

"Could it be possible to suspect that it was my concubine's instigation at this time?"

She closed her eyes, as if she was very hurt: "I have kept myself safe for more than [-] years, and now half of my foot is in the coffin, so what good is it for me to stir up disputes? Does the general distrust me so much?"

"Of course it is beneficial." Before Gu Yao could answer, Gu Nanyan took the lead in lowering his eyes.

"At least because of grandfather's guilt towards you, even if Gu Zhengkang is separated, he will keep you in the mansion and let you continue to plan the next thing."

She raised her head and looked at her with a half-smile: "Am I right, Mrs. Lu?"

Hearing Gu Nanyan address her, Aunt Qiu's heart was shocked, and she stood up abruptly.

"You, what are you talking about, my maiden name is Qiu..."

"Yeah, sister Nan, did you call her wrong? You should call her Qiushi." Gu Yao wondered, thinking that his granddaughter got confused and got the wrong name.

"I don't know what your surname is?" Gu Nanyan curled her lips, "Since I can call you Lu Shi, I must have found out something, and there is no need to pretend."

Aunt Qiu tried to deny it with a pale face, but before she could speak, she was interrupted by Gu Nanyan waving her hand.

"But that's not the point. Let's settle the matter of Nanny Ding first."

After she finished speaking, she didn't look at Aunt Qiu who was in a state of confusion, and asked Nanny Ding: "Are you sure that you were the only one who did this from the beginning to the end, even if you contacted that little beggar and colluded with outsiders? "

Nanny Ding hesitated for a while, looked at her master, and then at her son beside her, she lowered her head and said nothing.

Gu Nanyan didn't care about her answer, and asked someone to bring over the box of poisoned jelly.

Seeing the faintly reddish white powder on the layer, she smiled ironically at the corner of her mouth.

"As we all know, arsenic can be used as both medicine and poison. As long as it is as big as a fingernail, it can poison several people to death."

She covered her mouth and nose, knocked the exquisitely packaged wooden box on the edge of the table, and the powder on the swallow cup was shaken to the bottom of the box.

"There must be two or two in it, may Madam Ding want to poison the entire West Courtyard?" She asked with a half-smile.

Arsenic can be bought at any pharmacy, and most people buy it alone to poison rats.

Because its toxicity is very strong, it can be used for a long time with a small amount of money, and few people buy it in large quantities.

Not to mention that for such a highly poisonous substance, the doctor at the pharmacy will carefully instruct the dosage. Even if this Nanny Ding is no brainer, she will not pour a whole bag of arsenic into it foolishly.

Unless she is deliberately trying to attract the attention of others!

"Besides, the little girl in the kitchen in the West Courtyard was about to cook Aunt Qiu's jelly, if you really wanted to poison her, why didn't you put it in the cooked jelly, if you insisted on putting it in a box, then you won't be afraid that the servants will eat it by mistake. Or sprinkle it out and harm others, scaring the snakes?"

Arsenic, also known as Hedinghong in ancient times, is a poison that seals the throat when it sees blood, and even a little inhalation can cause discomfort.

Not to mention that the person in charge of picking up the Yanzhan will definitely wipe his hands all over, and then go to the kitchen to touch the middle and the west, no one will be tricked!
"Perhaps she was nervous, and it is possible that she lost her position for a while." Aunt Qiu interjected, her expression much calmer than before.

"You would defend her."

Gu Nanyan taunted, and at the same time praised the woman's mentality is really good, she has been kicked out of the bottom, and she is still like a normal person.

"Even if she lost her position due to nervousness, it only shows that the poisoning was not a well-thought-out plan, but a temporary idea."

Gu Nanyan shook the box in his hand.

"Then where did the arsenic come from? You must know that she has been locked up these days, and she was searched before she was locked up."

Regardless of Aunt Qiu's changing expression, she washed the hands of the copper basin that Yun Chu brought over.

After slowly wiping off the water drops on her hands, Gu Nanyan continued: "I have had someone check it out, and only the maid around you has visited her these days, presumably it was at that time that the arsenic was handed over to her. .”

"Don't be too quick to deny it."

She raised her hand again to stop Aunt Qiu from denying her words, and said calmly: "It's not difficult to find out, as long as people go to the pharmacy and ask one by one, they will know who the person who bought the arsenic is."

With such a large purchase volume, the pharmacy clerk must be very impressed with that person.

Even if you buy in small quantities from several pharmacies, you have to go to a lot of places to collect the real amount, and there will always be one or two with a good memory.

And Gu Nanyan was sure that it was Aunt Qiu who ordered Nanny Ding!
As soon as this incident happened, Aunt Qiu was afraid of being exposed and dared not contact her accomplices outside, and because she didn't know much about Gu Nanyan, her sudden intervention made her feel uncertain. She was afraid that things would change, so she made such a move in a hurry .

Otherwise, with her temperament of being able to endure for more than [-] years, she would never have made such a plan full of mistakes and omissions.

Since she was in a hurry and had no chance to contact people outside, the only person who could help her buy arsenic was from the West Courtyard.

Or it could be Gu Zhengkang's staff.

(End of this chapter)

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