Chapter 348
The price is really not low.

Some gold and silver jewelry are only worth a thousand taels of silver, and there are some more precious three or four thousand taels.

This is something only a lady from a very rich family can afford to wear. 1 taels is obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

It's just that Gu Nanyan seems to like it very much, but Mrs. Gu doesn't feel distressed. She wishes she could buy it, so that it can be regarded as a decent piece of jewelry.

Mrs. Guo also thought the same way. Gu Nanyan was the only girl in their east courtyard, but she was dressed more plainly than the two boys in her family, but she was worried about losing a lot of hair.

Seeing that my niece likes it now, she doesn't care about bargaining, so she hurriedly said: "I think this necklace is quite suitable for you. If you like it, you can buy it. Auntie will give it to you!"

In fact, this blue color is more suitable for older women, even she feels a bit old.

However, it is rare for Sister Nan to be interested in jewellery, so this cannot dissuade her enthusiasm.

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, and looked at other objects.

Originally, the shopkeeper saw that the two elders were very cheerful, and was still secretly happy, but seeing that the master was silent, he felt uneasy again.

Could it be that his price has been raised?

He weighed it for a moment, afraid that the duck in his mouth would fly away, and quickly put on a flesh-cutting expression: "If the distinguished guests sincerely want it, I will make a decision to reduce it by another 9000%. You can take [-] taels of silver. This is a unique price. Yes, it also depends on the kindness of the two ladies towards the younger generation."

This is true, with such a high price, no matter how rich or noble people are, they would have to weigh it, but these two did not hesitate at all.

The shopkeeper's exclamation, it seems that the rumor that this man is extremely favored in the general's mansion is indeed true.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, but remained silent, looking at the necklace more often.

After a while, the shopkeeper dropped another 500 taels of silver.

"Miss, I don't know, this sapphire is a set of clothes, but the price is too high, the owner had to disassemble it and sell it. The price is already extremely low."

The shopkeeper, who originally wanted to earn some kickbacks, said helplessly.

This kind of treasure was originally used to support the scene.

This sapphire has a deep color, and it is not suitable for young ladies to wear it. Older women seldom go out to socialize.

At the beginning, the necklace was indeed priced at 9000 taels. Later, the owner lowered the price one after another, and finally dropped it to [-] taels.

There are many more people watching, but still no one is willing to buy it.

The owner felt that it was not worthwhile to lower the price, so he asked him to keep it.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, put her eyes on the necklace, and said seemingly unintentionally: "The head and face, why don't you take out the other parts together?"

Jewelry is naturally a complete set, and I already know that there are other parts, so it would be a pity if I only took the necklace away.

"To be honest, the master only sent this necklace, and the rest should still be with the master."

He paused for a moment, then thought about it: "If the distinguished guest wants to see it, how about I go and ask?"

Although a complete set of jewelry is more valuable than a single piece, people may just take a look at it, but they will not be tempted.

Adding the hair crown, gold hairpin and earrings, the whole set can get 5 to [-] taels of silver!

If he really sells it, he can get hundreds of taels of commission, which is worth his salary for a year.

At this time, there were already more customers in the store, and he didn't care about greeting other people, so he hurried out the door.

They put a lot of good things on the table, and the shopkeeper specially asked them to treat Gu Nanyan well, so he arranged them to a private room.

The private room is on the second floor, ordinary people can't go up there, it's a place for nobles to rest their feet.

Some noble ladies who don't like to show their faces will tell the waiter their requirements, and they will be brought up for selection.

Going up to the second floor, there is a screen at the entrance of the stairs, mainly to prevent people downstairs from prying.

When Gu Nanyan passed by, a figure flashed behind the screen, she paused, and then followed Mrs. Gu into the private room as if nothing had happened.

After a while, a slender figure walked out from behind the screen, staring at the door of the private room thoughtfully.

"Eldest sister, what are you looking at?" The delicate girl's voice sounded, and her arm was held.

