Chapter 349
"So many!" Gu Peilan exclaimed, and then looked angrily at the private room.

The general's mansion is only 6000 taels in January, so what does the old godly woman mean!
Does this mean that they don't want to give them more three rooms and come out to spread the money?

Gu Peiling was also dissatisfied, but because of Yu Jia's presence, she had to put on airs not to care too much, but her face turned darker.

That guy was a newcomer, he had just arrived in the capital and didn't know much about the General's Mansion, so he didn't hear the dissatisfaction in Gu Peilan's words.

"That's not too much. The accompanying lady also brought in a lot of treasures. The cheapest ones cost several thousand taels. The sapphire necklace in her picture cost tens of thousands of taels of silver. I heard that the whole set would cost a few thousand taels." This number."

The clerk stretched out five fingers from under the tray, flatteringly said: "Our shopkeeper has already gone to get the other parts of the head. It really is worthy of the General's Mansion, and ordinary people can't afford this."

As soon as the clerk finished speaking, Sister Gu Peilan gasped.

Even Gu Peiling, who was pretending to be calm, couldn't help but twist her face.

"Grandmother is just messing around. King Cheng hasn't come to propose marriage yet, so why should he buy such an expensive dowry for her!"

Since my father was promoted to the position of minister, many people have come to flatter me, and the money of their third house has been a lot looser, and money is credited to the account every day.

Even so, the dowry her mother prepared for her was only changed from a few hundred taels to more than 1000 taels.

But this Gu Nanyan, who hasn't even settled on a marriage, wants to buy tens of thousands of dollars in money. If this gets out, how can she, Gu Peiling, have the face to go out!
"That's right, at the same time, Miss General's Mansion, that old...grandmother is too eccentric. Isn't she always fair in dealing with things? It turned out that she was just trying to show her skills, and she didn't know how much benefit she secretly gained for the East Hospital."

The old godly woman almost said something, but Gu Peilan changed her words in time when she saw that there were outsiders beside her.

Only then did the guy realize that something was wrong, he was startled to realize that he had slipped his tongue, and stood there awkwardly for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Yu Jia twitched the corners of her mouth and walked forward, smiled at the waiter and said, "Hurry up and take the tea, it's very cold, if you delay it, it will be cold."

She looked at Sister Gu Peilan and smiled kindly: "As for the two younger sisters, brother, it's better not to tell the people inside about them. It will save both parties from being unhappy, and it will also affect your business."

The guy had already seen that they were at odds, and he was afraid that a quarrel would affect this big business, so naturally he wished that the two sides would not meet.

Seeing Yu Jia's kind attitude, he was busy thanking him a thousand times.

After he left, Yu Jia pursed her lips and smiled seeing that Gu Peilan's sisters were still angry.

"The two sisters don't need to be angry. It's just a set of jewelry. If you like it, let the shopkeeper get another set."

Sisters Gu Peilan didn't make a sound, they naturally liked it, but although the moon silver of the west courtyard was paid by the palace, other expenses were separated from the east and west courtyards, and Gu Zhengkang's monthly income was also kept by the west courtyard itself.

They can't spend so much money to buy a set of clothes.

Yu Jia heard his father talk about the situation of the Gu family, and seeing them in distress at this moment, he immediately figured out why.

She stepped forward to grab Gu Peiling's jealous trembling hand, patted it lightly, and said meaningfully: "Since it is public money, if she can make it, you can naturally do it too."

"If you don't have enough money, it's a big deal to choose the one you like, take the things back first, and then let the silver man go to the general's mansion to get the silver."

"Madam Gu has always been a bowl of water, she will definitely not refuse to pay you this little money."

Gu Peiling's eyes lit up when she heard this, she was obviously very moved.

She looked in the direction of the private room and hesitated: "Although that's the case, will the shopkeeper agree to credit such a valuable thing?"

"Why don't you want to." Yu Jia's eyes flickered, "Madam Gu is still here, she won't run away."


In the private room, Gu Nanyan, whose hearing was higher than that of ordinary people, could hear the conversation of the three of them clearly, but did not expose them. After a few instructions to Yun Xi, the old god continued to choose jewelry.

Speaking of picking, she just picked the most expensive one to buy.

Slapping the money just taken out from the bank on the table, Gu Nanyan waved his big hand and selected four or five pieces of jewelry one after another. Each piece was priced at more than 5000 taels of silver.

Half an hour later, there was a sound of trotting on the stairs outside the private room. The shopkeeper stood at the door and took a breath.

The one who came in with him was also the owner of the silver building.

Gu Nanyan looked at Prince Xianyang, who had lost weight for a long time, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"This silver building is yours?"

Li Pinggui still looked cheerful and shrinking his head, but the flesh on his face was gone, and his complexion looked very haggard.

"It's not." He smiled.

"I heard from the shopkeeper that you came to the store, so I followed you to have a look."

Gu Nanyan was noncommittal: "It's a coincidence."

"I wonder which prodigal son waits for money so much, and sells all this ancestral treasure, and after a long time, it turns out to be you." She pointed to the sapphire necklace in front of her, and said with a half-smile.

Such things as gemstones are not common in the market.

What's more, this is a sapphire. Its color is so good that it is not much worse than the most precious ruby. Normally, it is only found in the palace. This is why Gu Nanyan frowned at first.

She looked at Li Pinggui, even though he was also a member of the royal family, it might be really rare to take out this thing.

Li Pinggui's heart skipped a beat when she saw her, and he changed the subject with a dry smile.

"Look at what you said, how did this king become a prodigal son?"

He winked at the shopkeeper, who quickly put down the brocade boxes in his hand and opened them one by one.

"It's not that you don't know that my county palace has always been low-key. Although my county princess is powerful, she doesn't like such luxurious things. Instead of putting them in the corner and collecting dust, it's better to sell them to those in need. I can also Change some silver, don't you?"

After finishing speaking, he hecked twice, rubbed his hands together with a fawning look, and said, "Of course, if Miss Gu wants it, it's okay to not accept money."

He was speaking politely, but Gu Nanyan was so focused that he didn't hear it at all, and his eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"You mean to give it away for free?" What else is this good thing?
Faced with her expectant eyes, Li Pinggui: "..."

Seems like I did something stupid...

Hearing that Gu Nanyan was coming early in the morning, he ran over without even washing his face.

By the way, I took out a few more treasures from the warehouse.

Along the way, he imagined various situations and ways to deal with them, just because he knew that this guy was very rich, so he wanted to get rid of all the goods at the bottom of the box.

But after all the calculations, she forgot to take her picky temper into account!
Li Pinggui twisted his face in confusion.

He had a premonition that if he dared to take back what he just said, he might be beaten up, and he might die!
But if she really gave such an expensive thing to her, it would be the same as killing him...

When Li Pinggui was debating whether he wanted money or his life, Mrs. Guo on the side tugged Gu Nanyan.

She said apologetically, "Miss Nan is just joking with you, she is not the one who doesn't pay money for shopping." After that, she laughed dryly.

Li Pinggui: →_→ Isn’t it?

Then I look at it, you have no confidence at all when you say this!
Gu Nanyan curled her lips, quite disdainful of his "small family spirit" exuding from the inside out.

"If you don't give it away, you won't give it away. It's not that I can't afford it. Look at your frightened face and your face has faded."

She squinted at him contemptuously: "Those who didn't know thought that your daughter-in-law ran away with someone, and the son is not his own..."

Li Pinggui: "..."

Shopkeeper: "..."

Mrs. Gu, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: "..."

Otherwise, he would die with this girl!
(End of this chapter)

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