"It's nothing, I seem to see my grandmother." She smiled, and then looked behind her, Yu Jia, the daughter of Yu Weisheng, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who was walking slowly.

"Isn't grandma locked up?" the girl wondered.

"I mean the one in the east courtyard." She looked away.

These two are Gu Zhengkang's two daughters, Gu Peiling and Gu Peilan.

Hearing that he was from the East Courtyard, the smile on Gu Peilan's face faded a lot.

"Didn't the old godly woman never go shopping, why is she in such a good mood today?"

She curled her lips and said: "Could it be that something happened to grandma, she is happy in her heart."

Gu Peiling shook her head, thinking of the Kamikaze Army waiting in front of the door, her eyes darkened: "Xu came out to choose jewelry with Sister Nanyan, didn't you say that King Sheng is going to come to the General's Mansion to propose marriage?"

Speaking of this, the faces of both of them were not good-looking.

Their father is the concubine of the family, and his official position is low. Gu Peiling has already reached the age of talking about marriage, but she can't be high or low, and she has never talked about a good family.

A while ago, Gu Zhengkang had somehow won the favor of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Not only was he transferred to the Ministry of Officials as a servant, but he also invited a matchmaker to come to his door to make a marriage proposal, and wanted Gu Peiling to marry his son-in-law.

Gu Peiling was overwhelmed with surprise, and responded shyly to her mother's question.

Originally, because of this marriage, she gained some face among the little sisters, and she also gained more confidence in the people of the East Court.

After all, it is difficult for a military general to be promoted, and the official positions of the first house and the second house are not as high as those of the Ministry of Officials, and the entire general's mansion is supported by Gu Yao alone.

In this case, even though Gu Yao was made the Duke of Zhen not long ago, the eldest house who will inherit the title in the future does not have a daughter. Although the second house has Gu Nanyan, Gu Shen is not qualified to inherit the title. Unless he marries a member of the royal family, otherwise In the future, he may not be better than her in marriage.

This made Gu Peiling feel that she was superior to the East Court. In the gatherings of the little sisters, she often belittled Gu Nanyan, saying that she was a woman who was uncomfortable in public all day long, and no one dared to marry her.

Unexpectedly, before he was happy for a few days, there were rumors in Beijing that King Cheng had taken a fancy to Gu Nanyan and would come to propose marriage soon!
Facing the veiled sarcasm from the little sisters, Gu Peiling almost lost her breath, and lost her original expectations for her marriage.

He even hated Gu Nanyan for stealing his limelight.

As for Gu Peilan, when holding a palace banquet before, she mistook the sedan chair sent by the emperor to pick up Gu Nanyan as the one to pick her up, she lost a lot of face, and it took a long time at home to count it as a thing of the past.

Therefore, compared to her sister, she hates Gu Nanyan more.

"Why is there her everywhere? It's a shame that mother let us go out to relax." Gu Peilan said dissatisfied.

A lot of things happened in the past few days. First, Aunt Qiu was locked up, and then Gu Zhengkang was beaten so badly that his whole body was bruised, his leg was broken, and he couldn't even get out of bed.

The west courtyard seemed to be covered by a layer of haze, everyone panicked, and the master was not much better.

Seeing that the two daughters were also frowning, Gu Zhengkang's wife gave them money and went out for a walk.

It so happened that the two met Yu Jia, the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who went out to choose jewelry, so they came with her.

Yu Jia, who was walking slowly, heard them mention the east courtyard, and looked curiously in the direction of the private room.

Just at this time the waiter brought new tea, Gu Peilan raised her hand to stop him and asked, "I am Miss General's Mansion, I saw my grandmother enter the private room just now, what did they buy and how much money did they spend?"

The news that their room was going to be separated spread out yesterday, although Gu Yao hadn't talked to them about it yet, but Gu Peilan kept an eye on it.

The guy recognized Yu Jia who was standing on one side, so he didn't doubt her identity.

"The old lady only chose a few simple jewelry, and the eldest lady is similar. The total is less than 2000 taels of silver."

(End of this chapter)

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